100字范文 > 鄂西 western Hubei英语短句 例句大全

鄂西 western Hubei英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-09 16:31:21


鄂西 western Hubei英语短句 例句大全

鄂西,western Hubei

1)western Hubei鄂西

1.Creeping deformation of the Maoping landslide and its stability in the Geheyan reservoir on the Qingjiang River,western Hubei, China;鄂西清江隔河岩水库茅坪滑坡蠕滑变形及其稳定性

2.Aesthetics study of dwelling house of Tujia nationality inwestern Hubei;鄂西土家族民居审美研究

3.Metallogeny and Regional Metallogenic Model of Lead-Zinc Deposit in Western Hubei;鄂西铅锌矿成矿规律及区域成矿模式


1.On the Cultural Construction in the Soviet Areas of "Xiang E Xi" and "Xiang E Chuan Qian";论湘鄂西、湘鄂川黔苏区的文化建设

2.Exi Tujiazu Miaozu Zizhizhou鄂西土家族苗族自治州

3.Sites of the Western Hunan and HubeiRevolutionary Bases湘鄂西革命根据地旧址


5.The Plight and Solution of Rural Medicare Supply in Western Hubei Province;鄂西农村医疗保障供给的困境与出路

6.Research on the Landscape and Its Vicissitudes of the Ancient Village of Nashuixi in West of Hubei Province;鄂西纳水溪古村落景观及其变迁研究

7.Chen Cheng and the Land Reform of Western Hubei Province during the Period of Anti-Japan War;抗战时期陈诚与鄂西地区的土地改革

8.Study on the Spatial Structure of Forest Resources in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region of Western Hubei;鄂西三峡库区森林资源空间结构研究

9.On Integration Function of "Funeral Dancing" of Tujia Minority in Western Hubei Province;论鄂西土家族“跳丧舞”丧俗的整合功能

10.The Folklore Value of Tujia Five-sentence Love Songs;鄂西土家族五句子情歌的民俗学价值

11.The Inheritance and Variation of Tujia s "Jump for Mourning" on the Western Hubei;论鄂西土家族“跳丧”的传承及异化

12.The Economic Development of Small Towns in Tujia Ethnic Areas of West Hubei Province;鄂西土家族地区小城镇经济发展刍议

13.Characteristics of "Pattern Culture" of Tujia Brocade in Western Hubei;鄂西土家族织锦的“图式文化”特征

14.On the Construction of Gold Tourist Ring in the West of Hubei Province;关于建设鄂西黄金旅游圈的几点思考

15.A Research on the Development of the Traditional Ethnic Sports Tourism Resources in Enshi Tujia and Miao People Autonomous Prefecture;鄂西民族传统体育旅游资源开发研究

16.The Ways for Rural Area in the Northwest of Hubei Province to Break Poverty without Agricultural Tax;取消农业税后鄂西北山村的脱贫出路

17.Technology of drilling well and well completion of gas well in the west of Hubei and the east of Chongqing;鄂西渝东地区天然气井钻井完井技术

18.Investigation and Research on the Exploit of the Sports Tourism in E xi Area;对鄂西地区体育旅游开发的调查研究


western Hubei Province鄂西

1.Study of Traditional Residence of Tujia People in Western Hubei Province;鄂西土家族传统民居研究

2.Characteristics of Special History and Culture of Western Hubei Province:King City of Tangya Chieftain in Xianfeng County鄂西特定历史文化特征——咸丰唐崖土司王城

3.Pb-Zn deposits in thewestern Hubei Province were mainly formed through sedimentation and hydrothermal deposition.鄂西地区铅锌矿床的成因类型主要有两种:沉积型和热液型。

3)West Hubei鄂西

1.The Resources of Rare Plants inWest Hubei and Their Protective Meacsures;鄂西珍稀植物资源及其保护

2.The Pathways and Countermeasures of Enshi Autonomous Prefecture′s Merging intoWest Hubei Eco-cultural Tourism Circle恩施州融入鄂西生态文化旅游圈的路径与对策

4)northwest of Hubei鄂西北

1.Northwest of Hubei is the crossed distric of north and sourth culture, Xiangfan is of the geography importance since ancient times, which each military commander wang to get it.鄂西北是南北文化的交叉地带;襄樊自古就具有一定地地理重要性,自古以来就是兵家的必争之地。

