100字范文 > 想象能力 imagination英语短句 例句大全

想象能力 imagination英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-27 08:21:14


想象能力 imagination英语短句 例句大全



1.How to cultivate studentsimagination in basic writing;基础写作中想象能力的培养

2.Cultivating theimagination of students in piano teaching钢琴教学中学生想象能力的培养

3.Several respects,should bepaid attention to first,pa y attention to the cultivation of different thinking; second,excite the full pl ay ofimagination; third,encourage the query spirit rich in the original idea.为了培养学生的创造性思维,在古代文学教学中应注意下面几个方面:一,注重求异思维的培养;二,激发想象能力的发挥;三,鼓励富有创见的质疑精神。


1.Train the envision ability of the students, and innovation ability, transpire their thoughts.培养学生的想象能力,创新能力,发散性思维。

2.On educating the imagination of the students in the chinese teaching progress;也谈语文教学中培养学生的想象能力

3.Developing Students Space Imaginary Abilities in the Teaching of Geometry;几何教学中培养空间想象能力的探索与实践

4.Research about Space Vector s Impact on Students Ability of Space Imagination;空间向量对学生空间想象能力影响的研究

5.To Train the Student s Ability to Imagine in the Reading and Writing Education;阅读与写作教学中对学生想象能力的培育

6.Investigations of Mathematics Education and of Student’s Space Visionary Relation;几何教学与学生空间想象能力关系的调查研究

7.Teaching Strategies in Fostering Students Mathematics Space Imagining Ability;培养学生数学空间想象能力的教学策略

8.Training Students′ Space Imagination In Mechanical Drawing Teaching;在机械制图教学中培养学生空间想象能力

9.Explicit Image Idea and Rich Imagination --Mode and Rule of Thinking in Descriptive Writing;明确的形象观念和丰富的想象能力——描写的思维形式与规律

10.Imagination bodies forth the forms of things unknown.想象力能使未知事物的形象呈现出来

11.The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up;imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.想象力心智机能,能产生想法、幻想、想象;想象,尤指有异想天开或空想的特性的

12."Fancy:The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.""想象力:心智机能,能产生想法、幻想、想象;想象,尤指有异想天开或空想的特性的."

13.Of, relating to, or able to engage in imaginative invention.虚构的,想象的用想象力进行创作的、与此有关的或能用想象力能进行创作的

14.Capable of imagining or inventing.富有想象力的,能创造发明的

15.Works of art that exalt the imagination.能增强人们想象力的艺术作品

16.A sketch can stimulate one"s own imagination.图形能促进一个人的想象力。

17.Showing invention or whimsy in design;imaginative.幻想奇特的在构想中表现出创造能力或幻想的;想象的

18.Swedish managers are practical and technically capable but not very imaginative.瑞典的经理人讲究实际也有能力,但缺乏想象力。


imaginative ability想象能力

1.The important ways to improve students’ musical technique are to train the feelings of thyme and rhythm of students,the musical hearting abilityimaginative ability and ability in thinking in images.培养学生的韵律节奏感,音乐视听能力以及想象能力和形象思维能力是提高学生音乐技能的重要途径。

2.To train the studentsimaginative ability, we can start from observation guidance, reading and composition teaching etc.插上想象的翅膀可以让学生在科学发明、艺术创造上收到意想不到的效果 ,培养学生的想象能力可从指导观察、阅读教学、作文教学等方面入

3)imagination power想象能力

1.Teachers are demanded to haveimagination power in every aspect of education.在平时工作中,教师应通过一些途径锻炼自己的想象能力。

4)modeling imagination ability造型想象能力

1.Three methods to make symbol design interesting were put forward,which are(1) enrichingmodeling imagination ability,(2) unique modeling creative method including positive and negative shape modeling ingenious utilization,and element substitution,and(3) the diverse modeling expression technique including the traditional Chinese painting .其中重点在第3部分,提出了3个使标志设计具有趣味性的方法:(1)丰富的造型想象能力;(2)独特的造型创意方法包括正负形造型的巧妙运用、元素的替代;(3)多样的造型表现手法包括中国画笔墨趣味、儿童画稚拙趣味、夸张表现趣味。

5)capability of imagination想象思维能力

6)Spatial Imagination Ability空间想象能力

1.TheSpatial Imagination Ability is very important in studying the Structure and Properties of Material as in studying geometry.空间想象能力作为一种与几何学习密切相关的能力,在高中化学的学习中,特别是物质结构与性质的学习中,其作用同样不容忽视。


