100字范文 > 创新力度 Intensity of Innovation英语短句 例句大全

创新力度 Intensity of Innovation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-06 07:58:55


创新力度 Intensity of Innovation英语短句 例句大全

创新力度,Intensity of Innovation

1)Intensity of Innovation创新力度

1.Intensity of Innovation: The Primary Criterion for Evaluating Academic Achievements创新力度:评价学术成果的首要标准


1.Raising the enterprise competitive capability by increasing the strength of technical renovation;加大技术创新力度 提高企业竞争能力

2.Studies on Innovation of the Power Restriction and Power Supervision;权力制约与权力监督的制度创新研究

3.Research on Methods for Measuring Innovation Capacity Maturity of a Regional Innovation System;区域创新系统创新能力成熟度的测定方法研究

4.A Discussion on Institutional Innovation and Improvement of Enterprises′ Technological Innovation Capability;论制度创新与我国企业技术创新能力的提高

5.Promoting enterprise to improve capability of independent innovation by the fact that institutional innovation通过制度创新促进企业提高自主创新能力

6.Regional innovation system,stimulation of entrepreneurship and construction of innovation capability;区域制度条件、创业力激发与创新能力构建

7.A Study of the Impact of the New Technological Revolution and the Lower layer on the Institutional Innovation of the Top Layer;新技术革命与下层制度对上层制度创新的张力

8.System innovations enliven enterprises.制度创新为企业增添了活力。

9.Strengthening the System Innovation and Advancing the Development of Garden Economy In the County着力制度创新 推进县域园区经济发展

10.Research on Evaluation Model of the Independent Innovation Ability for Large-Scale Enterprises;大企业自主创新能力的测度模型研究

11.The Research on Country s State Owned Enterprise Manpower Capital and Its Property Right System Innovation;国有企业人力资本产权制度创新研究

12.The Institutional Originality, Human Capital and Economic Increase of Hebei Province;制度创新、人力资本与河北经济增长

13.A Review on Definition and Measurement of Creative Human Capital;创新型人力资本界定与测度研究综述

14.On Institution Innovation of Human Capital Production in Present China;现阶段我国人力资本生产制度的创新

15.The Cause of Lacking New Ideas in Institutions in People-run Schools and Countermeasures;民办学校制度创新乏力的原因及对策

16.On the System of Intellectual Property Rights in the Eyes of Technological Innovative Motive Power;技术创新动力视野中的知识产权制度

17.Measure of the human capital value and enterprises system innovation;人力资本价值计量及其企业制度创新

18.Improving Examination System of Colleges and Universities to Cultivate Students Innovative Abilities;改革高校考试制度 培养学生创新能力


gradient of innovation创新能力梯度

3)innovation ability创新能力

1.Teaching of Experimental Inorganic Chemistry and the Cultivation ofinnovation ability of students;无机化学实验教学与学生创新能力的培养

2.Nurturing postgraduatesinnovation ability and improving their quality of doing scientific research;培养研究生创新能力 全面提高科研素质

3.The cultivation ofinnovation ability in anatomy teaching;解剖学教学中创新能力的培养


1.Innovating Model in Experiment Subject and Improving Creativity in Seven-Year Medical Students;改革实验教学模式,促进长学制医学生创新能力培养

2.Survey of the ways to cultivatecreativity of college students;大学生创新能力培养途径探讨

3.The Training of the Student’s Creativity throughthe Higher-Mathematics Teaching;高等数学教学中学生创新能力的培养

5)innovative ability创新能力

1.Openning laboratory to improve students"innovative ability;开放实验室 提高学生创新能力

2.Cultivating the Students" Innovative Ability in Physical Chemistry Teaching;物理化学教学中创新能力的培养

3.Autonomous designing experiment forconnecting with training students"innovative ability;自行设计实验“茶叶中黄酮类化合物的提取与测定”与学生创新能力培养

6)innovation capability创新能力

1.Knowledge management increasesinnovation capability of enterprises: An empirical study;知识管理提升企业创新能力的实证研究

2.On the Dynamic Matching of IPR Strategy and Innovation Capability of the Firm Abstract;企业知识产权战略与创新能力动态匹配

3.Analysis on the Technological Learning and Variety and Evolution of Innovation Capability of Latecomer Firm:Analysis on TCL;后发企业技术学习与技术多样化及其创新能力演变分析:TCL案例剖析


