100字范文 > 洗发香波 shampoo英语短句 例句大全

洗发香波 shampoo英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-24 19:45:43


洗发香波 shampoo英语短句 例句大全



1.Synthesis of linear block-polyether modified quaternary polylioxane and its application inshampoos.;聚醚聚硅氧烷季铵盐嵌段共聚物的合成及其在洗发香波中的应用

2.Study on application of Konjac flour inshampoo;魔芋精粉在洗发香波中的应用研究

3.Study on Application of Total Flavonoids Extraction from Platycladus orientalis Leaf in Functional Shampoo;侧柏叶总黄酮在功能性洗发香波中的应用研究


1.Take a bottle of shampoo with you.随身带上一瓶洗发香波。

2.I want to buy a bottle of shampoo.我想买一瓶洗发香波。

3.Rose shampoo Brings you a light sweet-smell.玫瑰洗发香波,送您淡淡清香。

4.This shampoo Brings women an original refreshing scent.本洗发香波给女士带来一股独创的清新芳香。

5.Study the Nature and Deposition of Silicone of Shampoo on Hair洗发香波中的硅油在头发上的沉积与性质

6.Women keep three different shampoos in the shower.通常,女人的浴室里总放着3种不同的洗发香波。

7.Primary Study On Capability of Aloe vera Linn.var. chinensis Berger in Shampoo Formulation芦荟在洗发香波配方中性能的初步研究

8.Women keep three different shampoos in the shower. Afterawoman showers, the bathroom will smell a tropicalrainforest.通常,女人的浴室里总放着3种不同的洗发香波。她们沐浴后,浴室就散发着热带雨林的味道。

9.Women keep three different shampoos in the shower. After a women shower, the bathroom will smell like a tropicalrainforest.通常,女人的浴室里总放着3中不同的洗发香波。她们沐浴后,浴室就散发着热带雨林的味道。

10.Women keep three different shampoos in the shower. After a woman showers, the bathroom will smell like a tropical rainforest.通常,女人的浴室里总放著3种不同的洗发香波。她们沐浴后,浴室就散发著热带雨林的味道。

11.Men keep three different shampoos in the shower. After a woman showers, the bathroom will smell like a tropical rainforest.通常,男人的浴室里总放着3种不同的洗发香波。他们沐浴后,浴室就散发着热带雨林的味道。

12.Head & Shoulders海飞丝洗发护发香波

13.Solutions Wash hair frequently with a mild cleanser and use a light conditioner.解决方法:经常使用温性香波与柔和护发素洗发。

14.Wash your hair once with Cucumber shampoo with 83 added vitamins.先用添加有83中维他命的黄瓜香波把头发洗一遍。

15."Hereditary traits, insufficient rinsing of shampoo, lack of sebum, using a harsh shampoo, vitamin imbalance"遗传因素,香波未洗净,油脂缺乏,使用强力香波,维生素失调

16.A group of singing male dances will never appear suddenly out of nowhere and start shampooing your hair.永远不会有一帮载歌载舞的舞男突然从哪儿冒出来,开始用香波为你洗发。

17.Animals are still used to test cleaning products, skin creams and shampoos.动物仍然被用来实验洗涤产品,护肤品和香波。

18.Wash your hair once with cucumber and sage with 43 added vitamins.用含有43种维生素的天然成分的香波洗头.


hair shampoo洗发香波

1.Formulation principle and functional evaluation ofhair shampoos;个人洗护用品配方原理及应用技术(Ⅰ)——洗发香波的配方原理及其性能评价

2.The viscosity stability of ahair shampoo is a key factor that ensures its conditioning property and visual aspect, greatly impacting on product thermal stability as well as consumer re-purchasing behavior.洗发香波黏度稳定是保证其调理性能和外观性能稳定的关键影响因素,对于产品的耐热耐寒性能以及消费者的重复购买心理影响非常大。

monly used antidandruff agents such as climbazole, ZPT and OCT require higher quality raw materials and more strict production process forhair shampoo production.常用去屑止痒剂对洗发香波使用的相关原料和生产工艺均提出了更高的要求,如添加甘宝素会明显增加洗发香波的黏度,使之超出希望控制的范围;添加ZPT使洗发香波外观色泽难以保持稳定、珠光效果也会变差,因而含ZPT的洗发香波多数有色且珠光效果不好;添加OCT会因原料中铁离子等的存在而影响洗发香波外观色泽,使生产操作不易控制。

3)shampoo[英][??m"pu:][美][??m"pu]n.洗发膏,香波;洗发,洗头 v.洗发,洗头

4)transparent hair shampoo透明洗发香波

1.Application of poly siloxane quaternary ammonium salt microemulsion intransparent hair shampoo;聚硅氧烷季铵盐微乳液在透明洗发香波中的应用研究

5)a sachet of shampoo一袋洗发香波

6)shampoo[英][??m"pu:][美][??m"pu]洗发液(香波)v. 洗头


