100字范文 > 燃油供给 fuel supply英语短句 例句大全

燃油供给 fuel supply英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-15 05:26:02


燃油供给 fuel supply英语短句 例句大全

燃油供给,fuel supply

1)fuel supply燃油供给


1.Fault Diagnosis of Fuel Pressure and Fuel Supply System of EFI Engine;电喷发动机燃油压力与燃油供给系统故障诊断

2.Remove the latch clip and disconnect the fuel supply hose.拆卸锁闩扣夹并断开燃油供给软管。

3.Research on Fault Diagnosis of Fuel Supplying System of Tank Diesel Engine;坦克柴油机燃油供给系统故障诊断研究

4.Dynamic tracking F-PFC of fuel oil feeding temperature for anode baking阳极焙烧燃油供给温度的模糊预测函数控制

5.The Research of the Control of Scramjet Fuel Supply System with Two Phase Flow;含有两相流的超燃冲压发动机燃油供给系统控制研究

6.Efficient fuel supply system and air intake system put fuel and air mixed fuller, burning totally and lower discharge of pollutants.高效的燃油供给系统进气系统,使燃油雾化和与空气混合更充分,燃烧更完全,污染物排放更低。

7.limiting stop for the maximum fuel charge燃油最大供给量限制器

8.The pipe feeds the combustion chamber with fuel oil这条管子向燃料室供给燃料油。

9.Fuel delivery system can be divided into two categories, carburetor and fuel injection.燃料供给系统可分为化油器和燃料喷射二大类。

10.The engine requires a fuel system to supply it with a mixture of air and fuel.发动机要求燃料供给系统为之供应气油混合燃料。

11.Research of Fuel Supply System on Diesel Burning WaterCoal Slurry by Experiment;柴油机燃烧水煤浆供给系统的实验研究

mon fault diagnosis of diesel fuel supply system柴油机燃料供给系常见故障诊断与排除

13.Design on Gas Supply System of the Dual Fuel Engine Refitted from a Small Diesel小型柴油机改装为双燃料发动机的燃气供给系统设计

14.Carburetor: Device for supplying a spark-ignition engine with a mixture of fuel and air.化油器:向火花点火式发动机供给燃油和空气混合气的装置。

15.Analysis on Electronic Control Fuel Injection System Overmatching Carburetor Supply System;电子控制燃油喷射系统优于化油器供给系统的剖析

16.fuel service system燃油供应系统日用燃油系统

17.Should there be any trouble with the boiler, the automatic controlling unit would cut off the fuel oil supply.假如锅炉出问题的话,自控装置会自动切断燃油的供给。

18.Technology development of electronically-controlled commonrail high pressure fuel injection system of automotivediesel engine汽车柴油机电控高压共轨燃料供给系统技术的发展


Fuel supplies system燃油供给系

3)fuel oil supply燃料油供给

4)fuel oil supplypump燃油供给泵

5)oil supply valve燃油供给阀

6)fuel supply system燃油供给系统

1.Examination and repair for electric control engine of Santana 2000 Gsi cars-Examination and repair forfuel supply system;桑塔纳2000Gsi轿车电控发动机检修——燃油供给系统的检修(连载一)

bining with the construction features of X195 diesel engine, without constructional modification of the original engine, a set offuel supply system is added.针对单缸四冲程柴油发动机保有量大、应用范围广,而又普遍存在油耗、排污相对偏高的问题,结合X195柴油机结构特点,在不改变原机任何结构的前提下,增设一套燃油供给系统。


