100字范文 > 劳务外包 Outsourcing英语短句 例句大全

劳务外包 Outsourcing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-30 20:29:19


劳务外包 Outsourcing英语短句 例句大全



1.A Research on Employee Satisfaction & Motivation Mechanism Based on LaborOutsourcing;“劳务外包”背景下的员工满意度调查及其激励机制探究


1.A Research on Employee Satisfaction & Motivation Mechanism Based on Labor Outsourcing;“劳务外包”背景下的员工满意度调查及其激励机制探究

2.to work hard to develop overseas project contracting and labor cooperation;大力发展对外承包工程和劳务合作;

3.Contracted projects overseas as well as labor-export services should be further expanded继续发展对外承包工程和劳务合作。

4.Moreover, great developments have also been made in overseas contracted labor services and foreign aid work.此外,对外承包劳务和援外工作也有很大发展。

5.Foreign project-contracting and labor services cooperation have made relatively large progress.对外承包工程和劳务合作取得较大成绩。

6.Fourth, overseas project contracting and labor service have developed swiftly.四是对外承包工程和劳务合作迅速发展。

7.The Research on the Functions of HR Outsourcing Service Providers in the Labor Relations;HR外包服务商在劳动关系中的功能研究

8.The Management and Control of the Overseas Projects under Service Sublets Pattern;海外项目劳务分包模式下的管理与控制

9.Foreign contracted projects and labor service cooperation: Foreign services and trade continued expanding to new fields.对外承包工程和劳务合作:对外服务贸易领域继续拓展。

10.Importation of Workers Division [Labour Department]外劳事务科〔劳工处〕

11.Growing momentum was kept in construction projects, labor projects, design and consultancy services contracted by China with foreign countries.对外承包工程、劳务合作和设计咨询业务保持增长势头。

12.Service Outsourcing from Manufacturing and Productivity Growth of Services in China中国制造业服务外包与服务业劳动生产率的提升

13.Service Co-operation with Foreign Countries : refers to the activi ties of providing technology and labour services to employers or contractors in the forms of receiving salaries and wages.对外劳务合作:指以收取工资的形式向业主或承包商提供技术和劳动服务的活动。

14.Other accounts payable include liabilities for any goods and services other than merchandise.其他应付账款包括除购买商品之外的其他任何货物和劳务的负债。

15.GNP gross national product国民生产总值(商品和劳务币值总和,包括海外收入支出)

16.In 2002, the accomplished business revenue through contracted projects and labor contracts was 14.4 billion US dollars, up 18.2 percent.全年对外承包工程和劳务合作完成营业额144亿美元,比上年增长18.2%;

17.Owing to our "going global" strategy, outbound investment, construction contracts for overseas projects and labor cooperation programs kept growing.实施“走出去”战略,对外投资、工程承包和劳务合作不断扩大。

18.Singapore is China"s traditional market for contract projects and labor service cooperation.新加坡是中国传统对外承包工程和劳务合作市场。


external labor-subcontracting enterprises外部劳务分包企业

3)labor subcontracting劳务分包

1.The extending of construction scale leads tolabor subcontracting in construction industry, standardlabor subcontracting system is needed.随着工程项目建设规模的不断扩大,工程劳务分包现象越来越普遍,进一步规范和完善建筑业专业分包体系是我国工程建设市场发展的必然趋势。

2.There are various problems existing in thelabor subcontracting management of construction enterprise.目前施工企业在劳务分包队伍选择、施工组织与管理、劳务工资支付等过程环节存在着诸多问题,形成管理风险。

4)contractual service承包劳务

5)nonnative labor外来劳务

1.Some ideas on management ofnonnative labor in shiprepair enterprises;关于修船企业外来劳务管理工作的思考

6)foreign services涉外劳务

1.Foreign service economics which is regarded as a new kind of economic element can not only make the labours themselves rich inforeign services,promote the development of local economics,but also inrich the foreign service labors in knowledge,renew their concepts and lead the way for other people to shake off poverty and become prosperous.涉外劳务经济作为一个新的经济成分,既可使涉外劳务人员自身迅速致富,促进当地经济发展,又可使涉外人员增长见识、更新观念,带动他人脱贫致富。


