100字范文 > 低山丘陵 low mountains and hills英语短句 例句大全

低山丘陵 low mountains and hills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-09 13:48:17


低山丘陵 low mountains and hills英语短句 例句大全

低山丘陵,low mountains and hills

1)low mountains and hills低山丘陵

1.On the basis of investigating synthetically and step on and check on the spot,this paper analyses and evaluates the land resourses of Hongqi Valley that the Northeasternlow mountains and hills district is representative.在综合调查和实地踏查的基础上,对东北低山丘陵区有代表性的红旗流域土地资源进行了分析与评价。

2.Otherwise,4 optimum varieties atlow mountains and hills areas in Hunan Province were screened out, by analysis of morphological character.同时,通过分析各参试品种的主要形态特征、物候期及果实品质,筛选出了湖南省低山丘陵地区最适宜栽培品种4个,即白梨、大房、太城四号、解放种,与对照相比,其产量分别提高了85%、83%、82%、74%;适宜栽培品种2个,即森尾早生和大红袍2种。

3.Based upon the field survey material of 10 plots(4 650 m~2), the classification system of the forest vegetation on thelow mountains and hills in Xu-Lian Ecotone is established, including 2 vegetation type groups, 3 vegetation types, 3 vegetation s.徐连过渡带位于江苏省北部,地当南北要冲,为一典型的生态过渡带;低山丘陵生态环境遭到严重破坏,生态系统的恢复与重建任重道远。


1.Study on Vegetation Restoration Models in Hilly Area of Taihang Mountains太行山低山丘陵区植被恢复模式探讨

2.Studies on the Protection of the Arable Land and Basic Farmland in Low Mountains and Hills Area--A case study of Huangshan City in Anhui Povince;低山丘陵区耕地与基本农田保护研究

3.Study on Ecological Construction of Jiaozuo,Beishan,South Slope Mt.Taihang Hill and Mound Region太行山南麓焦作北山低山丘陵区生态建设研究

4.Analysis of Improving Effects of Cupressus funebris Plantation in the Low Hill Region of Sichuan Basin四川盆地低山丘陵区柏木低效防护林的改造

5.The Mechanisms of the Vegetation Restoration and the Reconstruction Model in the Hilly Area of Taihang Mountains;太行山低山丘陵区植被恢复机理与构建模式

6.Study of the Nutrient Cycling of Typical Vegetation Community in Hilly Region of Taihang Mountain;太行山低山丘陵区典型植物群落养分循环研究

7.Characters of Soil Erosion and Runoff and Sediment Yield Simulation of Watershed in Low-mountain Hilly Region of Wuling Mountian武陵山区低山丘陵小流域土壤侵蚀特征及产流产沙模拟预测

8.Landscape efficiency of eco-agricultural tourism in ttae hilly area低山丘陵区生态农业旅游景观的效果分析


10.Ecological and Climate Analysis of Tea Production in Hill and Upland Region of Hanzhong Basin汉中盆地低山丘陵茶叶生产生态气候分析

11.Study on the Sediment Yield Model of Watershed in Purple Soil Hilly Area at the Northland of Sichuan;川北紫色土低山丘陵区小流域产沙模型研究

12.Analysis on the Landscape Pattern of Land Use in the Middle Rolling Area of Pingyin County;平阴县中部低山丘陵区土地利用景观格局分析

13.Evaluating Land Carrying Capacity in Hilly Regions of Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River Basin;长江流域低山丘陵区土地承载力评价(英文)

14.Study on the Mechanism of Flood & Drought Disaster in the Low Mountains and Hill District in Southeast Hubei;鄂东南低山丘陵区水旱灾害成灾机理的研究

15.Studies on Sustainable Exploitation and Utilization of Sloping Land in Hills in Gaozhou County;高州市低山丘陵区土地资源的可持续利用

16.Vegetation Cover Change on Low Mountain and Hill Area in the Southwest of Suzhou;苏州市西南部低山丘陵植被覆盖变化及研究

17.Primary Report on Small WatershedComprehensive Management in Hilly Semi arid Area;低山丘陵半干旱区小流域综合治理初报

18.Health Evaluation of Typical Forest Soils in Low Mountainous and Hilly Area of Northern Jiangsu Province苏北低山丘陵区典型性森林土壤健康评价研究


low hill低山丘陵

1.Based on two phases of TM images in 1986 and 2000 and integrating with the technology of RS and GIS as well as the theory of landscape ecology on a case study of Zhaoyuan,the authors studied the changes of landscape pattern inlow hilly region of Jiaodong peninsula and quantitatively analyzed its driving forces by partial least-squares regression model.以招远市为例,基于1986年和2000年两期TM影像,综合运用RS和GIS技术及景观生态学的基本原理与方法,研究胶东半岛低山丘陵区景观格局变化,并采用偏最小二乘回归模型对景观格局变化的驱动力进行定量分析。

3)Hilly area低山丘陵

1.Study on variation of landscape pattern changes with elevation in hilly area of western zhejiang-a case study in Tonglu county;浙西低山丘陵区景观格局变化的高程分异研究——以桐庐县为例

4)Low mountains and hills低山丘陵区

1.The low mountains and hills in southeast China.我国东南低山丘陵区资源丰富,历来为重要的粮食生产基地。

5)Hilly region低山丘陵区

6)hilly land低山丘陵区

1.Based on the foundmental princrples of runoff agriculture,soil and water conservation,following harness and the water balance and regularity of precipitation runoff in slope land,this paper deals with the execellent designing techniques,comprehensive benefits to the rainfall and fertilizer harvest terrace inhilly land of Yan Liao.应用径流农业和水土保持综合治理的基本原理 ,遵循坡地降雨径流水量平衡及其运动变化规律 ,对代表燕辽低山丘陵区典型区域坡地聚肥梯田的优化设计模式进行了探讨 ,同时对其集流蓄水、土壤聚肥改良和增产效益进行了系统研究。


