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耦合性 coupling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-12 11:30:28


耦合性 coupling英语短句 例句大全



1.Study of Coupling of Objected-oriented Software Framework and Decoupling Strategy;面向对象软件框架中的耦合性及其消解策略的研究

2.Research of Coupling Metrics on Object-Oriented System;面向对象系统的耦合性度量技术研究

3.Coupling:the Linchpin of the Mutual Benefit between the Large-scale Sport Events and the Economics of the City;耦合性:大型竞技运动赛事与城市经济良性互动的关键


1.Studies on the Coupling Performance of GRIN Polymer Micro-Sphere;GRIN聚合物微球用作平行光束至光纤的耦合器的耦合性能研究

2.Process Reengineering on Basis of Analysis about Similarity and Coupling基于相似性和耦合性分析的过程重组

3.Research of Coupling Metrics on Object-Oriented System面向对象系统的耦合性度量技术研究

4.linear inductive coupling storage线性电感耦合存储器

5.Study on Coupling Characteristics of Secondary Regulated Load System and Decoupling Control二次调节加载系统耦合特性及解耦控制研究

6.Decoupling control for nonlinear coupling systems based on CMAC and PID基于CMAC和PID的非线性耦合系统解耦控制研究

7.Modular characteristics and key technology of tightly-coupled GPS/INS紧耦合GPS/INS组合特性及其关键技术

8.Echo Waves and Their Stability in Linearly Coupled Oscillators线性耦合振子中的回声波及其稳定性

9.Coupling of elastoplastic finite elements to elastic boundary clemens, (3).(2) 弹塑性有限元与弹性边界元的耦合;

10.Research on Nonlinear Vibration Properties of a Cable-Stayed Beam索梁耦合结构的非线性振动特性研究

11.Analysis of Dynamic Behaviors of Pile-soil Nonlinear Coupling Torsional Vibration桩与土非线性耦合扭转振动特性分析

12.close coupled紧耦合的,强耦合的

13.Research on Couple and Output Characteristics of Couple-Cavity Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser;耦合垂直腔面发射激光器的耦合及输出特性研究

14.The Spacial Attribute of the Urban-Rural Coupling Regions and Measurement on the Mechanism of Its Spacial Evolution;城乡耦合地域空间属性及城乡耦合关系测度研究

15.Coupling method for analyzing fluid-structure interaction in long-span flexible roof wind-induced vibration大跨度柔性屋盖风振中流固耦合分析的强耦合方法

16.Channel Coupling Analysis and Decoupling Control for Missile with Lateral Thrust/Aerodynamic Compound Control直接力/气动力复合控制导弹通道耦合特性分析及其解耦控制

17.Property of Weak-coupling Magnetopolaron in a Parabolic Quantum Dot抛物量子点中弱耦合磁极化子的性质

18.Property of Weak-coupling Polaron in a Parabolic Quantum Dot抛物形量子点中弱耦合极化子的性质


non-coupling property非耦合性

3)Inertial coupling惯性耦合

bined with the element consistent mass matrix in finite element dynamic analysis, the concept of hidden infinitely stiff and relative inertial coupling is presented.除显含无限刚性段的振动体系外,结合动力问题有限单元法中的一致质量矩阵提出了隐性无限刚 性的概念,以及由此引起的振动惯性耦合问题。

4)Elastic coupling弹性耦合

1.Stability analysis for helicopter composite rotor blades with elastic coupling;弹性耦合对直升机复合材料桨叶稳定性的影响

2.The aeroelastic response and hub load of a composite hingeless rotor in forward flight with elastic couplings are investigated in this paper.给出一套计算复合材料旋翼前飞气弹响应和桨榖载荷的方法,所用结构模型考虑横向剪切变形、剖面面外翘曲变形和复合材料弹性耦合的影响。

3.Its inner three sensors were placed in cartesian coordinates and its encapsulation crust has the function of elastic coupling and the structure of composite leveling which can be used for the precise 3-D orientation.研制了一种新型智能三分量地震检波器,该检波器具有高采样率,高动态范围,采集、电源一体化,控制智能化与轻便易携等特点,其内置的三分量芯体以“笛卡儿”坐标方式放置, 封装壳体具弹性耦合和复合调平结构,能360°全方位精确定向,采集信号原位数字化,根除了模拟信号的传输,具强抗干扰能力,为真正达到多波勘探的高分辨率、最大限度地缩小地震勘探的瓶颈效应提供了更高保障。

5)coupling characteristics耦合特性

1.Study oncoupling characteristics of contactless power supply system for moving apparatus;运动设备无接触供电系统耦合特性的研究

2.Numerical calculation on a rocket-based combined-cycle(RBCC)powered cruise vehicle has been done to analyze thecoupling characteristics based on 2-D inviscid compressible flow theory and one-step finite rate chemistry model.以火箭基组合循环(RBCC)发动机为动力的高超声速巡航飞行器的气动力、推进系统、结构之间存在很强的耦合作用,文中基于二维无粘可压缩流理论和单步有限化学反应模型对此飞行器在巡航状态进行了一体化数值计算以分析这种耦合特性。

3.UV uniform exposure can effectively vary thecoupling characteristics of the annealed long period gratings (LPGs) in hydrogen loaded fiber.写于载氢光纤上的长周期光纤光栅经过高温退火后 ,对其进行紫外均匀曝光能够有效改变其耦合特性。

6)magnetic coupling磁性耦合

1.Each online monitoring equipment of dielectric loss factor devices is equipped with amagnetic coupling sensor.电容型设备介质损耗在线监测,每台被试设备配一只磁性耦合传感器,采样输出信号弱,传感器本身和信号传输电缆易受电磁干扰,不同地点受干扰的程度不同,在加上每个传感器角差的差异,往往同类同相介质损相近的被试设备的测量结果差别很大。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
