100字范文 > 洗发水 Shampoo英语短句 例句大全

洗发水 Shampoo英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-22 11:11:23


洗发水 Shampoo英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on the phenomenon of "short-lived"for domestic shampoo brand;国产洗发水品牌“短命”现象剖析

2.Preparation and performance research of chamaecyparis-tea seed bran"s shampoo;扁柏-茶籽麸洗发水的配制与性能研究


1.Well, we do have a bottle of shampoo.我们是有一瓶洗发水。

2.Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 shampoo海飞丝二合一洗发水

3.By continual use of health shampoo, you will make your hair healthy, soft and smooth.常用健康洗发水,令您美发健康柔顺。

4.Your hair is really dry and you have to buy a new shampoo.你的头发很干,得再新买瓶洗发水了。

5.Marketing Strategy of Bawang Anti-falling/Dark Hair Shampoo;霸王防脱/乌发洗发水上市推广研究

6.There is sachet shampoo in the bathroom .浴室中有小袋包装的洗发水。

7.This shampoo will cure your dandruff.这种洗发水可除掉头皮屑.

8.Is this shampoo on sale today?这种洗发水今天减价出售吗?

9.Customer : Yes . Do you have any dandruff shampoo ?顾客:要。你们有去头皮屑的洗发水吗?

10.I"m looking for shampoo and hair conditioner for oily hair.我在找适合油性头发的洗发水和护发素。

11.The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburger with shampoo.来自有轨电车的流浪者用洗发水淹没火腿汉堡。

12.Plugola: American king"s soap angle shampoo, believed me, could not go wrong!!插播广告:美王皂角洗发水,相信我,没错的!!

13.Study on Brand Core Value for Guangdong Local Shampoo Enterprise;广东省本土洗发水企业品牌核心价值研究

14.dry shampoo,ie a powder brushed into the hair to clean it without wetting it洗发粉(刷入头发中而不用水洗的粉剂).

15.After you have washed your hair, rinse it twice with clean warm water.洗发后,用干净的温水冲洗两遍。

16.I had a fever after the cold bathe.洗冷水澡以后我发烧了。

17.Rinse all the soap out of your hair after you wash it.洗完头发后,用清水把头发上的肥皂洗干净。

18.Be careful to rinse all the soap out of your hair.一定要把头发上所有的肥皂水冲洗掉。


shampooing wastewater洗发废水

1.The total equilibrium technique has been applied toshampooing wastewater treatment.将总程平衡技术应用于洗发废水处理,其原理是将生产过程中产生的各种废水根据COD的大小和生产工序的性质分成A、B、C三类,C类水直接作为B类进水;B类水经简单处理作为A类进水;A类水经污水处理后排放。

3)tea shampoo茶洗发水

4)conditioning shampoo护发洗发水

5)Shampoo enterprise洗发水企业

6)Shampoo market洗发水市场


复方洗必泰洗液药物名称:复方洗必泰洗液英文名:Compound Chlorhexidine Lotione汉语拼音:主要成分:葡萄糖酸洗必泰、甲硝唑等。性状:淡黄色液体。药理作用:药代动力学:适应症:抗菌消炎药。用于防治由于细菌、淋球菌、霉菌或滴虫等病原体引起的各种阴道炎。用法与用量:外用。本品为一次性使用无毒包装,容量为50ml/瓶。使用时拔掉瓶帽,将药液挤出数滴,湿润瓶颈。病人取仰卧位垫高臀部,将瓶颈轻轻插入阴道内8~10cm左右,缓慢将药液挤入阴道内保留3~5分钟。每日早晚各1次,一次50ml,7~10天为一疗程。不良反应:禁忌症:注意事项: 1.每次用毕后,必须彻底洗净瓶咀,插入瓶咀套内。 2.本品禁止与他人合用,以免交叉感染。规格:(1)50ml(2)200ml贮藏:密封保存。有效期:暂定二年。处方药:是
