100字范文 > 新女性主义 New Feminism英语短句 例句大全

新女性主义 New Feminism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-26 12:48:34


新女性主义 New Feminism英语短句 例句大全

新女性主义,New Feminism

1)New Feminism新女性主义

1.Focus on Korean Plays from the View ofNew Feminism;以“新女性主义”视角聚焦韩剧

2)new feminism literature新女性主义文学

1.After 1960s ,the feminist movement in Taiwan has developed vigorously,and thenew feminism literature creation in Taiwan flourished consequently,which explored how the women evaluated themselves correctly and how the women consummated themselves at the new period.20世纪60年代以后,台湾的女权运动蓬勃发展起来,台湾的新女性主义文学创作也随之而兴盛。

3)New feminine principle angle of view新女性主义视角


1.Female Rights and Interests:Encroached Inadvertently?——A Analysis of IVF from the Angle of Feminism;女性权益:不经意间被侵犯?——女性主义视角的体外受精技术

2.Rewriting,Consumption and Feminism——On Updike s Gertrude and Claudius;重写、消费与女性主义——解读厄普代克的小说《葛特露和克劳狄斯》


1.Feminism","the Third World Women" and "the Post-Colonialism;“女性主义”、“第三世界女性”与“后殖民主义”

2.From Feminism to Post-Feminism: The Theoretical Transformation of Western Feminism;从女权主义到后女权主义——西方女性主义/女权主义的理论转型

3.A Brief Analysis to the Liberalism Feminism,the Radicalism Feminism and the Marxist Feminism View on Science;自由主义女性主义与激进女性主义科学观浅探

4.Feminism, Post-feminism and the Female Image in Advertisement;女性主义、后女性主义与广告中的女性形象

5.From Global Feminism to Transnational Feminism--Concurrently on the Knowledge Output of Transnational Feminism;从全球女性主义到跨国女性主义——兼论跨国女性主义的知识生产

ments on Liberal Feminism and Socialist Feminism;自由主义女性主义与社会主义女性主义思想述评

7.Self-Narrative Characteristic and Feminism --On Feminist Artist Sherman;自述性与女性主义——女性主义艺术家舍曼解读

8.Cott, Nancy F. The Grounding of Modern Feminism. 1987.《现代女性主义的基础》1987.

9.On Virginia Woolf s Feminism and Feminist Literary Theory;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的女性主义与女性主义文论

10.The Thorn Birds:the Paradox of Feminism and Anti-Feminism;《荆棘鸟》:女性主义和反女性主义的似是而非

11.Feminism and Translation of the Bible--an Analysis of the Feminist Translation Theory;女性主义和《圣经》翻译——解析女性主义翻译观

12.Feminist Exploration of Women Redefining in The Dead;女性主义再议——《死者》的女性主义探索(英文)

13.Americal School of Feminism:Femisnist Narrative;女性主义美国学派——女性主义叙事学简论

14.Consumerism Trap And Feminism Trap in Female Magazine;女性杂志中的消费主义陷阱和女性主义陷阱

15.Pearl S.Buck--a Practitioner from Feminism to Feminist Translation赛珍珠——从女性主义到女性主义翻译的实践者

16.Feminist Translation From the Perspective of Feminist Standpoint女性主义立场视野下的女性主义翻译观

17.The feminism complex of two lesbians--On the theme of feminism in Rubyfruit Jungl两名女同性恋者的女性主义情结——论《红果丛林》的女性主义主题

18.Influence and Interaction-Feminism and Post-colonialism;影响与融合:女性主义与后殖民主义


new feminism literature新女性主义文学

1.After 1960s ,the feminist movement in Taiwan has developed vigorously,and thenew feminism literature creation in Taiwan flourished consequently,which explored how the women evaluated themselves correctly and how the women consummated themselves at the new period.20世纪60年代以后,台湾的女权运动蓬勃发展起来,台湾的新女性主义文学创作也随之而兴盛。

3)New feminine principle angle of view新女性主义视角


1.Female Rights and Interests:Encroached Inadvertently?——A Analysis of IVF from the Angle of Feminism;女性权益:不经意间被侵犯?——女性主义视角的体外受精技术

2.Rewriting,Consumption and Feminism——On Updike s Gertrude and Claudius;重写、消费与女性主义——解读厄普代克的小说《葛特露和克劳狄斯》


1.Interpreting Hong Ying′s Feminist Writing;解读虹影的女性主义写作

2.On Feminist Law in American and Illumination from It;美国女性主义法学及其启示

3.The real essence of the grotesque——A rose for emily:An interpretation from afeminist perspective;怪异的真实本源——《纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花》:一种女性主义的解读

6)female doctrine女性主义

1.Way tofemale doctrine ——On visual angle of displacement of Chi Li s novels in the 1990s;走向女性主义之路——论90年代池莉小说创作视点之位移

2.The article compares the viewpoint of Chinese female higher education before the Republic of China of male doctrine withfemale doctrine, including the right, the target, contents,the path and function etc.文章就民国之前的女子高等教育 ,从女子接受高等教育的权利、目标、内容和途径 ,以及女子高等教育的作用等方面 ,对女性主义和男性主义的不同看法进行了比较 ,通过比较 ,发现两者在对中国女子高等教育的看法存在很大差异 ,由此获得一些发展女子高等教育的启示。


