100字范文 > 践履笃实 Practice·Fulfillment·Sincerity英语短句 例句大全

践履笃实 Practice·Fulfillment·Sincerity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-04 02:28:07


践履笃实 Practice·Fulfillment·Sincerity英语短句 例句大全




1.We should put emphasis on the honest-trust construction during thepractice of hospital culture.在医院文化的践履中 ,突出诚信建设 ,通过培育与管理、理论与实践、丰富与发展 ,构筑起具有医院特色的诚信文化 ,真正使诚信成为立院之本、兴院之

2.It then explains the characteristics of the spirit of the academy from four respects such as the independent spirit, equal spirit, all-embracing spirit andpractice spirit.文章首先界定了书院精神的内涵,然后从自主精神、平等精神、兼容并蓄精神和践履精神等四个方面阐述了书院精神的特征。

3.Based on such an integrative and diversal background, what should teachers do topractice national culture mission is discussed in this thesis.人类进入知识经济时代,政治民主化、经济全球化、文化多元化是新世纪的特征,“教师民族文化使命践履研究”正是基于这样的多元一体背景展开的。


1.Confucian Intellectuals s Common Political Pursuits and Value Choice in Early Han Dynasty;汉初儒士的用世践履与价值取向浅探

2.The Unification of Cognition Ability and Practice Ability--On the Issue of Moral Effectiveness;发掘“知”,践履“行”——试谈思想政治教育实效性问题

3.On the Practice of Social Service Function of Chinese Research Universities论我国研究型大学社会服务职能的践履

4.Moral Practice and Political Implication:Dong Zhong-shu and Transition of Confucian View of Nature Bi-De道德践履与政治寓意——董仲舒与儒家自然比德观

5.From the Appearance of "Publicity" to the Implementation of "Good Governance"--A New Idea of Social Management and Social Construction;从“公共性”的开显到“善治”的践履——试论社会建设与社会管理新理念

6.The Realization of the Ancient Eastern Dream of “Combining Human with Nature”;践履“天人合一”之东方古梦——林甸地热利用的价值学追求

7.Psychological Education as Mainstream of Wang Yangming s "Sainthood;心理教育是阳明一生践履“成圣”的主线——王阳明心理教育思想初探

8.On Systematical Practice of Socialist Democracy in the View of the Report at the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China“十七大报告”视域中的社会主义民主政治系统性践履

9.Social Activities and Communication: Regulation Field for Moral Education and Training Ground for Virtues;社会性活动和交往:德育的调节场和德行的践履地——陶行知德育过程思想探求

10.Acting on "Three Represents Theory" Carrying out the Librarians Duties;践行“三个代表” 履行馆员职责

11.Practise "Three Represents"Theory, Fulfil Three Major Functions and Serve for Enriching the People and Developing Chongqing;实践“三个代表” 履行三大职能 服务富民兴渝

12.Participating in Practicing the Ideology of "Theree Representatives",Performing the Functions of Participating Parties;参与实践“三个代表”思想 积极履行参政党职能

13.Praxis: Practice,especially of an art,science, or technical occupation, opposite to theory.实践:实际履行,尤指艺术.科学或技术领域:与理论遥相对应.

14.The Practice of "Three Representative": The New Epoch Coordinate of Democratic Parties to Carry out the Function of Participating in the Public Affairs;实践“三个代表”要求是民主党派履行参政党职能的新的时代坐标

15.Practice of“Three Represents”Requires Full Implementation of Public Security Organs Duties;自觉实践“三个代表”重要思想 充分履行公安机关职能

16.Wang Gui and Wei Zheng: Practice on the Confucian Vice of Political Literature --The Third Article on the Style of Court Poetry during the Reign of Tang Tai Zong;王珪、魏徵:儒家诗教观的履践——贞观宫廷诗风研究之三

17.Research and practice of big lead angle rotating unloading method for precise cold extrusion die of spherical slippery footstep球面滑履精密冷挤压大升角旋转脱模方法研究与实践

18.- To strengthen the capacity of all our countries to implement the principles and practices of democracy and respect for human rights, including minority rights.- 加强我们所有国家的能力,以履行民主的原则与实践,尊重包括少数人权利在内的各项人权。



1.We should put emphasis on the honest-trust construction during thepractice of hospital culture.在医院文化的践履中 ,突出诚信建设 ,通过培育与管理、理论与实践、丰富与发展 ,构筑起具有医院特色的诚信文化 ,真正使诚信成为立院之本、兴院之

2.It then explains the characteristics of the spirit of the academy from four respects such as the independent spirit, equal spirit, all-embracing spirit andpractice spirit.文章首先界定了书院精神的内涵,然后从自主精神、平等精神、兼容并蓄精神和践履精神等四个方面阐述了书院精神的特征。

3.Based on such an integrative and diversal background, what should teachers do topractice national culture mission is discussed in this thesis.人类进入知识经济时代,政治民主化、经济全球化、文化多元化是新世纪的特征,“教师民族文化使命践履研究”正是基于这样的多元一体背景展开的。

3)Rigorous and Sound Scholarship谨严笃实

4)Sincere and glorious笃实光辉

5)honest and reliable笃实可靠

6)sound scholarship学问笃实


