100字范文 > 佤族 Wa nationality英语短句 例句大全

佤族 Wa nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-26 08:55:47


佤族 Wa nationality英语短句 例句大全

佤族,Wa nationality

1)Wa nationality佤族

1.Thinking about the value ofWa nationality"s liquor culture and its exploitation;佤族酒文化的价值与开发的思考

2.Study on adult somatotype ofWa nationality in China by Heath-Carter somatotyping method;佤族成人Heath-Carter法体型研究


1.A Review of the Research on the Wa People from1990 to 佤族研究综述(1990—)

2.The Inheritance and Influence of Sigangli Myth of Wa Nationality--Taking Wa Nationality in Ximeng as an Example佤族“司岗里”神话的传承及影响——以西盟佤族为例

3.Lahu-Va-Blang-Dai Autonomous County of Shuangjiang双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县

4.The view of the diseases of the Wa nationality is derived from the view of the souls of the Wa nationality.佤族的病患观衍生于佤族的灵魂观,是佤族灵魂观的延伸,与灵魂信仰有着极为密切的关系。

5.Marriages of Wa People佤族同姓婚禁忌探析——以班奈村佤族同姓婚禁忌为例

6.Va People s Worship of Holy Forest and Ecological Protection:Taking Yellow-Suit Va People s Colorful Forest Worship in Gengma Big Village as an Example;论佤族神林崇拜与生态保护——以耿马勐简大寨“黄佤”神林崇拜为例

7.On the Meaning and Formation of "Barao", a Brand of the Wa Nationality论佤族支系“巴饶”的含义及其形成

8.Music-Picture of the Wa Nationality--An analysis of the sound structure in Black Pearls;佤族音画——《黑珍珠》音响组织分析

9.Religion of Wa Ethnic Group Women in the Eye of Social Gender;社会性别视野下的佤族妇女宗教信仰

10.The Positive Factors in the Cultural Inheritance of the Wa s Folk Music;佤族民间音乐文化传承中的积极因素

11.On the Formation of the Wa Nationality through a Study of the Historical Documents and Legends Housed in Some Foreign Countries;从境外诸国文献和传说看佤族的形成

12.An Exploratory Analysis of the View of the Souls and Diseases of the Wa Nationality in Cangyuan of Yunnan;云南沧源佤族的灵魂观与病患观探析

13.The Cultural Background and Social Function in the Wa Funeral Customs;佤族丧葬习俗的文化背景与社会功能

14.Cultural Aspect in the Wa People, s Creation Mythology "SIGANGLI";佤族创世神话《司岗里》的文化特点

15.A study of the Va women’s status and role in social changes;社会变迁中佤族妇女地位作用的研究

16.Research Based on the Statistical Analysis of the Theses on Was"Cultural Published in CNKI基于CNKI的“佤族文化”研究文章统计分析

17.Same-Surname Marriage,Inter-Clan Marriage,and Multi-Identity Marriage of the Wa Ethnic Minority in Bannai Village班奈佤族的同姓婚、交错婚和堆砌婚

18.Distribiution of CSFIPO, TPOX and THOl loci in three minority nationalities in Yunnan province of China;云南佤族、怒族和独龙族CTT基因座的遗传多态性


Wa people佤族

1.Teaching Wa People to Learn Putonghua;佤族学生学习普通话教学研究

2.The Nature Worship and Ecological Protection of Wa People;佤族的自然崇拜与生态保护

3.Wa People s Moral Concepts in myth of creation;佤族创世神话中的伦理道德观

3)The Wa People佤族

1.A Review of the Research on the Wa People from1990 to ;佤族研究综述(1990—)

2.On the relationship of primitive religion and moral ethics of the Wa people;佤族原始宗教与伦理道德的关系

3.To Explore and Analyze the Women Images in Folk Tales ofThe Wa People;佤族民间故事中的女性形象探析

4)Wa Ethnic佤族

1.Medical anthropology study on malaria control amongWa Ethnic in Ximeng County, Yunnan Province;西盟县佤族疟疾防治的医学人类学研究

2.Objectives To assess current situation, affordability and obstacles on malaria treatment-seeking in Wa ethnic.目的评价佤族患疟求医的现状、费用支付能力和障碍。

3.Objective To learn layperson perception of Wa ethnic toward malaria.目的了解佤族群众对疟疾的认知情况。

5)The Wa nationality佤族

1.The Wa nationality’s primitive religion and their ethnic culture heritage;佤族的原始宗教与民族文化传承

6)Wa Medicine佤族医药


