100字范文 > 拥挤感知 perception of crowding英语短句 例句大全

拥挤感知 perception of crowding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-06 20:17:30


拥挤感知 perception of crowding英语短句 例句大全

拥挤感知,perception of crowding

1)perception of crowding拥挤感知

1.Based on comprehensive consideration of actuality, if managers can suitably affect visitorperception of crowding, then promote experience quality and relieve recreational sites pressure.在综合考虑中国庞大的人口基数,飙升的出游能力,景区人满为患现象的基础上,了解影响游客拥挤感知的因素,通过管理手段适宜的影响游客的拥挤感知,提升游客的体验质量,缓解景区压力,是具有重要现实意义的。



4)Congestion Aware拥塞感知

1.Based on edge-to-edge congestion aware three color marker一种边界到边界的拥塞感知的三色标记器


1.A Congestion Aware Slow-Start Algorithm for TFRC Protocol一种拥塞感知的TFRC协议慢启动算法

2.Based on edge-to-edge congestion aware three color marker一种边界到边界的拥塞感知的三色标记器

3.Study on congestion control based on neutron network基于感知器算法的网络拥塞控制研究

4.Study on the congestion in complex network based on traffic awareness algorithm基于感知流量算法的复杂网络拥塞问题研究

5.Practical congestion control algorithm for sensor networks一种实用的传感器网络拥塞控制算法

6.Research on Congestion Control in Multimedia Wireless Sensor Networks多媒体无线传感器网络拥塞控制研究

7.Based on Jam Notice Speed Driving Formation Algorithm and Simulation基于拥塞通知速率的主动队列算法及仿真

8.Research on Congestion Control Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks;基于无线传感器网络的拥塞控制算法研究

9.A Buffer Based Congestion Avoidance Algorithm for Wirless Sensor Networks;基于传感器节点缓冲区大小的拥塞避免算法

10.Hop-by-hop Cross-layer Congestion Control in Wireless Sensor Network无线传感器网络中的逐跳跨层拥塞控制

work congestion control algorithm based on parameter-insensitive design基于参数不敏感设计的网络拥塞控制算法

12.A Node-Level Congestion Avoidance Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks无线传感器网络中一种避免节点拥塞的算法

13.Survey of Congestion Control Technology for Wireless Sensor Networks无线传感器网络拥塞控制技术研究进展

14.bumper to bumper(汽车)拥塞, 挤撞

15.Cooperant Congestion Control Protocol Study Based on Pipeline Flux Leak Monitoring Sensor Networks管道流量泄漏监测的传感器网络中拥塞控制协议的研究

16.Research on Methods Dealing with Congestion Attack of WSN Based on J-Sim Platform基于J-Sim的无线传感器网络拥塞攻击应对方法研究

17.Content knows how to be free from desires. Gratitude is the gateway to wealth.知足,是解脱欲望的妙方。感恩,是拥有财富的法门。

18.A point of congestion or obstruction.阻塞点拥塞或阻塞的地点




4)Congestion Aware拥塞感知

1.Based on edge-to-edge congestion aware three color marker一种边界到边界的拥塞感知的三色标记器


1.Treatment of anterior crossbite of severecrowd in maxilla with non-extraction during growth spurt of puberty;生长发育期反伴上颌严重拥挤不拔牙矫治16例报告

2.By distinguishing the high density andcrowd,this paper argues that it should be careful to use high-den.通过辨识高密度与拥挤的关系,建议我国城市已有建成区采用高密度建设要慎重。


1.Change in the Contents of Lipid Peroxide,and Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Liver of Mice underCrowding Stress;拥挤胁迫下小鼠肝脏脂质过氧化物含量和抗氧化物酶活性的变化

2.From the point of view of trend toll control, study on transfer of highway network crowding degree, analyse the effect of trend toll on highway network crowding degree, and a function considering the toll influences is presented,thus a new method to solve the problem of highway network crowding is put forward.从动态收费控制的角度 ,对公路网拥挤度的转移进行研究 ,分析动态收费对公路网拥挤度的影响 ,提出道路收费影响的函数模型 ,从而为解决公路网的拥挤问题提供新的方法。

3.By combining fitness sharing method and crowding method in selection stage and replacement stage of genetic algorithms respectively, a fitness sharing crowding genetic algorithms is proposed.适应值共享遗传算法和拥挤遗传算法分别从不同角度改善了遗传算法的搜索能力 ,是寻找多个最优解的常用算法。


