100字范文 > 佤族文化 culture of Wa nationality英语短句 例句大全

佤族文化 culture of Wa nationality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-24 20:44:21


佤族文化 culture of Wa nationality英语短句 例句大全

佤族文化,culture of Wa nationality

1)culture of Wa nationality佤族文化


1.Research Based on the Statistical Analysis of the Theses on Was"Cultural Published in CNKI基于CNKI的“佤族文化”研究文章统计分析

2.Cultural Acculturation and Ethnic Group--To Take Wa People of Wearing Yellow Clothes Cultural as an Example;文化涵化与族群——以“黄佤”族群文化为例

3.The Positive Factors in the Cultural Inheritance of the Wa s Folk Music;佤族民间音乐文化传承中的积极因素

4.The Cultural Background and Social Function in the Wa Funeral Customs;佤族丧葬习俗的文化背景与社会功能

5.Cultural Aspect in the Wa People, s Creation Mythology "SIGANGLI";佤族创世神话《司岗里》的文化特点

6.A study of traditional architectural cultural geography of Wa nationality in Damasa,Ximeng,Yunnan云南西盟大马撒佤族传统建筑文化地理研究

7.Moba System: The Core of the Wa Traditional Cultural System;“魔巴制度”——佤族传统文化体系的核心支柱

8.(The dances of the Va nationality mentioned above are from Folk Dances of the Va Nationality in Ximeng, September 1989, by the International Culture Publishing Co..)(以上佤族丧舞均采自《西盟佤族民间舞蹈》,国际文化出版公司1989年9月版)

9.On Relationship between Cultural Traditions of Yi,Wa and De ang Nationalities and Forest Resources in Yunnan Province;云南彝族、佤族、德昂族传统文化习俗与森林资源关系的调查研究

10.Education in School and the Heritage of Ethnic Culture学校教育和少数民族文化传承——以西盟佤族自治县新厂乡为例

11.An Anthropological Investigation of the Wa s Consumer Culture and its Vicissitude in Damasa Village of Simeng County;佤族消费文化变迁的人类学考量——以云南西盟县大马散村为例

12.Protection and Development of the Living Culture in Wengding Wa Nationality Tourist Village;云南沧源翁丁佤族旅游村活态文化的保护与开发

13.On the Formation of the Wa Nationality through a Study of the Historical Documents and Legends Housed in Some Foreign Countries;从境外诸国文献和传说看佤族的形成

14.Chinese Teaching Experiment in Rural Preschool of the Wa People;在佤族山区农村学前班强化汉语教学值得尝试

15.A Review of the Research on the Wa People from1990 to 佤族研究综述(1990—)

16.The Inheritance and Influence of Sigangli Myth of Wa Nationality--Taking Wa Nationality in Ximeng as an Example佤族“司岗里”神话的传承及影响——以西盟佤族为例

17.Lahu-Va-Blang-Dai Autonomous County of Shuangjiang双江拉祜族佤族布朗族傣族自治县

18.The view of the diseases of the Wa nationality is derived from the view of the souls of the Wa nationality.佤族的病患观衍生于佤族的灵魂观,是佤族灵魂观的延伸,与灵魂信仰有着极为密切的关系。


living culture of Wa nationality佤族活态文化

3)Festival and Sacrifice Culture佤族节祭文化

4)Wɑzu wenxue佤族文学

5)The Drums and Drum Culture of the Wa Nationality佤族的鼓与鼓文化

6)A Discuss of Huotang Culture of Huotang of Wa Nationality试论佤族火塘文化


