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育成 Breeding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-22 00:10:53


育成 Breeding英语短句 例句大全



1.TheBreeding of Male Silkworm Combination Qiuhua×Ping 30;雄蚕新品种秋华×平30的育成


1.His body has set.他的身体已发育成熟了。

2.He is physically mature.他的身体已发育成熟。

3.a fully developed person from maturity onward.一个完全发育成熟的人。

4.Youth Protection Ordinance青少年保护育成条例

5.She was bred (to be) a lady.她被教育成一个女士。

6.The bear was a fully grown adult.那只熊已完全发育成熟.

7.International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement [IEA]国际教育成就评价协会

8.Libraries made education possible,藏书使教育成为可能,

9.These outcomes embrace five different dimensions, namely, the moral, cognitive, physical, social and aesthetic.这些成果包括了“五育”—德育、智育、体育、群育和美育。

10.adult educatlon sex education for the 21st century""21世纪成人教育性教育""

11.African Institute for Continuing Educatio非洲成人进修教育学院(成人教育学院)

12.Studies on Effective Ways of Enhancing School Moral Education with Culture Acquisition;文化养成教育视角中的家庭养成德育

13.Extrude Features and Improve Quality of Adult Education;突出成人教育特色 提高成人教育质量

14.Creativity in Adult Education--the Answer of Adult Education to Network Education;成人教育创新——成人教育应对网络化教育的应答

15."Success Education" and the Reform in Basic Courses--Re-understanding "Success Education";“成功教育”与基础教育课程改革——“成功教育”再认识

16.Particularity of adult higher education and higher vocational sports education and education of lifelong sports;成高及高职体育教育的特殊性与终身体育教育

17.The formation, development, and maturation of an ovum.卵生成卵子的形成,发育和成熟

18.A blossom develops from a bud.花由花蕾发育而成。


growing-finishing pig育成育肥猪

1.In order to investigate the relationships of housing system environment enrichment on performance and carcass traits of pork pigs, eight different combinations of environmental enrichment were placed in thegrowing-finishing pig pen with three kinds of welfare establishments: iron chain, toy ball and concrete box with cobbles.舍饲圈栏环境对猪的生长发育和健康影响很大,为了解不同环境丰富度配置与肉猪生产性能和胴体性状之间的关系,利用铁链、玩具球以及拱槽3种福利性设施,设置8种不同的环境丰富度,对达兰配套系的320头70至150日龄的育成育肥猪进行了试验研究。

2.A 23 factorial experiment with two pens per treatment was conducted to examine the factors affecting the excretory behavior ofgrowing-finishing pigs.在不同的舍饲环境和饲养方式下猪的排泄行为随之变化,该文就育成育肥猪在常见的圈栏饲养方式下,对两种圈栏面积(14。

3)adult education成人教育

1.Explorations on howadult education of Chinese medicine serves the society;中医药成人教育社会服务的探索

2.Exploring of teaching methods ofadult education on "Introduction of Nursing Theory" curriculum;护理学导论在成人教育中教学方法的探讨

3.Discussion on teaching form and method ofadult education in new times;论新时期成人教育教学形式及教学方法的探讨

4)continuing education成人教育

1.Oncontinuing education based on the ideas of lifelong education;论终身教育视野中的成人教育

2.On archive administration of student status incontinuing education;成人教育学籍档案管理探讨

3.Methods The graduation thesis of junior college nursing students incontinuing education program of a college were investigated according to research contents and methods for the purpose of analyzing the current situations of nurse students ability in scientific research as well as the problems existing in their papers.方法对某校历届成人教育护理专科学生书写的毕业论文,按研究内容与研究方法进行分类统计,分析学生护理科研能力现状及毕业论文书写中存在的问题。

5)Success education成功教育

1.Using theory of success education to improve the quality in mathematics of undergraduates;成功教育与大学生数学素质的提高

2.Importance of Reinforcing the Education of Value Viewpoint While Carrying Out Success Education;在实施成功教育中加强价值观教育的重要价值

3.Research on Practising Success Education in the Course of Maths Teaching for the Students of Senior One;在数学教学中对高中一年级学生进行成功教育的研究

6)Cost of education教育成本

1.The institutions of higher learning should change the chaotic situations of accounting for the cost of education,stipulate strict yet scientific accounting system and pay attention to the accounting for the cost of education.教育成本是学校管理者、政府部门、学生和家长等有关各方普遍关注的重要信息。


安徽系列育成品种安徽系列育成品种Anhui series安徽系列育成品种(Anhui series)安一省农业科学院祁门茶叶研究所育成的几个茶树无性系品种,包括安徽1、3、7号,都是从祁门群体品种中栩叶类型分离选择育成的。安徽l号灌木型,大叶类,中生种,树姿直立,分枝中等。叶水平着生,叶形椭圆,叶面微隆起,叶长11.5厘米,叶宽4.6厘米,芽叶淡绿色,白毫较多,芽头肥壮,一芽三叶长5.27厘米,重0.56克,比对照(当地群体品种)增产15一20%。鲜叶单宁含量25.7%,水浸出物49.3%。适制红茶和绿茶。制红茶香气清醉较高,滋味醉厚爽口,汤色红亮,叶底红匀。制绿茶香气浓醉,滋味醉摩,汤色绿尚明,叶底绿稍黄,适宜在长江以南工夫红茶区及炒青绿茶区推广。安徽3号灌木型,中叶类,中生偏早,树姿半开展,分枝较密。叶长10.0厘米,叶宽3 .3厘米,叶形长橄日,叶片水平着生。鲜叶单宁含量23.4%,水浸出物含t48.5%,芽叶黄绿色。适制红茶和绿茶,翻红茶香气清醉,滋味醉较鲜,汤色红亮,叶底红匀较亮。制绿茶香气持久,滋味醉厚爽口,有收敛性,汤色较明亮,叶底绿嫩较匀,苗期抗病性弱,后期长势旺,比对照(当地群体品种)增产20%左右,宜在长江以南工夫红茶区及炒青绿茶区推广。安徽7号灌木型,小叶类,中生种,树姿直立,分枝密。叶片上斜着生,叶色深绿,叶形椭圆,发芽整齐,育芽力强,长势旺盛,比对照(当地群体品种)增产20%左右。鲜叶单宁含量24.3%,水浸出物含量49%,适制绿茶,制炒青品质优,具板栗香,香高清醉,滋味浓醉回甜,汤色黄绿清澈,叶底绿嫩,抗寒耐早力均强,宜在长江南、北炒青和烘青绿茶区推广。(杨维时)
