100字范文 > 分带值 sequencing scores英语短句 例句大全

分带值 sequencing scores英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-23 16:20:10


分带值 sequencing scores英语短句 例句大全

分带值,sequencing scores

singular value decomposition(SVD) bandpass-filter奇异值分解(SVD)带通滤波

3)revenue-based bandwidth allocation基于收入值的带宽分配

1.This paper proposes a genericrevenue-based bandwidth allocation model and presents the RBA(Revenue-based Bandwidth Allocation) problem can be classified into FRBA(Flexible RBA) and SRBA(Strict RB.本文提出一种基于收入值的通用带宽分配模型,将基于收入值的带宽分配问题分为完全满足带宽需求的严格带宽分配问题和部分满足带宽需求的灵活带宽分配问题,并证明其等效于背包问题。

4)frequency band threshold频带阈值

1.A waveletfrequency band threshold denoising method based on multi-resolution analysis is presented and the primary arithmetic steps is given.提出了一种基于小波多分辨分析的频带阈值去噪方法,并给出了此方法的主要算法步骤。

5)subband threshold子带阈值

1.Then three base color images are decomposed respectively by wavelet transform with more scale,subband thresholds of high frequency coefficients in three directions of different scale are computed,and the matrix is composed ofsubband thresholds,high frequency coefficients in three direction at different scale of single base color image are dealt with different.提出了一种对彩色图像降噪的新方法,该方法先把彩色图像分解为红、绿、蓝3个基色图像,然后利用小波变换分别对3个基色图像进行多尺度分解,求出其各个尺度三个方向高频系数的子带阈值,并组成1个子带阈值矩阵,对单基色图像的各个尺度3个方向的高频系数进行阈值处理,实现对单基色图像的降噪,最后把降噪后的3个基色图像融合为一幅彩色图像。

6)bandlimited interpolation带限插值

1.This paper propose an efficient algorithm of variance-time fractional delay line for sampling rate conversion(SRC),which implementsbandlimited interpolation employed orthogonal polynomial based on minimum the energy of approximation in time domain.提出了一种用于采样速率转换的时变分数延迟线算法,该算法是基于时域插值能量最小化,用构造的离散正交多项式进行带限插值。


