100字范文 > IDC业务创新 Innovation of IDC英语短句 例句大全

IDC业务创新 Innovation of IDC英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-23 13:03:49


IDC业务创新 Innovation of IDC英语短句 例句大全

IDC业务创新,Innovation of IDC

1)Innovation of IDCIDC业务创新

2)business innovation业务创新

1.Research on Business Innovation of Modern Commercial Bank;现代商业银行业务创新研究

2.Business Innovations and Development of National Commercial Bank on New Competition;新竞争形势下国有商业银行业务创新与发展


1.The Market Analysis and Operation Innovation on Modern Commercial Bank;新型商业银行的市场定位与业务创新

2.The Research on Innovation of the Personal Financial Services of Chinese Commercial Bank;我国商业银行个人理财业务创新研究

3.Research on the Personal Finance Innovation of Commercial Banks in China;中国商业银行个人理财业务创新研究

parative Studies on Intermediate Business Innovation between Chinese and Foreign Commercial Banks;中外商业银行中间业务创新比较研究

5.The acceleration service innovation reforming realization enterprise develops continually;加速业务创新转型 实现企业持续发展

6.Status Quo and Thinking of the Business Innovation in State-owned Commercial Banks;国有商业银行业务创新的现状与思考

7.On the Innovation of China s Domestic Banking Financial Business;试论中国银行业的国内金融业务创新

8.The Economics Analysis for Commercial Bank Operation Innovation of our Country;我国商业银行业务创新的经济学分析

9.The Key Method of Business Innovation of Commercial Banks in China;我国目前商业银行业务创新的突破口

10.The Present Intermediary Business Innovations of Chinese Commercial Banks;试论我国商业银行当前中间业务创新

11.Business Concept Innovation Model And Innovation Essence In Service Industry;服务业企业概念创新模型与创新实质

12.An Analysis on Innovation in Manufacturing and Service制造业创新与服务业创新:比较与融合

13.Establishing A Platform to Foster Service Innovation;构建创新平台,培育现代服务业创新

14.Creating Agricultural Vocational Education and Serving Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry;创新农业职业教育 服务农业农村农民

15.Business Process Reengineering(BPR) and Enterprise s Transform in China;企业业务流程重组(BPR)与我国企业创新

16.The Research on the Competitiveness of the Service Industry and Service Innovation in Hebei Province;河北省服务业竞争力与服务创新研究

17.Innovation Research on Financial Management for E-Commerce Era;电子商务时代企业财务管理创新研究

18.Innovation of E-Commerce to business model of corporation of our country;电子商务对我国企业商务模式的创新


business innovation业务创新

1.Research on Business Innovation of Modern Commercial Bank;现代商业银行业务创新研究

2.Business Innovations and Development of National Commercial Bank on New Competition;新竞争形势下国有商业银行业务创新与发展

3)operation innovation业务创新

1.Secondly it interprets zhejiang s microcredit innovation content,such as the institution innovation,operation innovation and credit innovation,in detail.简介小额信贷在国内外的发展概况,从制度创新、业务创新和信用创新三方面详述小额信贷融资创新的"浙江模式"现状,就其内涵进行了综合评析。

2.The exaltation for the commercial bankoperation innovation ability will be limited by many elements and must adopt the measures to solve the problems.市场经济体制的确立与完善,使我国商业银行业务创新的需求不断膨胀,电脑等信息技术在银行业务中的广泛应用和金融主体的多元化必将推动商业银行业务创新的供给不断增长。


1.Financial Leasing Innovation by Combination;以交叉组合实现融资租赁业务创新

2.The recent years faced awful difficulty in China s capital market development and moved towards the prosperity in investment bankinginnovation.近年来,我国资本市场发展遇到了很大的困难,但也迎来了投资银行业务创新的空前繁荣。

3.The on-line banking service is a new financial product and a businessinnovation.以中信银行为例,将网上银行业务在我国的兴起与发展中的问题进行了综述,并重点就类似中信银行这样的新兴中小银行如何进行网上银行业务创新开展论证,意在对金融体系创新做理论上的探讨。

5)Innovation busin创新业务

6)innovational business创新型业务


