100字范文 > 供应 supply英语短句 例句大全

供应 supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-27 02:01:19


供应 supply英语短句 例句大全



1.Analysis on the balance betweensupply and consumption of ecosystem services;生态系统生态服务的供应与消耗平衡关系分析

2.Sulphursupply: prospects and issues-Presentation at the Sulphur Institute" s 19 th Sulphur Phosphate Symposium;硫磺供应的前景和问题——在国际硫磺研究所第19届硫磺和磷酸盐研讨会上的发言

3.Short marketsupply of antimony keeping its price surging;供应短缺推动价格不断攀升——2002年上半年锑市场回顾与下半年预测


1.The act of supplying or fitting out.供应提供或装备的动作

2.We"re using special boxes offered by the suppliers.箱子是由供应商提供的,

3.hold over goods to be sold for the next season.贮存货物等供下季供应。

4.Suppliers Management and VMI Application under SCM Strategy;供应链战略下的供应商管理及VMI应用

5.current meter (electrical supply)电流(电力供应)表

6.in short supply供应不足,缺乏的,

7.United Nations Supply Depot in Pisa联合国比萨供应站(比萨供应站)

8.Qualify suppliers by accessing and evaluating supplier quality system.通过评审供应商质量体系认证供应商。

9.A Study on Supply Hub Mode under the Supply Chain Environment供应链环境下集配商供应模式的探讨

10.The Research on the Supplier Partnership in Supply Chain;供应链中的供应商合作伙伴关系研究

11.The Choose and Management of the Supplier among the Agile Supply Chain;基于敏捷供应链的供应商选择和管理

12.Research of Supplier Selection Based on Supply Chain Management;基于供应链管理的供应商选择的研究

13.Decision-making of Supply Chain Inventory in the Circumstances of No Alternative Sources;无替代供应源情形下供应链库存决策

14.Research on Supply Chain Coordination Mechanism Based on Supply Chain Contract;基于供应链契约的供应协调机制研究

15.Supply Chain Integration: SCM in Dell Company;供应链一体化——DELL公司的供应链管理

16.Supplier Selection and Sales Forecasting in Supply Chain Collaboration;供应链协同的供应商选择与销售预测

17.Research of the Appraisement of Suppliers Based on Supply Chain;基于供应链条件下的供应商评价研究

18.Research on Supply Chain Contract Efficiency Based on Multi-Supplier;基于多供应商的供应链契约效率研究



1.The management ofsupplying and purchasing of medical materials in large hospital;大型医院医用卫生材料的采购与供应管理

2.ANN-based prediction ofsupplying demand;基于ANN实现的供应需求预测方法

3.The consistency of such four aspects as scientific planning, adjusting, managing andsupplying should be realized to meet the basic requirement in bringing correspondence education to a higher level and ensuring the quality of teaching.因此 ,教材的选择至关重要 ,要求教材既要容易自学 ,又要知识新颖 ,只有科学的计划、调整、管理、供应四方面协调一致 ,才能达到提高函授教学水平和教学质量的基本要


1.Though totaldemand is forecast to fall by 5.6%,而供应量同比小幅增长了0。

2.Palladiumdemand from Auto-catalyst is forecast to rise by 8 per cent in .回顾了钯市场走势,分析了钯市场的供应和需求情况。

3.Moreover, in pursuit of long-termdynamic equilibrium of electric relation of supply anddemand is a keyprecondition for continuable and high-speed development of the electricindustry .本文以当前电力紧缺的现状出发,从经济学的角度研究电力供应和需求影响因素,建立相应的数学模型,研究了我国电力市场特别是河南电力市场电力供需不平衡产生的原因,对电力出现周期性富余和短缺现象进行了深入的探讨,并针对性地提出了平衡措施,实现电力市场供需的自动均衡。

4)sup. supply供应,供货


6)To provide for; supply with.提供;供应


