100字范文 > 测站 station英语短句 例句大全

测站 station英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-11 18:58:23


测站 station英语短句 例句大全



1.Based on the basic requirement of settlement monitoring of large size building,this paper puts forward the method and train of thought by using totalstation instrument to carry through the monitoring of Fuxing Bridge,combined with traditional subsidence observation method havingstation instability.根据大型建(构)筑物的沉降监测的基本要求,结合传统的沉降观测方法对大桥进行沉降变形监测具有测站的不稳定性。


1.automatic meteorological observation station自动气象观测站气象自动观测站

2.Sahel and Saharan Observatory萨赫勒和撒哈拉观测站(萨赫勒站)

3.Testing & Inspection Station for Electric Wire & Cable (TICW)国家电线电缆检测站

4.Automatic Geophysical Observatory自动地球物理观测站

5.European Group on Ocean Stations海洋观测站欧洲小组

6.North Atlantic Ocean Statio北大西洋海洋观测站

7.fixed oceanographic stations of the world世界定点海洋观测站

8.regional basic synoptic network区域基本天气观测站网

9.Automatic Standard Magnetic Observatory自动标准地磁观测站

10.mobile monitoring station for atmospheric pollution大气污染流动监测站

11.stationary monitoring station for atmospheric pollution大气污染固定监测站

12.MAMOS (Marine Automatic MeteorologicalObserving Station)海洋自动气象观测站

13.The meteorological observation station stands apart from the town.气象观测站在城外。

14.Measurement for noise on platform of subway stationGB/T14228-1993地下铁道车站站台噪声测量

15.Analysis and Correction of Observation Difference between Two Kinds of AWS and Man-observed Station in Shijiazhuang自动站与人工站观测记录的差异分析

16.continuous air monitoring program station空气连续监测规划站

17.coast and geodetic tide station海岸与大地潮汐测量站

18.digital photogrammetric station数字摄影测量工作站



3)survey station测点,测站

4)minor monitor station监测分站

1.The auto dual power supplies switch is developed according to electrical environment in the coal mine and to ensure theminor monitor station"s ceaseless working,as well as to automatically test the status of the two power supplies.根据煤矿井下电源环境研制开发了双电源自动切换装置,保证监测分站连续不间断工作,能自动检测两路接入电源的供电状态,并根据检测结果确定电源输出。

5)observational station观测站

1.When exploited 1820 working surfaces,the Coal Mine of Luyukou established the ground crag movingobservational station,it obtained repeatedly exploited surface migration and transformative parameter and regulation which observed on the pot,and provided measured data and theoretical principal to the further study of coal mine surface sink.炉峪口煤矿在开采1820工作面时,在工作面上方地表建立地面岩移观测站,通过实地观测得出了重复采动下地表移动变形的参数及移动规律,为进一步研究煤矿地表沉陷提供了实测数据和理论依据。

6)observation station观测站

1.Data processing of land surface movementobservation station of first mining face based on GPS基于GPS技术的首采面地表移动观测站数据处理

2.The setting and measurement method of theobservation station in certain colliery are introduced.介绍了某矿区山区地表移动观测站的设置和观测方法,以该矿区观测站的实际观测资料为基础,分析了开采引起的山区地表移动变形规律及下沉、水平移动的特殊性。

3.Establishing of the land surface movementobservation station in mining subsidence area is one of the basic means.为研究开采沉陷区地表移动的规律,在现有的地表移动观测站及先进观测仪器的基础上,进一步改善观测数据处理的精度,提高地表移动数据处理结果的可信度,提出了对地表移动观测站按照坐标进行观测的方法。


