100字范文 > 正则粒子滤波 regularized particle filter英语短句 例句大全

正则粒子滤波 regularized particle filter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-09 03:24:05


正则粒子滤波 regularized particle filter英语短句 例句大全

正则粒子滤波,regularized particle filter

1)regularized particle filter正则粒子滤波

1.A targets tracking algorithm based onregularized particle filter;一种基于正则粒子滤波器的目标跟踪算法

2.A simpleregularized particle filter is presented,which can overcome particle impoverishment phenomenon,and can be successfully introduced into single observe passive location.讨论了用采样的方法近似非线性分布来解决无源定位中的非线性问题,提出了一种简单的正则粒子滤波,克服了标准粒子滤波用于单站无源定位中出现的粒子贫乏现象,将粒子滤波成功应用到无源定位中,计算机仿真表明该算法的定位精度较Unscented卡尔曼滤波(UKF)有一定的提高。

3.A simpleregularized particle filter is described.提出了一种简单的正则粒子滤波,克服了标准粒子滤波在用于单站无源定位中时出现的粒子匮乏现象,将粒子滤波成功的应用到了无源定位中。

2)regularized particle filtering正则粒子滤波

1.Based on analyzing the cause of particle degeneracy,theregularized particle filtering with MCMC move step is proposed.通过分析该现象产生的原因,提出了将MCMC(马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗)方法应用于正则粒子滤波算法(RPF),与采样重要重采样(SIR)粒子虑波算法比较,此算法不仅克服了粒子退化现象,而且解决了重采样带来的采样枯竭的影响,仿真和实验结果表明:该算法在滤波精度和自适应调整粒子个数方面比SIR粒子滤波有很大的提高。

3)regularized particle正则粒子

1.To improve low recognition rate and poor real-time performance for infrared imagery, a resampling algorithm is proposed for denoising processing of the infrared imagery based onregularized particle filter.针对运动红外图像识别率低、实时性差的问题,提出应用正则粒子的再采样算法来实现红外图像消噪处理。


1.Infrared imaging denoising processing based on regular granule resampling algorithm基于正则粒子重采样算法的红外成像消噪处理

2.Study on Regular Granule Algorithm Infrared Image Formation Denoising Processing基于正则粒子算法的红外成像消噪处理研究

3.Infrared Imagery Denoising Processing Based on Regular Granule Algorithm基于正则粒子算法的红外图像消噪处理

4.Applying Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to select regularization parameter应用粒子群优化算法选择正则化参数

5.It is the energy of the motion of the particles in random directions that constitutes heat .正是粒子无规则运动所产生的能量构成了热。

6.general rules for ion chromatographic analysis粒子色谱法 -分析法通则

7.The Regulariing Filter of Iterated Tikhonov Regularization and its Application;迭代Tikhonov正则化的正则化子及其应用

8.Model Research of Irregular Scenerie Based on Particle System基于粒子系统的不规则景物建模研究

9.Priority rule-based particle swarm optimization for RCPSP采用优先规则的粒子群算法求解RCPSP

10.Inversion of Particle Size Distribution from Light Scattering Data with Iterative Regularization Algorithms;颗粒粒径分布光散射反演问题的迭代正则化算法

11.A Posterior Choice Strategies of the Tikhonov Regularization Parameter in the Inverse Algorithm of the Photon Correlation Spectroscopy Particle Sizing Techniques基于Tikhonov正则参量后验选择策略的PCS颗粒粒度反演方法

12.4-regular Simple Graph of Order n not Necessarily Contains 3-regular Subgraph of Order n;n阶4正则简单图不一定含n阶3正则子图

13.Acquisition of classification rule based onquantum-behaved particle swarm optimization基于量子行为的粒子群优化算法分类规则获取

14.In an aerosol containing equal numbers of charged particles of both signs, the diffusive encounters for oppositely charged particles are more effective than for uncharged particles.若气溶胶中含有等量正负带电粒子,那么正负带电粒子间的扩散碰撞比非带电粒子更容易实现。

15.Research on the Motion of Charged Particle in Vertical Electromagnetic Field;带电粒子在正交电磁场中的运动研究

16.The quantal features can be obtained by the canonical procedure of quantization.量子特征可用正则量子化方式得到。

17.Fredholm Operators and Regular Operators of Hilbert C~*-ModuleHilbert C~*-模上的Fredholm算子与正则算子

18.While touring their four hundred million revolutions around the machine, a number of effects contribute to dilute the beams and degrade the luminosity.当粒子正在环行4亿圈时,有几种效应会使粒子束变弱,亮度变暗。


regularized particle filtering正则粒子滤波

1.Based on analyzing the cause of particle degeneracy,theregularized particle filtering with MCMC move step is proposed.通过分析该现象产生的原因,提出了将MCMC(马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗)方法应用于正则粒子滤波算法(RPF),与采样重要重采样(SIR)粒子虑波算法比较,此算法不仅克服了粒子退化现象,而且解决了重采样带来的采样枯竭的影响,仿真和实验结果表明:该算法在滤波精度和自适应调整粒子个数方面比SIR粒子滤波有很大的提高。

3)regularized particle正则粒子

1.To improve low recognition rate and poor real-time performance for infrared imagery, a resampling algorithm is proposed for denoising processing of the infrared imagery based onregularized particle filter.针对运动红外图像识别率低、实时性差的问题,提出应用正则粒子的再采样算法来实现红外图像消噪处理。

4)particle filter粒子滤波

1.Dynamic contour tracking of medical images based on improvedparticle filter;基于增强的粒子滤波算法的医学图像动态轮廓跟踪新方法

2.Application of Gaussian mixtureparticle filter in initial alignment for strapdown inertial navigation system on stationary base;高斯混合粒子滤波器在静基座捷联惯导系统初始对准中的应用

3.Performance analysis and improvement ofparticle filter algorithm;粒子滤波算法的性能分析与改进

5)Particle filtering粒子滤波

1.Amplitude information based particle filtering for passive tracking of maneuvering target;结合幅度信息的粒子滤波机动目标被动跟踪

2.Algorithm and Simulation of the Particle Filtering Based on Terrain-Aided Navigation for the Intermediate Guidance of Cruise Missile;基于粒子滤波的巡航导弹中制导地形匹配算法和仿真

3.AdaBoost tracker embedded in particle filtering;嵌入粒子滤波中的AdaBoost跟踪器

6)particle filters粒子滤波

1.Improvedparticle filters for MIMO demodulation;MIMO系统中改进的粒子滤波解调算法

2.The performance ofparticle filters in robot localization is improved through the use of a robust adaptive particle filter.为了提高粒子滤波算法在机器人定位中的性能,在基本粒子滤波算法的基础上,引入概率回退的方法对机器人的初始状态进行估计,采用窗口滤波更新粒子集合,根据对机器人位置估计的情况动态更新粒子集合的大小,得到一种改进的粒子滤波算法——稳健的自适应粒子滤波算法。

3.Resampling is a critically operation to solve degeneracy problem withparticle filters.重采样是解决粒子滤波退化问题的主要方法。


