100字范文 > 水域污染 water pollution英语短句 例句大全

水域污染 water pollution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-03 01:51:05


水域污染 water pollution英语短句 例句大全

水域污染,water pollution

1)water pollution水域污染

1.It was concluded that thewater pollution in the Three Gorges Area came up to the peak value in 1999,generally turned better for the moment,the overall grand is Ⅱ.通过对长江三峡库区宜昌至泄滩段水域污染情况的实地调查和水质分析,采用单因子水质类别法和综合污染指数法对其水质污染现状进行分析、横纵向比较和评价,结论为三峡库区水域污染在1999年出现峰值,现在总体上呈好转趋势,水质总体评价级别为Ⅱ类,水体污染以有机物和重金属污染及细菌为主,主要污染源为沿江工业和城市生活污水。


1.A Sociological Explanation for Water Pollution --A Case Study of Dongcun Village水域污染的社会学解释——东村个案研究

2.Advance in Pollution,Monitoring and Control of Inland Water;内陆水域污染、监测与治理研究进展

3.Regional Conference on Water Pollution in the Gulf湾区海水污染区域会议

4.Level and characteristic of traffic pollution in heath effect study area交通污染健康效应研究区域污染水平与特征

5.Water Envirment Quality and Pollution Charactstics in Huangshui River of Qinghai青海省湟水河流域水质污染特征分析

6.The State Department deploys the Huai River drainage area water pollution prevention and treatment work国务院部署淮河流域水污染防治工作

7.Current Water Pollution State and Prevention Countermeasures in Ao River Catchment鳌江流域上游水污染现状及防治对策

8.Strong measures will be taken to strengthen the building of the urban environmental infrastructure, regulate industrial structure and lay-out, shun the unpromising way of "first pollution, last treatment", strengthen the prevention and control of the pollution in major river valleys to ensure the security of the drinking water of the inhabitants.加强流域污染防治,保证居民饮水安全。

9.Study on Water Pollution Control Plan in Nanchang Area of Poyang Lake;鄱阳湖(南昌区域)水污染控制规划研究

10.Total Amount Control of Water Pollution in Wenrui Bastion;温瑞塘河流域水污染物总量控制研究

11.The Research on Prevention Legal Countermeasure of Basin Water Pollution in China;我国流域水污染防治的法律对策研究

12.Research on Dispute Settlement Mechanism of Water Pollution in Multi-Administrative Regions;跨行政区域水污染纠纷处理机制研究

13.Economic Analysis of Water Basin Water Pollution and Its Governance;流域水污染成因及其治理的经济分析

14.Survey Report on Integrated Treatment of Water Pollution of Dianchi Watershed in 2000;2000年滇池流域水污染的综合治理

15.Planning Research about Water Pollution Control in XiuShui County Region修河(县城区域)水污染控制规划研究

16.The Surface Water Pollution Investigation and Evalution of Yanhe River and Qingjianhe River延河、清涧河流域地表水污染调查评价

17.Analysis on the Prevention and Restoration of the Water Pollution of Fenhe Basin浅析汾河流域水质污染的防治与修复

18.Evaluation of Heavy Metal Pollution in Bijiang Basin in Yunnan Province云南省沘江流域水体重金属污染评价


regional water pollution区域水污染

1.CAP model forregional water pollution control system;区域水污染控制系统规划辅助模型研究

3)water thermal pollution水域热污染

1.This paper analyzed the feasibility, problem and research trend of predictingwater thermal pollution according to the change of HSPs composition and content in fishes.本文主要分析了利用鱼体中热应激蛋白(HSPs)的组成和含量变化进行水域热污染早期 预测的可行性、存在的问题及研究趋势。

4)Polluted water area受污染水域

5)valley water pollution流域水污染

1.This text elaborated research result of the present stage of prevention and cure ofvalley water pollution in our country.本文阐述了现阶段我国流域水污染防治的研究成果,即学者根据不同流域的污染特点提出了不同的治理对策,主要是法律制度和法律理念方面的创新;流域立法的呼声日益高涨,提出了水污染防治立法应尊重流域特性,采取统一立法的模式。

6)water contamination水质域污染


