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实践哲学 practical philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-23 11:48:25


实践哲学 practical philosophy英语短句 例句大全

实践哲学,practical philosophy

1)practical philosophy实践哲学

1.The Priority of Virtue over Happiness——The Revival of Aristotle s Respect to Stoics in Kant s Practical Philosophy;众善相争 德性为上——亚里士多德“德性至上论”在康德实践哲学中的复活

2.The Initiation of modern anthropological thought pattern -a new research into Marxistpractical philosophy;现代人类学思维范式的创生——马克思实践哲学新探

3.On the Existential Turn of Marx s Practical Philosophy;论马克思实践哲学的生存论转向


1.Economics and Economical Philosophy: A Viewfrom Praxis Philosophy;实践哲学视野中的经济学与经济哲学

2.Translation Study:From Praxis Philosophy to Rational Philosophy;由实践哲学转向理论哲学的翻译研究

3.On Position of Philosophy of Culture in Marx′s Philosophy of Practice;略论文化哲学在马克思实践哲学中的地位

4.The Philosophy of Praxis: Gramsci"s Understanding of Marxist Philosophy实践哲学:葛兰西对马克思主义哲学的理解

5.New Route of Philosophy in Knowledge Economy Age:Symbol Practice Philosophy知识经济时代哲学发展新路向:符号实践哲学

6.From Philosophical Hermeneutics to Practical Philosophy;从哲学解释学到实践哲学——试析伽达默尔哲学思想的第二次转型

7.A Treatise on "the Fact of Reason" of Kant s Practical Philosophy;论康德实践哲学中的“理性的事实”

8.On the Alienation of Practical Philosophy and the Division of Modern Pedagogy;实践哲学的沉沦与近代教育学的分裂

9.Arguments on the Relation of Practice and Subjectivity;实践与主体性的关系——一种实践哲学的视角

10.The Discussion of the Historical Influence of Gramsci s "the Philosophy of Praxis";论葛兰西“实践哲学”思想及其历史效应

11.On the Nature of Marxist Philosophy:Practical Philosophy of Anthropology;论马克思哲学的实质:实践人类学哲学

12.The Philosophy of Practice and Existence as the Contemporary Trends of the Philosophy of Marxism in China;当代中国马克思主义哲学的实践——生存哲学思潮

13.Philosophizing or Practising:Dilemma of Educational Philosophy Research哲学化还是实践化:教育哲学研究的两难

14.The Connotation, Actuality and Realization of the Practicalness of Philosophy of Education;教育哲学实践性的涵义、现状及其实现

15.Practice is the Essence and the Core of Marxist philosophy;实践是马克思主义哲学的实质和核心

16.Birth of practice view in the 《Economic and philosophical Manuscripts of 1844》;实践观在《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的萌生

17.The Process Philosophy of Modern Academic Methodology and Quality of Practical Innovation;现代学术的过程哲学与实践创新品格

mentary on Saving s Jurisprudence and Legal Practice;萨维尼的法哲学思想与法学实践评析


practice philosophy实践哲学

1.Trace to the Source of Practice Philosophy——From Socrates to Aristotle;实践哲学思想溯源——从苏格拉底到亚里士多德

2.Gadamer spractice philosophy shows that it is of importance to strengthen the basic position of practice.通过研究伽达默尔的实践哲学理念,表明了实践的基础性地位应予以加强的重要意义。

3.Different names,ranging from "dialectical materialism","dialectical and historical materialism","the narrow sense historical materialism","practice philosophy",and "practice materialis",etc.在马克思主义哲学形成和发展过程中,它的创始人和后继者,曾经赋予新唯物主义不同的名称,例如,“辩证唯物主义”、“辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义”、狭义的“历史唯物主义”、“实践哲学”、“实践唯物主义”等等。

3)the philosophy of praxis实践哲学

1.Due to 20 years concentrated research on this topic, the content ofthe philosophy of praxis is revealed from multiple directions and the multi-dimensional comprehensions and views are formed.对实践哲学 2 0年较为集中的思考研究使实践哲学的内涵得到了多方面的展现 ,形成了多维度的理解和视界。

2.Gramsci s“the philosophy of praxis”has widespread and profound influence in the world,and has now become an upsurge for scholars from home and abroad.葛兰西的“实践哲学”思想在世界上产生了广泛而深远的影响,对其理论的研究已成为目前国内外学术界的一股热潮。

3." Gramsci hot " has arisen at home and abroad, Gramsci\"s "The Philosophy of Praxis" became the key research.国内外都兴起了“葛兰西热”,葛兰西的“实践哲学”成了人们研究的重点。

4)philosophy of practice实践哲学

1.The reasons and features of thephilosophy of practice and existence exist in certain time and the logic of philosophy itself,and the text clarifies the philosophy of Marxism in 1980s and 1990s in China into two stages.第一阶段,哲学面临着为现代化和市民社会确立理论基础的任务,主要成果是使实践人学上升为马克思主义哲学的本体论;第二阶段,哲学开始出现反思市民社会和现代性的个性自觉,旨在丰富和深化实践哲学的生存哲学成为马克思主义哲学发展的新方向。

2.It has both inherited and developed Marxist theory of practice, and helped to structure Deng Xiao-ping’sphilosophy of practice.邓小平理论的重要特征是实践性,它继承和发展了马克思主义关于实践的理论,建构了邓小平的实践哲学。

3.The philosophy of outlook of practice and thephilosophy of practice are not in a same serious of theory.实践观哲学是一种哲学观,实践哲学是一种哲学体系,不是一个层面的理论概念。

5)praxis philosophy实践哲学

1.“Non-rational Factors” in the View of Praxis Philosophy;实践哲学视野中的“理性不及”观念

2.In the history of west philosophy, there are two traditions named theoretical philosophy andpraxis philosophy.由于对生活实践的态度不同,西方哲学史上出现了理论哲学和实践哲学两大传统。

3.Marxist cultural philosophy is one kind of Marxistpraxis philosophy, as a basic contemporary fashion and form.马克思主义文化哲学是马克思主义实践哲学的一种基于当代情境的出场方式或者当代形态,是内在于实践哲学构想之中的一种思路和隐含逻辑。

6)philosophical practice哲学实践


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
