100字范文 > 节目编排 programming英语短句 例句大全

节目编排 programming英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-09-13 06:05:33


节目编排 programming英语短句 例句大全



1.TVprogramming,which reflects the layout of channel,is vital to the communication effect of programs and even the whole channel.节目编排作为电视频道"版面结构"的集中体现,关系到每个节目甚至频道整体效应的发挥。


1.The Innovation of Television News Arrangement in the Visual Culture Times;视觉文化时代电视新闻节目编排的创新

2.The Application of the Analysis Toward Audience s Watch-TV Behavior in TV Programming;受众收视行为分析在电视节目编排中的应用

3.Systemic Interpretation about Editing and Arranging Composite TV-news Program;综合性电视新闻节目编排的系统论读解

4.The Status Quo, Characteristics and Tendency of the Layout of Chinese TV Programs;当今中国电视节目编排现状、特点与趋势

5.The practice of scheduling similar programs in sequence to promote audience flow.是将类似节目编排在一起的做法.旨在提高受众流动.

6.From Creating Need to Creating Developmental Space: Enlightenment of TVB Emerald Station"s Advertisement Operation and Program Arrangement从创造需求到创造发展的空间——TVB翡翠台广告运营与节目编排的启示

7.make a programme of or for sth;put sth on a programme;plan or arrange sth编排某事物的节目单;将某事物编入节目单;计画或安排某事物

8.A category of programming usually based on similarities in program content.通常以节目内容的相似性而编排在一类的节目.

9.Congress does not interfere in any way in the organization of its programs.但国会决不干涉其节目的制作和编排。

10.The designing, scheduling, or planning of a program.程式编制,节目安排对节目和程序的设计、安排或计划

11.They reviewed and rehearsed their cover story.他们两个开始仔细推敲和排演他们编造的节目。

12.Recently we have arranged a novel and unique programme of playing string music in a series.我们新近编排了一个新颖别致的弦乐联奏节目。

13.a book, course, programme, etc intended for children, adults, beginners, etc为儿童、 成人、 初学者等而写的书、 开设的课程、 编排的节目等

14.The short program includes compulsory moves decide by the judges.The choreography of the long program is decided by the skaters and their coaches.短节目包括由裁判员确定的规定动作。长节目的舞蹈编排由运动员和他们的教员确定。

15.The organizer/presenter of the event reserves the right to add, withdraw or substitute artists and/or vary advertised programmes, seating arrangements and audience capacity.活动筹办/主办机构有权增减或更换艺人及/或更改已公布的节目、座位编排及容纳观众的数目。

16.Television Viewing As a Whole Program or As A Moving-on-river Made in Pieces--the Influence From the Different Television Viewing Modes to the TV Program’S Production and Layout;从整体收视到片断组合收视——电视收视方式的改变对综合频道节目制作与编排的影响

17.The interested user is encouraged to refer to "Guide for Compiling a Comprehensive Emission Inventory".有关的用户请参考“编译综合排放量编目单指南”。

18.are there any books which are not yet catalogued?有没有还没编排目录的书?


program scheduling节目编排

1.The Research on TV Ratings and Program Scheduling;收视率分析与电视节目编排策略

2.Based on the regulatory practice,this paper proves theoretically that there are DEAbased advertising revenue caps in three kinds of television channels while the audience s aggregate demand is fixed,by means of treatingprogram scheduling as the main output to measure the television broadcasting firms.文章在电视产业规制实践的基础上,把节目编排作为衡量电视传播企业的主要产出,在理论上证明了当观众的总需求固定时,三类电视频道都存在基于DEA的广告收入上限,其规制涵义在于,当把广告收入看作规制者给予电视传播企业的一种转移支付的形式时,基于DEA的广告收入上限给出了促进三种经营方式竞争的规制框架,因此,国家对广告收入上限的规制有着合理的理论基础。

3)television programming电视节目编排

1.This paper points out that thetelevision programming must have definite stand-points,entry-points and support-points from the angle oftelevision programming and television marketing.从电视节目编排与电视市场营销的角度指出电视节目编排要有明确的立足点、切入点和支撑点。

4)horizontal programming横线节目编排

5)vertical programming纵线节目编排

6)programme scheduling编排节目时间


