100字范文 > 石质丘陵 rocky mountain hills英语短句 例句大全

石质丘陵 rocky mountain hills英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-19 03:47:31


石质丘陵 rocky mountain hills英语短句 例句大全

石质丘陵,rocky mountain hills

1)rocky mountain hills石质丘陵



1.Technology in Two Wings of Roads Vegetation Restoration in Hilly of Dalian大连丘陵地区道路两翼植被恢复技术

2.This paper introduces a set of regional atmosphere environmental quality prediction systems suitable for coastalhilly topography condition.介绍了一套适合沿海丘陵地形条件的区域大气环境质量预测体系 ,它主要由局地扩散模式 (HPDM模式、Misra模式 )、中尺度气象场模式和区域扩散模式 (分段烟流模式 )组成 ,该系统具有较快的计算速度。


1.The ground of the University was hilly;大学城,丘陵起伏。

2.Hills edge the plain.平原的周围为丘陵。

3.Having many hills.多小山的,多丘陵的

4.a rolling downy landscape丘陵连绵起伏的景色

5.bleak hills, mountains, moors, etc荒凉的丘陵、 群山、 旷野等.

6.they loved to roam the hills of West Virginia; the Black Hills.三大平原和主要丘陵。

7.A prominent rounded hill or mountain.圆形小丘,山突出的圆形丘陵或山岳

8.Topography: Qingdao is a hilly city. 40.6% of the total Qingdao area is highland and lowland areas.地势:为滨海丘陵地形,山地和丘陵占全市总面积的40.6%。

9.Loss of soil takes place most easily on hill slopes.水土流失在丘陵地带极易发生。

10.the North, South, Sussex, etc Downs北部的、 南部的、 苏塞克斯的...丘陵地.

11.hilly land on the lower slopes of mountains.位于山脉低坡的丘陵地带。

12.The highway was contoured to the hills.这条高速公路依丘陵地形起伏修筑。

13.The river rises among the hills.这条河发源于这片丘陵中。

14.gentle hills that were defined against the sky.在天空的衬托下显得轮廓分明的丘陵

15.Interspersed amongst the plains are hills and foothills.在这些平原的边缘镶嵌着低山和丘陵。

16.a couple of indifferent hills to climb.两座连绵的适于攀登的丘陵。

17.The downs fell in gentle undulations to the sea.这块丘陵地略带倾斜伸向大海.

18.the hills,/Rock-riBBed, and ancient as the sun山岩隐现的丘陵/如太阳一样古老




1.Technology in Two Wings of Roads Vegetation Restoration in Hilly of Dalian大连丘陵地区道路两翼植被恢复技术

2.This paper introduces a set of regional atmosphere environmental quality prediction systems suitable for coastalhilly topography condition.介绍了一套适合沿海丘陵地形条件的区域大气环境质量预测体系 ,它主要由局地扩散模式 (HPDM模式、Misra模式 )、中尺度气象场模式和区域扩散模式 (分段烟流模式 )组成 ,该系统具有较快的计算速度。


1.Study on Enzyme Activity in Hilly Red Soil Resumed by Different Vegetations;丘陵红壤不同植被恢复方式下土壤酶活性的研究

2.Agricultural ecosystem productivity of typical drainage areas found in valleys ofhilly areas on loess plateaus: A case study on Zhifanggou;黄土高原丘陵沟壑区典型流域农业生态系统生产力研究——以纸坊沟为例

3.Improvement of Magnesium Nutrition for Tea Gardens on Hilly Red Soil in the Southern Hunan Province;红壤丘陵茶园镁营养调控研究

5)hilly land丘陵

1.Through the model, a soil erosion class map of a red clayhilly land in Xiaohuashan region was drawn.通过模型处理,利用电子计算机绘制出属第四纪红色粘土丘陵的小华山地区的土壤侵蚀等级图。


1.The characteristics of emergences of rock landslides and soil landslides in different zones of the low mountainhills and river valley, and the relationships among the distribution of landslides and elevation, landform, triggering factors are also studied.本文从地质环境出发,探讨了滑坡不同带(区)变形破坏密度、强度特征:不同带(区)岩质、土质滑坡在低山、丘陵、河谷等不同地段出露特征;滑坡分布与高程、地形地貌与触发因素的关系。


