100字范文 > 双频容性耦合等离子体 Dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma英语短句 例句大全

双频容性耦合等离子体 Dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-27 07:06:36


双频容性耦合等离子体 Dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma英语短句 例句大全

双频容性耦合等离子体,Dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma

1)Dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma双频容性耦合等离子体

1.Dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma (DF-CCP) is one of the crucial components for etching in microelectronic manufacturing, and has been widely used in the next generation etching applications due to its simple structure and ability to control the plasma density, the ion energy distributions(IEDs), and the ion angle distributions(IADs) separately.双频容性耦合等离子体(dual-frequency capacitively coupled plasma DF-CCP)源是半导体工业中重要的刻蚀设备,由于其可以产生大面积均匀的等离子体,通过调节高、低频源的放电参数可以有效地控制等离子体密度与离子能量、角度分布,并且结构简单成本较低,符合工业生产上的要求,双频CCP源被广泛应用在新一代的半导体刻蚀机的生产上。


1.The Hybrid Simulation of a Dual-frequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma;双频容性耦合等离子体物理特性的混合模拟

2.The Fluid Simulation of N_2-O_2 Dual-Frequency Capacitively Coupled PlasmaN_2-O_2双频容性耦合等离子体的流体力学模拟

3.The Investigation on Dual Frequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma by Using Optical Emission Spectroscopy双频容性耦合等离子体特性的发射光谱研究

4.Experimental Investigation on the Characteristics of Dual-frequency Capacitively Coupled Plasmas双频容性耦合等离子体特性的实验研究

5.Fluid Simulation for Charged Particle Transport in Capacitively Coupled Dual Radio-frequency Discharges;双频容性耦合等离子体鞘层中带电粒子输运的流体力学模拟

6.Fluid Simulation for Sheath Characteristics in Dual-frequency Capacitively Coupled Discharges;双频容性耦合等离子体鞘层特性的流体力学模拟

7.The amphiphobic modification on silicone rubber by CF_4 radio frequency capacitively coupled plasmaCF_4射频容性耦合等离子体对硅橡胶表面双疏改性的研究

8.capacitively coupled high frequency plasma torch电容耦合高频等离子体焰炬

9.Simulation of a Radio-frequency Capacitively-coupled Plasma with PIC/MCC Method;射频容性耦合等离子体物理特性的PIC/MCC模拟研究

10.The Measurement and Analysis of Capacitive Coupled Plasma Driven by Very High Frequency甚高频激发的容性耦合等离子体的特性测量与分析

11.Design and Investigation of Capacitive Coupling Radio Frequency Glow Discharge Source;电容耦合射频辉光放电等离子体激发源研制

12.The Effect of Capacitive-coupling on Discharge Modes and Tuned Substrate Self-bias in a Radio-frequency Inductively Coupled Plasma;射频感性耦合等离子体中容性耦合对放电模式和基片调谐自偏压的影响

13.Simulation of a Radio-frequency Capacitively-coupled Plasma with Fluid/Monte-Carlo Method;射频电容耦合等离子体的流体动力学/Monte-Carlo混合模型数值模拟

14.The study of driven oscillation in inductively coupled plasma射频感性耦合等离子体中的受迫振荡研究

15.Treatment of Formaldehyde Using High-frequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma;高频电容耦合等离子体净化甲醛废气的实验研究

16.inductively coupled high frequency plasma torch电感耦合高频等离子体焰炬

17.capacitively coupled microwave plasma torch电容耦合微波等离子体焰炬

18.Studies on the High Frequency Characteristics and the Electron Gun of the Plasma-Filled Coupled-Cavity Traveling-Wave Tube;等离子体耦合腔行波管高频特性及电子枪的研究


dual frequency capacitive coupled plasma双频电容耦合放电等离子体

3)very-high-frequency excited capacitively coupled plasma甚高频容性耦合等离子体

4)Capacitively coupled plasma容性耦合等离子体

1.The amphiphobic modification on silicone rubber by CF_4 radio frequency capacitively coupled plasmaCF_4射频容性耦合等离子体对硅橡胶表面双疏改性的研究

2.Capacitively coupled plasma (CCP) driven by dual frequency is currently becoming an important plasma source as a fine etching tool for manufacturing the ultralarge scale integrated (ULSI) circuits.双频容性耦合等离子体(dual frequency capacitively coupled plasma DF-CCP)是近年来发展起来的一种新型的等离子体源。

5)rf inductively coupled plasma射频感性耦合等离子体

6)capacitively coupled high-frequency plasma(torch)电容耦合高频等离子体焰炬


