100字范文 > 马克思实践哲学 Marxs philosophy of practice英语短句 例句大全

马克思实践哲学 Marxs philosophy of practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-29 06:04:25


马克思实践哲学 Marxs philosophy of practice英语短句 例句大全

马克思实践哲学,Marx"s philosophy of practice

1)Marx"s philosophy of practice马克思实践哲学

1.How to see the position of the philosophy of culture in Marx′s philosophy of practice?and how to understand Marx′s philosophy?These are key problems for the philosophy of culture research,especially for the academic positioning of the philosophy of culture,and they are of great importance for understanding Marx′s theory.人们通常所谓的“马克思主义哲学”实际上就是、也只能是“马克思实践哲学”,只有从这种角度来看,才能在正确理解马克思哲学的基本精髓的同时,探讨并确定文化哲学在马克思哲学理论体系之中的地位,从而既使这种研究不再流于“无家可归”的状态,也使它由于得到了准确的学术定位而得到更加健康的发展。


1.Analysis of "value" by Marxist practical philosophy;试论马克思实践哲学对“价值”的解析

2.Production and Technology: the Evolution of Marx’s Philosophy of Practice;生产与技术:马克思实践哲学的嬗变

3.On Position of Philosophy of Culture in Marx′s Philosophy of Practice;略论文化哲学在马克思实践哲学中的地位

4.On the Nature of Marxist Philosophy:Practical Philosophy of Anthropology;论马克思哲学的实质:实践人类学哲学

5.Practice is the Essence and the Core of Marxist philosophy;实践是马克思主义哲学的实质和核心

6.The Philosophy of Practice and Existence as the Contemporary Trends of the Philosophy of Marxism in China;当代中国马克思主义哲学的实践——生存哲学思潮

7.Construct the Philosophical System of Marxist Materialism in Praxis建构马克思的实践唯物主义哲学体系

8.Marxist philosophy is a practical materialism.马克思主义哲学是实践的唯物主义。

9.Main Content of Practical Implication of Marxist Philosophy;马克思主义哲学实践意蕴的主要内容

10.A Comparative Study of MacIntyre s "Practical Philosophy" and Marx s "Practical Philosophy";麦金太尔与马克思“实践哲学”的比较

11.Marxist Subject Philosophy of Practice and Anthropocentrism;马克思实践主体哲学与人类中心主义

12.Practice is the base of the new system of Marxist philosophy;实践是马克思主义哲学新体系的基础

13.Could Marxist Philosophy be Named Practice Materialism?;马克思主义哲学是实践唯物主义吗?

14.The Practical Unity of the Duality of Marxist Philosophy;论马克思主义哲学两重性的实践统一

15.Mao Zedong"s Practice Philosophy and Localization毛泽东实践哲学与马克思主义中国化

16.Practice:"Source" of Marxism Philosophy实践:马克思主义哲学创新的“源头活水”

17.Marxist Philosophic Attitude to Practice and Labor-the Theory and Teaching of Marxist Philosophy;马克思主义哲学的实践观与劳动观——马克思主义哲学理论与教学

18.The Philosophy of Praxis: Gramsci"s Understanding of Marxist Philosophy实践哲学:葛兰西对马克思主义哲学的理解


Marxist practical philosophy马克思主义实践哲学

1.The psychological methodology implication ofMarxist practical philosophy马克思主义实践哲学视域中的心理学研究

3)Marxist philosophy马克思哲学

1.Man’s Perceptible Activities and Perceptible World——The True Revolution in Marxist Philosophy;人的感性活动和感性世界——马克思哲学所实现的哲学革命

2.A Review of the Study of Contemporariness of Marxist Philosophy;马克思哲学当代性研究述评

4)marxism philosophy马克思哲学

1.Reflection on contemporary Marxism philosophy;马克思哲学的当代性反思

2.The more in-depth we study the Marxist philosophy,the more we feel it is need to explore the impact of Feuerbach philosophy on Marxism philosophy in its developing process.随着对马克思哲学研究的深入,我们感觉到有必要对其发展过程中产生过重要影响的费尔巴哈哲学进行深入探讨。

3.The change of Marxism philosophy total essence,in the development process,it has realized the change from abstract human to reality human;in the explain principle,it has realized the change from the hu- manity dimension to the unity of humanity dimension and history dimension;in the total property,it has real- ized the change from material ontology to history materialism.马克思哲学总体性质的转变,从发展历程看,马克思哲学实现了由“抽象的人”的学说到“现实的 人”的学说的转变;从解释原则看,马克思哲学实现了从“单一的人道尺度”到“人道尺度和历史尺度统一”的转 变;从总体性质看,马克思哲学实现了由物质本体论的唯物主义到历史唯物主义的转变。

5)Marx"s philosophy马克思哲学

1.Just in this meaning, to explainMarx"s philosophy is a ceaseless topic in the research.在近些年“回到马克思”或“发现马克思”研究和讨论中,涌现出对马克思哲学的多种解读,其中,社会关系理论研究以其独特的观察视角和明确的立意指向值得关注,成为一种新兴而重要的研究方向。

6)Marx philosophy马克思哲学

1.Marx philosophy and Modern West Philosophy counter-Metaphysics Tendency Comparison;马克思哲学与现代西方哲学反形而上学的趋势比较研究

2.The very name suitable should be Marx Philosophy,for this term is in conformity to the usual expression in philosophy history,the willingness of the cooperator F.按照哲学史上的通常表述方式,和恩格斯本人的意愿,以及方便实际研究与使用的考虑,马克思、恩格斯所创立的哲学应该叫做"马克思哲学"。

3.In the light of the view—Marx philosophy s real original name should be "new materialism",the paper propose that"this domination can t be established from philosophy s history s visual angle.针对认为马克思哲学的真正本名应是"新唯物主义"的观点,文章从哲学史发展证明"新唯物主义"的命名不能成立;马克思称之为"新唯物主义"之"新",只有与"旧唯物主义"对立的意义,而不是对自己哲学的命名。


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
