100字范文 > 新女性 New woman英语短句 例句大全

新女性 New woman英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-17 07:54:49


新女性 New woman英语短句 例句大全

新女性,New woman

1)New woman新女性

1."New Woman" in "Old New York";“老纽约”中的“新女性”

2.Henry James s New Woman;亨利·詹姆斯笔下的“新女性”

3.But in the late 1960s,many female scholars concluded,from the perspective of feminism,that Brett was a new woman,representing a new image in the western world.60年代中后期,许多女学者从女权主义批评的角度出发将勃莱特视为西方20世纪代新女性的代表。


1.Images of New Women in Ding Ling s Novels--From Daughter to Women;丁玲小说的新女性形象——从“女儿”到“女人”

paring The Goddess and New Woman论《神女》与《新女性》的男性文本的嫌疑

3.Wild Woman Occur Repeatedly;狂女再现——从茅盾的“新女性”到张抗抗的“作女”

4.The androgynous new image of woman:An analysis of Jane Eyre;双性同体的新女性——简·爱形象新析

5.Behind New Woman?--A Review on Sister Carrie in Light of Feminism“新女性”的背后——从女性主义的角度看《嘉莉妹妹》

6.An Analysis of Scarlett as a New Woman from a Feminist Perspective女性主义视角下的斯佳丽新女性形象之解读

7.The Moulding of New Women Image in the PRC from 1949 to 1965;新中国对新女性形象的塑造:1949—1965

8.The Subversion of the Traditional Women Images--From the "True Womanhood" to the "New Womanhood";女性主义形象的颠覆——从“纯女性”到“新女性”——解读《黄色墙壁纸》中角色女性

9.Beyond Feminism:An Exploration of Female Awareness of Zhang Ai ling;在女性主义之外——张爱玲女性意识新探

10.The Lost Goddess--The Goddess and the epoch sense of contemporary poems;失落的女神——《女神》及其新诗“现代性”问题

11.Women s Own Voice--The Feminist Concepts of Women in the New Culture Movement Period;女性自己的声音——新文化运动时期女性的女性主义思想

12.The Rights of Woman Under Paternity Culture and the Development of Female Rights in New China父权文化下的女性权利及新中国女性权利发展

13.The Modern Female Characteristics Summed up from The New Female Social Appellation;从新兴女性社会称谓语看现代女性时代特征

14.The Existence Pattern of Female Theme in the Contemporary Female Prose;新时期女性散文中女性主题的存在形态考察

15.Female Civilization’s Subject of Female Writing in New Period;试论新时期女性写作中的女性文化母题

16.Some Discussion about the Relations Between Woman and City in the Female Literature in New Period;新时期女性文学中女性与城市关系的解读

17.Female Statement in Historical Crevice --A Review of the Female New Historicism Novel;突入历史间隙的女性言说——试论女性新历史小说

18.Fluctuation of Womens Social Status and Their Education Tendency in the New Period;新时期女性社会地位的动摇与女性教育趋向


new women新女性

1.The transmutation of thenew women s concept of marriage and family in the Republic of China——Baced on the investigations of the city women in the 1920s-1930s;觉醒:民国“新女性”婚姻家庭观之嬗变——以二十世纪二三十年代对城市女性的调查展开

2.House Angels Versus New Women;“家庭天使”与“新女性”的对垒

3)new female新女性

1.Conrad portrays anew female image of resistance consciousness and self-consciousness in Lord Jim.虽然《吉姆老爷》被许多评论家称为"没有女人的男人",但作者康拉德不仅在文本中塑造了一位具有反抗意识与自我意识的新女性形象,而且以其"守护神"般的勇敢和智慧改写了男人守护女人的文学传统。

2.In Ling Shuhua s novel production,the chapters themed by female life and mentality,depicts the living situation of ladies and madames the alternate periods of new and old ages,and represents the stale idea of old female and the limitation of thenew female.凌叔华的小说创作中,以女性生活、女性心理为主题的那些篇章,书写了新旧时代交替时期的小姐、太太们的生存状况,表现了旧女性的陈旧思想及新女性的局限性。

3.The awareness of female consciousness needs a long process, from the "new female" of Maodun to "woman on the edge" of Zhang kangkang, the rebellious female characters occur repeatedly, but the charactreistics are different because of changing the.女性自觉是一个漫长的过程 ,从茅盾的“新女性”到张抗抗的“作女” ,反叛不羁的女性形象一再出现 ,但因时代的变化表现出不同的特质。

4)women"s news女性新闻

5)"new women"s outlook""新女性"观

6)Reform Women维新女性


