100字范文 > 混合系统粒子滤波 hybrid system particle filter英语短句 例句大全

混合系统粒子滤波 hybrid system particle filter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-28 20:18:13


混合系统粒子滤波 hybrid system particle filter英语短句 例句大全

混合系统粒子滤波,hybrid system particle filter

1)hybrid system particle filter混合系统粒子滤波

1.At the state estimation stage,the algorithm estimates the posterior distribution of the states and parameters of the system fault progression model based onhybrid system particle filter and dual estimation.在算法的状态估计阶段,采用混合系统粒子滤波和二元估计算法同时估计对象系统故障演化模型混合状态和未知参数的后验分布。


1.A Fault Prognostic Algorithm Based on Hybrid System Particle Filter and Dual Estimation基于混合系统粒子滤波和二元估计的故障预测算法

2.A Mixture Particle Filter and It"s Application in Navigation System混合粒子滤波算法及其在导航系统中的应用

3.Application of Likelihood-Sampling Particle Filter in the Mixed Estimation of Linear/Nonlinear System相似采样粒子滤波在混合系统估计中的应用

4.Fault Diagnosis of Digital TV System Based on the Hybrid Particle Filter Algorithm基于混合粒子滤波的数字电视系统故障诊断方法

5.A Study of Hybrid Estimation Theory & Applications Based on Particle Filtering;基于粒子滤波的混合估计理论与应用

6.Application of improved particle filter to integrated train positioning system改进的粒子滤波在列车组合定位系统中的应用

7.Transfer Alignment on Moving base for GPS/SINS Integrated Navigation System based on Robust Particle Filtering粒子滤波GPS/SINS组合导航系统动基座传递对准

8.Optimum Design for Passive Filter of Combined Power Filter System混合滤波系统中无源电力滤波器的优化设计

9.Particle Filter Based on Structural System Identification;基于粒子滤波器的结构系统识别研究

10.Train-Borne Speed Measurement Based on the Particle Filter粒子滤波对火车车载测速系统的改进

11.Low-Complexity Particle Filtering Detection for MIMO Systems低复杂度的MIMO系统粒子滤波检测

12.Option Pricing Based on the Mixture Kalman Particle Filter基于混合卡尔曼粒子滤波算法的期权定价方法

13.Tracking Based on Improved Gaussian Mixture Model and Particle Filter基于混合高斯模型和粒子滤波器的跟踪

14.Improved particle filter algorithm for INS/GPS integrated navigation system一种新的粒子滤波算法在INS/GPS组合导航系统中的应用

15.The Design of the Hybrid Digital Control Active Power Filter;混合型数控有源电力滤波器系统设计

16.Research on Blind Equalization in OFDM System Based-on Particle Filter Algorithm基于粒子滤波的OFDM系统盲均衡的应用研究

17.Application Study of Particle Filter in ITS粒子滤波算法在智能交通系统中的应用研究

18.A Fault Prognostic Algorithm Based on Gaussian Mixture Model Particle Filter一种基于高斯混合模型粒子滤波的故障预测算法


Hybrid Particle Filter混合粒子滤波

3)mixture of particle filter混合粒子滤波器

1.In themixture of particle filters,the existence of each tracked target is detected by using the sequential likelihood ratio test estimated by the output of the component particle filter.针对可变数量的多个红外弱小目标的检测与跟踪问题,提出了基于混合概率密度模型的多目标先跟踪后检测方法,开发了一种t分布混合粒子滤波器。

4)hybrid annealed particle filter混合退火粒子滤波

1.Simulation of SINS transfer alignment based onhybrid annealed particle filter;混合退火粒子滤波针对非线性、非高斯系统状态的在线估计问题,提出一种新的基于序贯重要性抽样的粒子滤波算法。

5)hybrid power filter system混合电力滤波系统

6)Hybrid filter bank ADCs混合滤波器组ADC系统


