100字范文 > 燃料供应 fuel supply英语短句 例句大全

燃料供应 fuel supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-14 22:16:30


燃料供应 fuel supply英语短句 例句大全

燃料供应,fuel supply

1)fuel supply燃料供应

1.This paper analyzes the key issues on PPA articles, such as selection of the PPA power supply point,fuel supply, change in the law, force majeure, defaults and their definitions, dispute resolution, etc.通过对BOT电源项目PPA供电点选择、燃料供应、法律变更、不可抗力、违约及其界定、争议解决等核心条款的解析,希望能对我国电力公司进行海外BOT电源项目投资提供一定的借鉴和参考。


1.China Ship Fueling Company中国船舶燃料供应公司

2.This, in turn, might jeopardize the Navy"s fuel supply.这可能破坏海军的燃料供应。

3.a valve that regulates the supply of fuel to the engine.减少发动机的燃料供应量的阀。

4.He is in charge of arrangement for vessel repairing and provision of vessel fuels.他负责联系船舶修理和船舶燃料供应。

5.Advances in fuel feeding of passive micro direct methanol fuel cells被动式微型直接甲醇燃料电池燃料供应技术进展

6.Application of the Fuel Squeeze Supplying Technique in the Pulse Facility挤压燃料供应技术在脉冲设备中的应用研究

7.Survey of Effect of Fuel Supply on Economic Results of Stalk-burning Power Generation Projects;燃料供应对秸秆发电项目效益影响的测算

8.Fuel supply authorities should give preference to the supply of oligosaprobic coal for civilian use.燃料供应部门应当优先将低污染的煤炭供给民用。

9.How long can we continue to supplement agroecosystems with energy derived from declining fossil fuel supplies?由于矿物燃料供应量下降,我们供应农业生态系统能量能持续多久?

10.lay up supplies, fuel, etc储备供应品、 燃料等.

11.fuel storage and supply transfer station燃料贮存及供应转输站

12.The engine requires a fuel system to supply it with a mixture of air and fuel.发动机要求燃料供给系统为之供应气油混合燃料。

13.You promise us fuel , but can you guarantee Its supply你答应给我们提供燃料, 但能保证供应吗

14.You promised us fuel, but can you guarantee its supply?你答应给我们提供燃料, 但能保证供应吗?

15.contract with a firm for the supply of fuel.与一家公司就供应燃料一事签订合同

16.ration fuel in wartime;在战争时期配给供应燃料;

17.We must ensure continuity of fuel supplies.我们应该确保燃料供给不中断.

18.The Design of LPG Supply System for LR6105Q Dual Fuel Diesel Engine;LR6105Q双燃料柴油机LPG供气系统应用设计


raw material and fuel supply原燃料供应

1.After investigating the flow of steel production,the rules of sourcing,the environment of the market and the strategy of sourcing in steel enterpise,this article analyzes the characters and status ofraw material and fuel supply in large iron and steel enterprise and gives some suggestions on supplier management stragety.文章通过对大型钢铁企业的生产流程、采购流程、市场环境、采购策略等内部环境和外部环境调查,分析得出原燃料供应在大型钢铁企业中的地位、作用和特点,并得出相应的供应商管理策略。

3)fuel suppliers燃料供应商

1.Fuel supply is the lifeline of thermal power plants, there has been numerousfuel suppliers and a gradual increase in the impacts of fuels’variety,quality and price to the electricity generation and operation, thus make the workload of fuels’plan,transportation, coordination and control much heavier,while the accounting, statistics and analysis of the fuels increasingly complicated.燃料供给是火电厂的生命线,由于燃料的品种、质量、价格等对电力生产与经营的影响逐渐增大,燃料供应商点多面广,使燃料的计划、调运、协调、控制的工作越来越繁重,燃料的核算、统计、分析工作也越来越复杂。

4)fuel servicing truck燃料供应车

5)fuel duty燃料供应量

6)fuel feed pump燃料供应泵


