100字范文 > 水源污染 Water source pollution英语短句 例句大全

水源污染 Water source pollution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-03 23:12:18


水源污染 Water source pollution英语短句 例句大全

水源污染,Water source pollution

1)Water source pollution水源污染


1.Pollution of the water supply reaches a level pernicious to the health of the population水源污染已达到危及居民健康的程度

2.Pollution of the water supply reach a level pernicious to the health of the population.水源污染已达到危及居民健康的程度。

3.in monitoring the movement of water resource contaminants;有助于检查水源污染的趋向;

4.Study on Pollution Situation and Non-point Source Pollution of Typical Reservoirs in Liaoning Province;辽宁省典型水库污染状况及非点源污染研究

5.The contaminant analysis of the surface water of the pollution of the agricultural surface source in the Zhu Xi River region;苎溪河农业面源污染地表水中污染物分析

6.Experimental Simulation of Contamination Events and Investigation of Contamination Source Determination in Water Supply Systems供水管网突发污染试验模拟及污染源定位研究

7.On Non-point Source Pollution Model and Pollution Control Methods of Water Environment水环境的非点源污染模型及污染控制方法

8.Analysis of Agricultural Non-point Source to the Pollution of Water Resources in Shaanxi Province;陕西水资源污染农业非点源贡献分析

9.Dagu River Area-source Pollution of Agricultural Fertilizer and Its Countermeasure大沽河水源地农肥面源污染及其对策

10.Supply of drinking water is contaminated by refuse from the factory .饮用水水源遭到工厂废料的污染。

11.The shortage of water resource exaggerates the pollution of water body.水资源短缺与水体污染并存。

12.The Research on Enhanced Coagulation Technology Treats Micro-polluted Water;强化混凝技术处理微污染水源水研究

13.Study on Technologies for Treatment of High Algae and Organic Matter Polluted Souree Water;高藻高有机污染水源水处理技术研究

14.Experimental Research on Treatment Process Conditions of Micro-polluted Source Water微污染水源水处理工艺条件试验研究

15.Pollution level and source apportionment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)in Liaohe River辽河水中PAHs的污染水平及源解析

16.Study on the Nitrogen of Non-point Source Pollution of Shanzi Reservior in Fuzhou;福州第二水源—山仔水库非点源氮污染研究

17.The Research on Non-point Source Phosphorus Pollution Control Based on the Water Supply Source of Xi"an City西安市供水水源非点源磷污染控制研究

18.Analysis on the pollution sources of drinking water source of medium and small towns in China我国中小城镇饮用水水源地污染源探析


Water pollution source水污染源

1.The article analyzes the operation status of water pollution source online monitoring system at present in China, points out that it is necessary to push the third party to operate and manage.文章分析了目前我国水污染源在线监测系统的运营现状,指出推行第三方运营管理是十分必要的。

3)polluted water sources污染水源

1.The research results show that the water purification biopretreatment can reach a color removal efficiency of 19%~43% for the raw water of water sources under the conditions of normal temperature 20~28 ℃,COD Mn inpolluted water sources 6~11 mg/L,chromaticity 30~40,the running parameters for the water purifi.结果表明 :在正常水温 2 0~ 2 8℃的条件下 ,当污染水源CODMn为 6~ 11mg/L ,色度为 30~ 40度和生物预处理净水工艺运行参数HRT为 1。

4)raw water polluted受污染源水

1.Test research on theraw water polluted pretreatment catalyzed and oxidized by H_2O_2;H_2O_2催化氧化预处理受污染源水的试验研究

5)waster water pollution source废水污染源

6)polluted water resources污染水资源


