100字范文 > 科学家与哲学 scientist and philosophy英语短句 例句大全

科学家与哲学 scientist and philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-02 11:18:59


科学家与哲学 scientist and philosophy英语短句 例句大全

科学家与哲学,scientist and philosophy

1)scientist and philosophy科学家与哲学

1.This paper focuses its discussion on the roles and functions of scientist and their characteristics,the relationships between scientist and politics,and betweenscientist and philosophy.科学家在研究工作中直接或间接地需要哲学,不过在常规科学时期,我们看不出或者难以明显看出科学家与哲学有多少关系。


1.A comparative study on scientist peak and philosopher peak period between China and the West;中西方科学家与哲学家高峰期的比较研究

2.Philosophy & Methodology of Science ?科学哲学与科学方法论

3.Philosophers and Philosophical Issues under Modern Disciplinary Institution;现代学科体制下的哲学家、哲学问题

4.The Historian and Philosopher of Science Wandering in the Humanity and Nature:Foucault;徜徉于人文与自然之间的科学史家与科学哲学家——福柯

5.Ibn Sina: A Great Philosopher,Scientist and Doctor;伟大的哲学家、科学家、医学家伊本·西那

6.The: Family-Resemblance of the Concept of "Philosophy" and the Problem of Discipline Paradigm of "Chinese Philosophy ;“哲学”概念的家族相似性与“中国哲学”学科范式问题

7.The Review on The Scientic Discovery Viewpoint of Contemporary Western Philosophers;评当代西方科学哲学家的科学发现观

ment of Western Science & Philosophy西方科学与哲学评价

9.Philosophical Problems of Systems Sciences ?系统科学与哲学问题

10.Philosophy Should Learn from Science--Again on the relationship between philosophy and science;哲学须得向科学学习——再议哲学与科学的关系

11.Scientific Approaches to Consciousness and the Revelations from Taoism;对意识的科学探索及其与道家哲学的关系

12.Ontology and Philosophical Subject of Marx s Philosophy of Science;马克思科学哲学的本体论与哲学主题

13.The Science for Philosophy and the Philosophy for Scientific: Historical Materialism;哲学的科学与科学的哲学:唯物史观的致思路径

14.Alexandre Koyre" Scientific Philosophy and the Transformation of His Scientific Philosophy柯瓦雷科学哲学思想与科学哲学的转向

15.On the Truth of Philosophy Uiewpoint that Philasophy is Philosophy --Form the Relationship between Western Modern Philosophy and Science;论“哲学是哲学”的哲学观真相——从西方近代哲学与科学的关系说起

16.The Great Historian of Philosophy Must Be the Philosopher;优秀的哲学史家必定是哲学家——《中国哲学大纲》与张岱年哲学

17.On the Philosophical Thinking of Linear and Nonlinear Science;线性科学与非线性科学哲学思想研究

18.The Function of Philosophy of Science in Counter Attack the Receding of Anti-Science;科学哲学在与反科学的论战中的作用


scientific phelosopher科学哲学家

1.The reason is that Wittgenstein s dual per-sonality influences his learning: one isscientific phelosopher Wittgenstein the other is humane phelosopher Wittgenstein.在维特根斯坦的学说中存在着深刻的矛盾和不一致,造成这一现象的原因,是由于维特根斯坦的双重人格左右其学说:一个是科学哲学家的维特根斯坦;一个是人文哲学家的维特根斯坦。

3)science and philosophy科学与哲学

1.This paper focuses on time s irreversibility which causes the great transformation in time sense,in the object of scientific research,in scientific methodology and in nature and science prospective,and which gives boost to the birth of modern cross science and the mixture ofscience and philosophy.研究了时间不可逆性思想在引起时间观、科学研究对象、科学方法论、自然和科学图景的巨大变革方面的意义和影响 ,以及在推动现代横断科学诞生、促成科学与哲学融合方面所起的积极作

2.It mirrors the developing process of the mutuality ofscience and philosophy deeply.它通过不同历史时期哲学家的探索和争论,特别是现代科学哲学的证实与证伪原则的争论,揭示了科学发展的本质,深刻反映了科学与哲学相互关系的发展历程,为人们从新的角度理解科学的划界标准提供了新的视野。

4)philosophy and science哲学与科学

1.The relationship ofphilosophy and science is one of very important problems in western philosophical history.哲学与科学的关系是西方哲学中一个非常重要的论题。

5)philosophy scientist哲人科学家

1.Analysis ofphilosophy scientist"s ethic idea of technology——Examples for Einstein and Wiener哲人科学家的科技伦理思想探析——以爱因斯坦和维纳为例

6)Western Philosophers of Science西方科学哲学家


