100字范文 > 伴奏 Accompaniment英语短句 例句大全

伴奏 Accompaniment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-18 13:52:40


伴奏 Accompaniment英语短句 例句大全



1.The Importance and Practical Significance of Normal PianoAccompaniment Lesson;浅谈高师钢琴伴奏课的重要性和实际性

2.The Study of 《Liu Tianhua Erhu Music(with PianoAccompaniments)》 by Lu Huabo;陆华柏配《刘天华二胡曲集(钢琴伴奏谱)》之研究

3.Piano accompaniment and singing involve not only the unification of instrumental and human sounds but also the cooperation between the player and the singer.钢琴伴奏与歌唱是人声与琴声的结合,又是演奏者与歌唱者的密切配合,特别是钢琴伴奏的双重身份,在很大程度上对演唱者起到了制约的作用。


1.A solo with or without accompaniment.独唱,独奏伴奏或无伴奏的独唱或独奏

2.A background accompaniment, as for a performer.伴奏为一个演奏者配音伴奏

3.Piano accompaniment for vocal music falls into two types: impromptu and written.声乐的钢琴伴奏,分为即兴伴奏和正谱伴奏两大类。

4.The pianist accompanied the singer.钢琴家替歌唱者伴奏。

5.she played the piano accompaniment cleanly.她的钢琴伴奏很清晰。

6.While he sang, I played on the flute.他唱歌,我吹笛伴奏

7.Appropriate for accompaniment by the lyre.适合由里拉琴伴奏的

8.The accompanying instruments include the eagle flute and the shougu (small drum similar to the tambourine).伴奏乐器有鹰笛、手鼓等,

9.singing with piano accompaniment由钢琴伴奏的演唱.

10.The band played while we danced.我们跳舞时乐队伴奏。

11.He sang to the guitar.他以吉它伴奏演唱。

12.She accompanied the chorus on the piano.她为合唱作钢琴伴奏。

13.She sang the songs to the guitar.她在吉他伴奏下唱歌。

14.a female baton twirler who accompanies a marching band.伴奏军乐队的女指挥。

15.The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano.这一乐章不需要伴奏。

16.having a single melodic line with accompaniment.与伴奏旋律线一致的。

17.choir organ(教堂内)合唱伴奏风琴

18.He sang to a piano accompaniment.他演唱由钢琴伴奏.



1.Piano′s impromptuaccompany is one of the embodiments of comprehensive ability which was influenced by many factors.即兴伴奏是一种综合能力的体现。

2.Accordionaccompanying teaching is one of basic abilities for middle and primary school music teachers to have,at the same time,is the required course for music education majors.手风琴伴奏是中小学音乐教师必须掌握的一项基本功,同时手风琴课程又是音乐教育专业学生的必修课。

3)rhythm accompaniment节奏型伴奏


5)Zheng accompaniment古筝伴奏

6)piano Accompany钢琴伴奏

1.ON Erhu Andpiano Accompany in vocational college music teaching;高师二胡教学与钢琴伴奏

2.It also to cooperate with the piano accompany to achieve the perfect artistic expression.文中从多方面、多层次分析歌唱进行艺术处理与表现、达到“歌唱与钢琴伴奏契合”的完美境界的方法、步骤和途


