100字范文 > 走私 smuggling英语短句 例句大全

走私 smuggling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-14 04:42:35


走私 smuggling英语短句 例句大全



1.Economic Analysis on Smuggling and Anti-smuggling;走私与反走私的经济学分析

2.Analysis on Smuggling Cases of Rare Animals in Alataw Port;阿拉山口口岸走私珍贵动物及制品案件特点与对策


1.One that smuggles firearms and ammunition.军火走私者走私武器和弹药的人

2.Increase penalties: cigarette smugglers continue because the benefits outweigh the risks加重惩罚:香烟走私者继续走私是因为走私的利润大于风险。

3.The smuggled goods were condemned.这批走私货物宣告没收。

4.He smuggled heroin into the country.他把海洛因走私到该国。

5.They made prize of a smuggling ship.他们捕获一条走私船。

6.Severe attacks should also be dealt to smuggling.严厉打击走私活动。

7.someone who illegally smuggles liquor across a border.偷过边界走私酒的人。

8.smugglers are not thieves."走私贩子不是强盗。”

9.Large-scale organised smuggling大规模的有组织的走私

10.Launch a crackdown on drug smugglers对毒品走私犯予严打

11.The crackdown on capital flight an smuggling打击资本外逃和走私

12.The customs officer confiscated the smuggled goods.海关官员没收了走私品。

13.run contraband goods/liquor into a country走私违禁物品[偷运私酒]进入某国.

14.the Preventive Service((英)) (取缔走私的) 海岸缉私队

15.The coastguard cutter cruised along the coast looking for smugglers.水上警察缉私船沿海巡逻搜寻走私犯。

16.The Issue of Smuggling and Anti-smuggling in Qingdao from 1923 to 19371922-1937年间青岛的走私与缉私问题

17.He violated criminal law in two car smuggling cases, constituting smuggling.他在两起汽车走私案中触犯刑律,构成走私罪。

18.In anti-smuggling effort, large-scale smuggling activities have been curbed.在打击走私方面,大规模走私活动得到有效遏制。



1.On the Overseas Trade and Maritime Smuggle of Chaozhou from the Tang to the Earlier Stage of the Qing Dynasty;试论唐至清初潮州的海外贸易与海上走私

2.Research on Case of Xiamen Outsize-Smuggle and Its Case-Handling Coordinating Mechanism;厦门特大走私案及其办案协调机制的分析

3.Before Sino-Japanese War, the development of the industry and commerce and China s sovereignty were badly damaged by Japan ssmuggle activities in North China.抗战前,日本在华北的大规模走私活动不仅严重损害了中国的国家主权,而且沉重打击了中国工商业的发展。



1.The possible application of the detector is in public security sector, and the detector can be used as a facility in antiterrorism andanti-smuggling.该检测仪有望用于公共安全领域的反恐和边境、口岸的反走私工作。

2.Therefore, the correspondinganti-smuggling policy must be adopted.针对走私的这些原因,必须采取相应的政策以有效反走私。

5)smuggling trade走私贸易

1.By virtue of super geographic position, Datong which was the weste rn capital in the Liao and Song Dynasty, became an important passage for bordersmuggling trade.由于受辽、宋王朝不同的对外贸易政策的影响,辽、宋间民间私人贸易即走私贸易盛行,其贸易额甚至超过榷场贸易。

6)smuggling interdiction抑制走私


