100字范文 > 工程外包 Outsourcing英语短句 例句大全

工程外包 Outsourcing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-14 13:55:11


工程外包 Outsourcing英语短句 例句大全



1.The Quality Management of Surveying and Mapping Project forOutsourcing;基础测绘工程外包的质量管理


1.Engineering Outsourcing Process Control under QEOMS System浅谈QEOMS体系下工程外包的过程控制

2.Practise External Contract of Mining WorksImprove Beneficial Result of Mine;推行采矿工程外包 提高矿山企业效益

3.China Foreign Undertaking Contract Project Chamber of Commerce中国对外承包工程商会

4.On the design of outsourcing scheme about staff training of a chemical engineering company;化学工程公司员工培训外包方案设计

5.Overseas Project Contracting-Experiences of Ghazi-Barotha Hydropower Project in Pakistan;从巴罗塔工程的履约论海外工程项目承包

6.Analysis of Overseas EPC Management Approach in Electric Power Project境外电力工程EPC总承包工程管理模式浅析

7.X: Are you going to have a construction contact out of town?谢:您是去外地承包建筑工程吗?

8.Are you going to have a construction contract out of town?您是去外地承包建筑工程吗?

9.to work hard to develop overseas project contracting and labor cooperation;大力发展对外承包工程和劳务合作;

10.Contracted projects overseas as well as labor-export services should be further expanded继续发展对外承包工程和劳务合作。

position and Characteristics of the Cost for Contracting Power Plant Project at Abroad承包国外电站工程成本的构成与特点

12.Study of the Law Applied to Foreign Construction Engneering Contract;涉外建筑工程承包法律适用问题研究

13.Study of Chinese Overseas Engineering Contract Enterprises Project Financing;我国海外工程承包企业项目融资研究

14.Outsourced Process Management Oriented Workflow View Model;面向外包流程管理的工作流视图模型

15.Research on the Overseas Developmental Strategy of Chinese Project Contract Companies;我国工程承包公司海外发展战略研究

16.Reflections on the Current Situation and Counter-measures of Foreign Contracted Project in Anhui Province;安徽省对外工程承包现状及对策思考

17.Erm Studies of Foreign Project Contracting Enterprise对外承包工程企业全面风险管理研究

18.Approach on EPC Lump-sum Contract of Engineering Management of An Abroad Engineering Project国外EPC总承包工程项目管理的探讨


overseas project contracting对外工程承包

1.Study on the Development Situation and Strategies of China s Overseas Project Contracting;我国对外工程承包的发展态势及策略研究

3)foreign contract project对外承包工程

4)External contract of mining works采矿工程外包

5)oversea general contract project海外总包工程

6)overseas general contracting project境外总包工程


