100字范文 > 强化一级处理 enhanced primary treatment英语短句 例句大全

强化一级处理 enhanced primary treatment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-06 22:57:24


强化一级处理 enhanced primary treatment英语短句 例句大全

强化一级处理,enhanced primary treatment

1)enhanced primary treatment强化一级处理

1.The analysis and comparison ofenhanced primary treatment process of wastewater received from towns;城镇低浓度污水强化一级处理工艺分析比较

2.By using AlCl3,Fe2(SO4)3,FeSO4 and PAM as the chemical reagents, theenhanced primary treatment of municipal wastewater has been made.采用碱式氯化铝、硫酸铁、硫酸亚铁、聚丙烯酰胺为试验药剂,对城市污水进行强化一级处理。

3.Excess sludge from secondary biological treatment process was used as flocculant forenhanced primary treatment of antibiotic wastewater.以二级生物处理过程中产生的剩余污泥为絮凝剂强化一级处理抗生素废水。


1.Effectiveness of Integrated Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment and Constructed Wetland for Treating Domestic Wastewater化学强化一级处理-人工湿地处理生活污水效果

2.Research on Chemical Enhanced Primary Treatment of Municipal Wastewater;化学强化一级处理城市污水的试验研究

3.Bioflocculation and Trickling Filter Process for Sewage Treatment;生物絮凝强化一级处理+高负荷生物滤池处理生活污水

4.Chemical-Biological Flocculation Enhanced Primary Treatment in Low Temperature Domestic Wastewater;低温生活污水化学—生物絮凝强化一级处理试验研究

5.Experiment and Theory Research on the Pneumatic Flocculation Applied in Enhancing Primary Treatment for Wastewater;气动絮凝应用于污水强化一级处理的试验及理论研究

6.Study on the Experiment of Diatomite Enhanced Primary Treatment to Low Strength Municipal Wastewater;硅藻精土强化一级处理低浓度城市污水的试验研究

7.The Research on Application of Aeration Flocculation in the CEPT for Municipal Wastewater;气动反应在城市污水强化一级处理中的应用研究

8.Study on Biologically Enhanced Primary Treatment plus Biofiltration Technology of Municipal Wastewater;城市污水生物絮凝强化一级处理+生物膜过滤技术试验研究

9.Experimental Study of Enhanced Primary Treatment of Low Concentration Domestic Sewage with UASB+AF;UASB+AF复合厌氧工艺强化一级处理低浓度生活污水的试验研究

10.Study on the Municipal Wastewater Treatment by Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment Technology;化学强化城市污水一级处理试验研究

11.chemically enhanced primary treatment化学加强初级处理方法

12.Experimental Study on Aerobic Composting of Bailonggang"s Enhanced Primary Treatment Sludge as Landfill Pretreatment;白龙港一级强化污水处理污泥好氧堆肥填埋预处理研究

13.Research on the Mechanism of CEPT and the Characteristics of the Sludge Discharged from the Process;化学强化一级工艺处理污水的机理及其污泥特性研究

14.Pilot Study of the Chemical Enhanced Primary Treatment Technology in Domestic Wastewater Treatment;化学强化一级工艺用于城市污水处理的试验研究

15.In this treatise, we emphasize first-order splines.在这一处理中,我们强调一级样条。

16.Enhanced Primary Municipal Wastewater Treatment and Applicability Study at Guanzhong Area;一级强化处理城镇污水及其在关中地区适用性研究

17.Experimental study on magnetic field enhanced ozonation treatment of municipal wastewater磁强化臭氧氧化生化处理二级出水的试验研究

18.Tertiary treatment comprises a series of physicochemical steps.三级处理包括一系列物理化学处理步骤。


enhanced primary treatment一级强化处理

1.Jinan Yuxiu River polluted water treatment project was introduced,which usedenhanced primary treatment and biological aerated filter process.介绍了受污染的济南玉绣河采用一级强化处理+曝气生物滤池为主体工艺进行处理的工程实例,运行结果表明,出水水质达到《城市污水再生利用景观环境用水水质标准》(GB/T18921—2002),并全部回用于景观用水和绿化用水,环境及经济效益明显。

2.The most popularenhanced primary treatment processes include chemical coagulation, bio-flocuulation-adsorption, bio-chemical ftocuulation, etc.并以陕西省三原县拟建2万m~3/d的污水处理厂作为中小城市典型污水厂,分别采用一级强化处理和二级生化处理对其进行投资估算和运行费估算,并进行经济分析。


1.Research on magnetic polymer inCEPT of Low Concentration Life Sewage Using Alge as Medium;蓝藻介导磁聚物化学强化一级处理低浓度生活污水的研究

2.The effects of nutrients removal in combinedCEPT-MBBR process in a pilot-scale experiment were studied.对化学强化一级处理联合流动床生物反应器(CEPT—MBBR)的脱氮除磷效果进行了中试研究。

4)chemically enhanced primary treatment化学强化一级处理

1.Study ofchemically enhanced primary treatment of wastewater received by urban rivers;城市纳污河道废水化学强化一级处理的研究

2.Introduced the principles and characteristic of Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT) , summarized some of the domestic and foreign projects, and hold this opinion that CEPT is suitable to the actuality of water pollution control in our country.介绍了化学强化一级处理的原理和特点,综述了国内外部分工程实例,认为化学强化一级处理工艺适宜于我国目前的污水处理状况适宜推广。

5)chemical enhanced first grade treatment process化学强化一级处理工艺

6)Chemically-Enhanced Primary Treatment Process一级化学强化处理工艺


