100字范文 > 饮用水 drinking water英语短句 例句大全

饮用水 drinking water英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-18 08:33:23


饮用水 drinking water英语短句 例句大全

饮用水,drinking water

1)drinking water饮用水

1.Isolation and identification of microcystis in Zhengzhou maindrinking water source;郑州市主要生活饮用水源中微囊藻细胞的分离培养与毒性鉴定

2.Research and analysis for biological stabilization indrinking water distribution system;饮用水管网生物稳定性分析

3.Study on the genetic toxicity of disinfection by-products indrinking water;饮用水消毒副产物的遗传毒性研究


1.To give drinking water to.提供饮水向…提供饮用水

2.Survey of periodic safety of barreled drinking water in Jining City市售桶装饮用水饮用周期安全性调查

3.The Drinking Water Price of Safety Drinking in Rural Area and the Post-evaluation of Drinking Project农村安全饮用水水价及饮水工程后评价

4.We need numerous drinking water.我们需要大量的饮用水。

5.All drinking water must be filtered.饮用水均须过滤净化.

6.and should never be added to drinking water.永远不能掺入饮用水。

7.fluoride is added to drinking water.饮用水中都添加氟。

8.abstraction for potable water supply抽取作可饮用水的供应

9.Drinking water for survival craftGB8244-1987救生艇筏饮用水

10.a device for cooling and dispensing drinking water.冷却、分发饮用水的装置。

11.drinking water system inspection certificate饮用水系统检验证书

12.Salt water is already entering the country"s drinking water supply.海水已经侵入该国饮用水供水系统。

13.The protection of drinking water source to safeguard the quantity and quality of water.饮用水源保护和水量、水质保证。

14.The Present Water Quality and Its Prediction of the Feed Water Source in Kuitun City;奎屯市饮用水源水质现状与水质预测

15.Planning for the Protection of Reservior Drinking Water Sources水库饮用水水源地保护规划编制探讨

16.It can disinfect for quote water, beverage"s water, ice manufacture"s water, cool beverage water.可为引用水,饮料水,制冰水,清凉饮料用水杀毒.

17.bubbler:a drinking fountain. Used especially in Wisconsin.饮水机:饮用喷泉,尤其用于威斯康星州。

18.Drinking natural mineral waterGB8537-1995饮用天然矿泉水


potable water饮用水

1.Connotation in hygienies and value in health protection of naturalpotable water;天然饮用水的卫生学含义与保健医疗价值

anotin problem inpotable water and its countermeasures;饮用水的有机锡问题及对策

3)Drink Water饮用水

1.A method for the determination of lead and chromium in drink water by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry has been presented.拟定了用HNO3-H2 O2 消化样品 ,以钯盐作基体改进剂 ,用石墨炉原子吸收测定饮用水中Pb和Cr的分析方法。

2.The drink water pollued by waste water were analyzed with capillary gas chromatography-mass spectra detector.本文用GC/MSD分析了因受辛硫磷等农药生产废水污染导致有异味的地下饮用水,并用质谱解析的方法确定了四种辛硫磷杂质,降解、代谢物等的结

3.The technology of drink water treatment and equipments to be used in Chinese countryside must be low costs and convenient for use in order to suit with the rural level of economic development and water pollution status.我国农村的社会经济水平、自然条件和水源污染状况,决定了适用于农村的饮用水净化技术和设备必须满足价格低廉、操作简单和适于不同规模分散农户的要求。


1.Study on Major DBPs by Chlorine inDrinking-water in Changsha;长沙市饮用水氯化消毒剂主要副产物的监测结果分析

2.The drinking-water of the citizens takes a very small proportion in the total quantity of the water used in life.城市居民饮用水占生活用水的比例很小。

3.The safety of drinking-water is a important topic in the world.饮用水安全是全球共同关注的话题,世界各国均有专门部门进行饮水安全评价和相关规范标准的制定。

5)tap water饮用水

anic chemical compound intap water research in Harbin urban area and the solution countermeasure;哈尔滨市区饮用水有机化合物研究及解决对策

2.In Huai Nan areatap water aluminum content determination research;淮南地区饮用水中铝含量的测定研究

3.The relation between fluorine concentration intap water and in urine shows a good correlation with a linear regression coefficient of 0.对中国22个城市、2个直辖市和饮水氟含量极高的河北省霸州地区4个村庄的饮用水氟含量与当地18岁左右居民尿氟含量进行相关性分析。

6)potable water可饮用水饮用水


《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749—1985)《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749—1985)Sanitary Standards for Drinking WaterShenghuo YinyongshuiW七isheng Bicozhun《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB 5749一1985)(%26矶。。叮Sta爪么几‘fo;刀“吐吨叭攻r)生活饮用水系指人类饮用和日常生活用水,不包括水生物用水以及特殊用途的水。该标准是基于人们终生用水的安全,关于饮用水安全和卫生的技术法规,是城市供水水质的依据,于1986年实施。规定了水质标准和卫生要求,分4大类35项指标及指标的最高限值。细菌学指标是代表饮用水微生物学安全的检测项目,包括细菌总数、总大肠菌群和游离余抓。感官性状和一般化学指标是保障饮用水感官性状良好的重要项目,包括色、浑浊度、臭和味、肉眼可见物、州值、总硬度、铁、锰、铜、锌、挥发酚类、阴离子合成洗涤剂、硫酸盐、叙化物和溶解性总固体。毒理学指标是防止饮用水造成急性和慢性中毒所规定的项目,包括氟化物、氛化物、砷、硒、汞、锡、铬、铅、银、硝酸盐、抓仿、四抓化碳、苯并(a)花、滴滴涕和六六六。放射性指标规定了总Q放射性和总日放射性的参考值。此外,还对水源选择、水源卫生防护和水质检验作了具体规定。(秦枉慧)
