100字范文 > 走私犯罪 smuggling crime英语短句 例句大全

走私犯罪 smuggling crime英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-02 03:32:45


走私犯罪 smuggling crime英语短句 例句大全

走私犯罪,smuggling crime

1)smuggling crime走私犯罪

1.Smuggling Crime Comparison Research in Sino-Russian Criminal Law System;刑事法律框架下中俄走私犯罪比较研究

2.The thesis raises that the institutionalsmuggling crime isn t status crime although there is institutional status crime in theory on the base of definite concept of status crime andsmuggling crime.尽管在理论上有单位身份犯,但单位走私犯罪不是身份犯。

3.Currently in our country, the most prominent characteristics ofsmuggling crime is that it is mostly conducted by units, which has involved many legal problems needing to be solved in judicial practice.走私犯罪是破坏社会主义经济秩序的一种严重犯罪,当前我国走私犯罪相当严重。


parative Study of Smuggling Legislation between China Mainland and Taiwan;两岸走私犯罪立法比较与借鉴——兼论走私犯罪类型化立法

2.Eighth, cracking down on smuggling and related criminal activities .第八,严厉打击走私犯罪活动。

3.The Characteristics of Smuggling Crimes of China and Its Punishment;我国刑法中走私犯罪的特征及其惩治

4.A Research On the Evidence Of Crime Of Smuggling Under CEPA;CEPA条件下的走私犯罪证据研究

5.Analysis of the Influences on Smuggling Crime After Joining WTO and Strategies to Be Taken;加入WTO对我国走私犯罪的影响及对策

6.China Joins the WTO : Characteristics, Causes and PreventiveMeasures of Smuggling Offence;“入世”后走私犯罪的特点、成因及对策

7.Chasing and Interceping criminals of contraband the customs of weifang;浅谈走私犯罪案件侦查中的追缉堵截

8.Research on Related Problems of Indirect Smuggling Criminal Proof对间接走私犯罪证据的相关问题研究

9.Smuggling Crime Comparison Research in Sino-Russian Criminal Law System;刑事法律框架下中俄走私犯罪比较研究

10.With5 suspected smugglers detained on the spot, this has been the1 st frozen goods smuggling case since the beginning of the year.这是拱北海关新年首次查获的走私冻品大案,5名走私犯罪嫌疑人当场落网。

11.On the Evidences Collection of Drug Smuggling Crime--Viewed from the Perspective of Customs Supervision;试论毒品走私犯罪的证据收集——从海关监管的视角进行分析

12.He violated criminal law in two car smuggling cases, constituting smuggling.他在两起汽车走私案中触犯刑律,构成走私罪。

13.Those who conspire with others in advance to commit crimes stipulated in the above two paragraphs of this article are to be handled as accomplices of smuggling, trafficking, transporting, or making drugs.犯前两款罪,事先通谋的,以走私、贩卖、运输、制造毒品罪的共犯论处

14.Confiscation of smuggled property is part of the penalty for certain offences.没收走私财产是对某些犯罪予以惩罚的一部分。

15.We must severely crack down on tax evasion, tax fraud, money laundering, smuggling and other illegal and criminal activities.严厉打击偷逃骗税、钱和走私等违法犯罪活动。

16.An Analysis of the Characteristics of Drug Smuggling and Trafficking at Frontier;当前边境地区走私、贩运毒品犯罪的特点研究

17.if the circumstances are serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal responsibility in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Law on the crimes of smuggling.情节严重、构成犯罪的,依照刑法关于走私罪的规定追究刑事责任。

18."Anyone who smuggles goods that are subject to import or export prohibitions or restrictions, and hereby commits criminal offenses, shall be subject to criminal prosecution pursuant to the Supplementary Decision on the Punishment of Smuggling Crimes."走私禁止进出口或者限制进出口的货物,构成犯罪的,依照惩治走私罪的补充规定追究刑事责任。



1.The Omission on Legislation Concerning the Crime ofSmuggling and Its Perfection;试论走私犯罪的立法疏漏及其完善

2.On UnitSmuggling;试论单位走私犯罪的若干问题

3.This paper presents a comparative analysis of law system towards smuggling across the straits so as to understand the two different law systems.走私犯罪及其它妨害海关和对外贸易监督管理的犯罪都是属于侵犯国境安全、国家对外贸易政策、扰乱市场经济秩序、危害社会治安以及国民健康的严重犯罪。

3)Crimes of smuggling走私犯罪

1.Crimes of smuggling are administration commission.走私犯罪作为一种行政犯,因为其社会危害性极大,受到世界各国的关注与惩治。

4)drug smuggling crime毒品走私犯罪

5)investigation of crime of smuggling走私犯罪侦查

6)institutional smuggling crime单位走私犯罪

1.The thesis raises that theinstitutional smuggling crime isn t status crime although there is institutional status crime in theory on the base of definite concept of status crime and smuggling crime.尽管在理论上有单位身份犯,但单位走私犯罪不是身份犯。

2.Nowadays,institutional smuggling crime has become serious because that thetarget of crime , the pattern of crime and the means of crime of the smugglingcrime have become more and more complicated while those have changed intointelligent, organizational and professional.现在,我国走私犯罪从犯罪对象、犯罪手段到犯罪方式日益复杂,逐步向智能化、团体化、专业化的方向发展,并且往往与单位犯罪有密切联系,单位走私犯罪问题相当突出。


