100字范文 > 考核制度 Assessment System英语短句 例句大全

考核制度 Assessment System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-07 08:36:17


考核制度 Assessment System英语短句 例句大全

考核制度,Assessment System

1)Assessment System考核制度

1.Research on Town-level Leader s PerformanceAssessment System;乡镇领导类公务员考核制度研究

2.OffendersAssessment System refers to the sum of the detailed check-up system that the prison system and police in accordance with the law to regulate criminals demeanor of reality such as work, study, life and entertainment.罪犯考核制度即指监狱及其警察依法对罪犯劳动、学习、生活、娱乐等全方位现实言行举止进行规范的细则性考核制度的总和,以之为内容的罪犯考核权具有准司法权属性。

3.The following is the main problems: income distribution resulting in structure disequilibrium,organization structure being lack of efficiency,capability being dissymmetry with position and the way for inviting applications being irrational,assessment system being not applied in nature.选择合适的激励方法对于提高组织的效率具有很大的作用,但现实管理中的管理者往往把激励的重点放在薪酬策略的制定上,MER公司就是这种情况中的一个典型案例,公司领导在操作中由于忽视整体制度的建设致使薪酬策略并不奏效,主要存在以下问题:收入分配改革引发结构性不公平;组织结构缺乏效率;员工能力与岗位不匹配且招聘途径不合理;流于形式的考核制度。


1.The state began requiring examinations for teachers.对教师的考核制度开始执行,

2.Research for Public Section Personnel (Performance) Evaluation System;公共部门人事(绩效)考核制度研究

3.Improving the System of Leader Achievement Appraisal in China;论我国领导干部政绩考核制度的完善

4.On the Qualification Examination System of Ancient Chinese Officials and its Significance;中国古代官员考核制度及其借鉴意义

5.Functional Obstruction of Performance Examination System for Public Servants;论公务员绩效考核制度的功能性障碍

6.Changes on the Performance Appraisal System of American Civil Service in Late 20th Centary;论20世纪末美国文官考核制度的变革

parison and Use for Reference: the Examination System of Official in Past Dynasties;比较与借鉴:我国历代官吏考核制度

8.The Formation and Establishment of the official Examination System in Ancient China;中国古代官吏考核制度的形成和确立

9.Suggestions of the Reform of Higher Vocational Education Exams &Ways;改革高职教育考试考核制度和方法的建议

10.The success of the assessing job depends on a suit of scientific and rational assessing system.考核工作的成功必须有一套科学、理的考核制度为依托。

11.The Enlightenment of Enterprise Human Resources Performance-Appraisal to Chinese Civil Servants Performance-Appraisal System Reform;企业人力资源绩效考核对我国公务员考核制度改革的启示

12.Analysis of the Encouragement Function of Chinese Civil Servant Examining System;试析中国公务员考核制度的激励功能——兼谈考核制度存在的问题与改进对策

13.The Positivist Research of Check-up System of the Civil Servants in Fuling District in Chongqing重庆市涪陵区公务员考核制度实证研究

14.Research and Betterment for GDB Corporation Headquarters Personnel Performance Appraisal System;GDB公司本部员工绩效考核制度研究与改进

15.Research on Customer Manager s Performance Appraisement in Luoyang Branch of China Construction Bank;建设银行洛阳分行客户经理绩效考核制度研究

16.Analysis and Reform of Performance Appraisal System of Employees of Real Estate;房地产业员工绩效考核制度分析与改革

17.Study on the Assessing System for the Leading Officials in the Party and Government from the Rational Angle of View;理性化视角下党政领导干部考核制度研究

18.Institutional Innovation and Breakthrough of Personnel Performance Appraisal in Project Units;提高事业单位绩效考核信度与效度的制度创新


examination system考核制度

1.With the high level schools reform of personnel matters system is practicing, the reform of personnel matters system in university libraries is very urgent; Inside, how to arrange the post by a science method, promote perfectexamination system and distribution system, has been a problem we must be thinking over in ours fields.伴随高等教育人事制度改革的实行,大学图书馆的人事制度改革也迫在眉睫,其中,怎样科学设岗,完善考核制度与分配制度是图书馆管理者必须思考的问题。

2.The civil servantsexamination system is an important part of the system of civil servants .公务员考核制度是国家公务员制度的重要组成部分,当前我国公务员考核制度中还存在许多弊端,在分析我国公务员考核存在的问题的基础上,提出切实可行的完善公务员考核制度的对策建议,以此推进我国公务员考核制度的改革。

3.At present, Chinese tax system in the civil servantexamination system, there are still some unsatisfactory and difficulties, appraisals have become a mere formality, distortion or any assessme.然而,制度的完善是漫长的,单就我国税务系统公务员考核制度来看,目前仍存在一些不尽人意的地方和棘手的问题,考核大多流于形式,往往造成考核结果失真或出现考核不公正的现象,大大降低了税务系统公务员考核的权威性,阻碍着考核制度充分发挥应有的激励作用。

3)check-up system考核制度

1.For the modernized library management, we must change ideology, enhance grade-two management, reinforcecheck-up system, strengthen scientific management, reform the closed library into an open one, change the idea of "material" importance into an human-oriented managing belief.要实现图书馆的现代化管理 ,必须转变思想观念 ,强化二级管理 ,严格考核制度 ,加强科学管理 ,变封闭型的图书馆为开放型 ,转变重“物”而轻视以“人”为主的管理理念 ,实行藏、借、阅一体化的管理方式 ,实现图书馆管理质的飞

4)checking system考核制度

1.In this paper,the author elaborated the function of the experimental teaching and the proberlems of traditional experimental teaching system,and proposed to reform the experimental teaching system from the establishing independent status of experiment teaching,such as reforming the teaching content,introducing efficientchecking system.本文阐述了实验教学的重要性和目前实验教学存在的问题,提出从确立实验教学的独立地位,改革传统的实验教学内容,建立有效的考核制度等方面改革实验教学体系。

5)evaluation system考核制度

1.Study on Evaluation System of Civil Service of Shanghai;上海市公务员考核制度研究

2.Then we present three teaching reform methods,there are interactive teaching method,diverse teaching means and the establishment of active and effectiveevaluation system.为提高教学质量,我们提出了交互式教学、多样化教学手段及建立灵活有效的考核制度三种教学改革方法。

6)curriculum checking system课程考核制度


