100字范文 > 分带 zoning英语短句 例句大全

分带 zoning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-11 15:41:56


分带 zoning英语短句 例句大全



1.The calcuating method and procedure of two stage fuzzy classification polymerization in assessing the slope stabilityzoning is introduced.针对斜坡稳定性分带界限存在的模糊性 ,应用模糊数学理论建立多级模糊分级聚类法。


1.banding technique显带技术,分带技术

2.polyphase sorting多相分类 -磁带的

3.Bandages, 9 percent,绷带,9个百分点。

4.Tape: Data storage device which can either be paper or magnetic. See Magnetic tape, Paper tape.带:贮存数据的装置;分别为纸带或磁带。参阅磁带,纸带。

5.A tape transport where the file reel is separated from the machine reel, and is not enclosed in a cassette or cartridge.供带盘和收带盘分开的一种磁带机,其磁带卷并不固封在磁带盒中。

6.Not divided into zones.不分区的不分地带的

7.The part of a harness strap that passes through a buckle.扣环的皮带穿过皮带扣环的皮带的一部分

8.Analysis and Design of a Wideband Microstrip Antenna with an Air Gap带空气层的宽带微带天线的分析与设计

9.associated with or divided into zones.与带状有关或分成带状的。

10.It is found in tropical and temperate regions of all oceans and is noted for its voracious appetite.分布于各大洋热带及温带区。食量大。

11.The manufacture of belts and buckles is put out to subcontractor.成带和带扣的生产,交分包商承做。

12.A ligament that limits the movement of an organ or a part.系带限制器官或身体部分运动的纽带

13.Karyotypes and G-banding、C-banding Patterns of Tetraogallus;雪鸡的染色体核型与G-带、C-带分析

14.A Study of Dual and Wideband Microstrip Antennas and Fractal Antennas;双频宽带微带天线和分形天线的研究

15.A study of peak distribution of narrow-band and wide-band random vibration;窄带和宽带随机振动的峰值分布研究

16.Preliminary Study to Anticlinal Zonobiome at the belt on the Banks of the Chang Jiang River;长江滨带植被的垂直地带性分布初探

17.Bandwidth Performance Analysis of the Ultra-wideband Circular Disc Monopole Antenna超宽带圆片单极天线的带宽特性分析

18.Analysis of the Broadband Conically Conformal Microstrip Antenna Using CFDTD Method宽频带圆锥共形微带天线的CFDTD法分析



1.Factors influencing mangroves intertidal zonation;潮间带红树林分带的影响因素

3)composition zoning组分分带

4)zonal distribution分带分布

5)Segmentation of Tectonic Zone构造带分带

6)inter-tidal zonation潮间带分带


