100字范文 > 效用感知 Perception of consumer shopping utility英语短句 例句大全

效用感知 Perception of consumer shopping utility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-06 16:18:54


效用感知 Perception of consumer shopping utility英语短句 例句大全

效用感知,Perception of consumer shopping utility

1)Perception of consumer shopping utility效用感知

1.Perception of consumer shopping utility is a prerequisite of consumer behavior in the process of e-commerce.效用感知是消费者实施购物行为的先决条件。


1.An Discussion on Telecom Provide Intermediate Paying Services Based on the Perception of Consumer Utility电信运营商提供支付中介服务的探讨——基于消费者效用感知的视角

2.How to Utilize the Sensation Rule to Enhance the Demonstration Method Teaching Effect;运用感知规律提高示范法的教学效果

3.The effect or product of perceiving.感知知觉的效果或产物

4.Study on Multi-Piezoelectric Effect and Its Application in Self-sensing Actuators;多次压电效应及其自感知执行器的应用研究

5.Clustering algorithm for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks using deployment knowledge使用部署知识的异构传感器网络有效成簇算法

6.Sense Psionics. You sense psionic powers and effects.感知灵能:你感觉到心灵异能及效果。

7.A low complexity optimal number of secondary user selection algorithm through maximizing resource utility一种低复杂度的最大化资源效用的最优感知节点数目优化算法

8.Relating to perception by a sensory organ.器官感觉的有关用感觉器官感知的

9.Effect of nosocomial infection knowledge training in nurse coordinators医院感染控制联络护士感控知识培训效果评价

10.The Analysis of Adjusting Effects of Personality Trait on Authorization Perception;人格特质对授权感知的调节效应研究

11.perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily.使用感觉迅速突然的感知。

12.Search your feelings. You know it to be true.用你的感觉去感觉,你就知道是真的

13.perceive with any or all of one"s senses.用一种或所有的感官感知。

14.He will apply his knowledge efficiently.他会有效地利用知识

15.Blind Sensing Algorithm for Cognitive Radio一种适用于认知无线电系统的盲感知算法

16.An Empirical Study on the Impact of Customer Perceived Justice on Service Recovery Effects;顾客感知公平对服务补救效果影响的实证研究

17.Research on Awareness-based Effective Cooperation in Collaborative Editing Systems;协同编辑系统中基于感知的有效协作研究

18.Utility of Perceived Risk Reduction Strategies in B2C E-commerce;B2C电子商务中感知风险降低策略的有效性研究


Knowledge Self-efficacy用户的知识自我效能感

3)perceived assessment感知效价

4)perceived effect感知效果

1.This Paper,based on the definitions of correlative concepts,customer satis faction,andperceived effect and so on,deduce the function of customer satisfact ion,customerperceived effect and key customer value firstly,and then discusses the waves among customer satisfaction,perceived effect,logistics service level a nd the logistics cost.本文从客户满意、感知效果等概念的定义入手,首先推导出客户满意、顾客感知效果和关键客户价值三者之间的函数表达式,然后运用“顾客感知服务质量”理论和“效益背反”定律探讨客户满意、感知效果、物流服务水平和物流成本四者之间的变动关系。

5)benefit perception效益感知

1.This paper did a case study of two typical trade shows at Dongguan City,Guangdong province,and applied the qualitative analysis approach to make a comparative analysis of thebenefit perceptions of exhibitors and visitors with an attempt of exploring into the necessity of professional theme positioning of exhibitions.本文运用定性研究的方法,对在中国广东东莞举办的两个不同主题定位的(即比较宽泛的及比较细化的)展览会的终端客户效益感知进行比较,试图探究展览会专业化主题定位的必要性。

6)perceptive effect感知效应


效用1.犹效劳。发挥作用。 2.功效;作用。
