100字范文 > 想象性 Imaginative英语短句 例句大全

想象性 Imaginative英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-20 21:45:51


想象性 Imaginative英语短句 例句大全



1.Therefore , the work of literature is aesthetic, fictional and imaginative.这种由语言构成的“符号结构”规定了文学具有“审美性”、“虚构性”和“想象性”三种本质特


1.Mestizo Adam:Diaspora s Imaginal Cultural Gratification;《混血亚当》:飞散者的文化想象性满足

2.Interaenerational conflicts" in The Butterfly and Their Imaginary settlement;《蝴蝶》的“代际冲突”及其想象性化解

3.On the Transcendental Imagination--An Explanation of the Relationship Between Imagination and Understanding论先验想象力——想象力与知性关系辨析

4.The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up;imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.想象力心智机能,能产生想法、幻想、想象;想象,尤指有异想天开或空想的特性的

5."Fancy:The mental faculty through which whims, visions, and fantasies are summoned up; imagination, especially of a whimsical or fantastic nature.""想象力:心智机能,能产生想法、幻想、想象;想象,尤指有异想天开或空想的特性的."

6.Having a lively imagination, especially a creative imagination.有想象力的有生动的想象的,特别是有创造性的想象的

7.Imaginary Female and Real Female--Breakthrough in Male Supremacy of Feminine Writers;想象女性与真实女性——女性作家对男权想象的突围

8.The imagination and limitations of "National Character" in Fictions by Lu Xun;鲁迅小说中的“国民性”想象及其局限性

9.The may 4th Movement:The Days When the Wakefulness of Female Self-consciousness was the Imagination about Modernity;五四:女性主体意识觉醒的现代性想象

10.The Self-realm of Historical Imagination:Modernity and Lee Leo Ou-fan s Imagination of Modern Chinese Literature;历史想象的有我之境——现代性与李欧梵的中国现代文学想象

11.The Concept of Ideal Woman of Murasak ishikibu from the Analysis of Murasakinoue Image;试从紫姬形象看紫式部的理想女性构想

12.What a surprise!You take to water like a duck.真想不到,你的水性象鸭子一样好!

13.a colorless and unimaginative person;一个没有个性,缺乏想象力的人;

14.I think that the most necessary quality for any person to have is imagination.我认为人最重要的秉性是富有想象力。

15.The matter was one of fantastic complexity.这一工作的复杂性简直难以想象。

16.and in his soul stirred the creative imagination.脑海中创造性的想象联翩浮来。

17.Quit thinking like a schizophrenic.别象双重性格的人那样胡思乱想了。

18.material...transformed by the plastic power of the imagination (Coleridge).物质……因创造性想象力而改变(科尔里奇)。



1.And at the same time it isimaginary, visual and emotional.作为早期人类实践活动的重要内容的原始巫术 ,是精神生产的种类 ,它表现为合规律性与合目的性 ,同时 ,它又具有想象性、形象性、情感性 ,在其实践过程中 ,必然伴随着美感的生发 ,因此 ,原始巫术是带有审美活动性质的实

3)female imagination女性想象

1.This paper analyzes thefemale imagination modes and causes,to investi-gate the characteristics of the 17-year-revolution-historical novels.其中对于女性的想象抓住女性这个特殊群体,将女性的苦难同被压迫阶级的苦难,性别解放的神话同阶级解放的神话联系起来,突出从被侮辱和被损害的女性想象到女英雄和铁娘子的转变,从而来实现对革命合法性的证明,对新社会真理性的证明。

4)Imagination of Femininity性别想象

1.Imagination of Femininity and Modern Identification;性别想象与现代认同——《新青年》的“女子问题”探考

5)the imagination of the direction of the story development线性想象

1.Those arethe imagination of the direction of the story development,the psychology for the popular readers,and the representation desire.决定大众文学品质的,不是创作主体的身份、地位和生活阅历,而是与精英文学创作主体不同的独特的创作心理和思维方式,这就是:线性想象,扇形心理,以及表现欲望等。

6)male imagination男性想象