2.In the Qing Dynasty,lots of immigrant came to the mountains areas ofnorthwest of Hubei province,they reclaimed the lands and developed native products,which provided material sources for the local commerce development so that promoted the development of local commerce and long distance trade in other places as to promote the prosperity of local commerce towns and the advancement of local society.在清代,随着大量移民人口移居鄂西北山区,他们不仅垦殖了各类土地资源,还因地制宜地发展了土特产产业,为当地的商业发展提供了物资来源,从而促进了鄂西北的地区商业及与外地的长途贸易的发展,最终刺激了本地商业市镇的兴盛。

5)southwest of Hubei Province鄂西南

1."Ba Qi", a kind of raw lacquer coming exclusively from the mountainous area of Enshi Prefecture,southwest of Hubei Province, has owned very good quality and fame for a long history.坝漆是特产于鄂西南恩施土家族苗族自治州山区的生漆品种,其生产历史悠久、品质优良,在生漆行业拥有很高的地位。

2.Thesouthwest of Hubei Province lays at latutude 29°41'~31°06'N andlongitude 108°3O'~ 111°36'E, it is a transitional region from subtropical zone to warm tem-perate zone.鄂西南位于北纬29°24'~31°06'、东经108°30'~111°36',属亚热带向暖温带过渡地带。

3.Woody resources insouthwest of Hubei Province are classified as 123 families 418 genera 2027 species.在分析鄂西南木本植物资源基本特点的基础上 ,将鄂西南木本植物 12 3科、4 18属、2 0 2 7种按经济用途分纤维、淀糖、油料、香料、鞣料、树脂胶、橡胶、药用、土农药、果树、观赏、木材蜜源等 13种 ,得出药用植物、观赏植物、木材植物为鄂西南资源优势的结论 ,并以它们为例对该地区木本植物资源的可持续利用提出了一些建议和构想 ,最终为中西部地区社会经济可持续发展提供物质保证 。

6)E-xi black swine鄂西黑猪

1.The crossed swine with wild boar,E-xi black swine andE-xi black swine were the objects of the research.以纯种野猪(♂)×纯种鄂西黑猪(♀)的杂交猪和鄂西黑猪为研究对象,在同样条件下饲养至80 kg屠宰,测量其体重、皮厚、背膘厚度、胴体长、胴体重、眼肌面积、花板油比例等胴体性状,研究比较野猪血缘对肉猪胴体品质和肉质性状的影响,同时比较野鄂杂交一代猪和杜长大猪肌肉中Cu、Fe、Ca等元素的含量。


《关于湘鄂西苏区发展的几个问题》《关于湘鄂西苏区发展的几个问题》Some Problems Concerning the Development of the Western Hunan-Westem Hubei Soviet Areas市,而是在乡村动群众,深人土命,广泛开展游争。开展游击战争重要的是要有组到要与群众有密切系;游击战争最向着那些农村阶盾与斗争特别激地方,党和群众织有了相当基础方,以及给养丰富势险峻的地方发信中还介绍了毛润发革战最匕联是矛的组地地。,︻叱如日罐性列烈奸帅挺孙士孰东朱德领导的中国工农红军第4军在部怪级建立党的组织,尤其是在连队建立岁部的成功经验,供湘鄂西苏区红军建乌作战参考。《关于湘鄂西苏区发展的几个问是对于湘鄂西苏区革命斗争发展起了重豆导作用。(胡哲崎各支和胜‘、‘fJZ,t))指声刃31,盯八7GuQnyU XIQng一Exi Suqu FaZhQndeWenti《关于湘鄂西苏区发展的几个问责(5匕用‘尸八,blen”〔brzceming the DevelOP邢动亡林全‘temH毋祝廿忿一林全£把m Hubei肠v艺‘了A周恩来关于湘鄂西苏区游击战争指导方题的军事著作。是周恩来于1929年3日为中国共产党中央委员会起草的给贺中共湘鄂西前敌委员会的指示信。全2500字,收入1980年12月出版的《周选集》上卷。Jige l))ntof侧桐117饼哟肤土地革命战争时期,贺龙等领导郑西苏区是红军的一个重要根据地。年底和1929年初,中共湘鄂西前委先次向中共中央作了工作报告。为指导西苏区革命武装斗争进一步发展,当中共中央主持军事工作的周恩来起草封指示信。指示信在肯定湘鄂西苏区英勇斗争所获得的成绩之后,就报告及的武装暴动、游击战争、游击区域的组织与群众的组织、游击队中党的与训练、国内政治形势、湘鄂西苏区的发展方向以及中央向该区派遣军事等问题,分别作了指示。信中强调党军目前所应注意的,还不是占领大湘28两鄂在这民涉党织军才红城L讨JO产户一J口臼上J户了确一lj’l︸11 1.L、口目rfJJ湘鄂西苏区中心——湖北省洪湖县瞿家湾中国人民革命军事博物馆供稿
