100字范文 > 伴奏技法 Accompaniment techniques英语短句 例句大全

伴奏技法 Accompaniment techniques英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-17 01:03:49


伴奏技法 Accompaniment techniques英语短句 例句大全

伴奏技法,Accompaniment techniques

1)Accompaniment techniques伴奏技法

2)Accompaniment method伴奏方法

3)performance technique演奏技法

1.The paper summarized some features of Chaozhou zheng music with notation,modes,variation,banshi(tempo in Chinese folk music),temperament,andperformance technique,as well as the representative player Xu Shoucheng and his individual characteristic.文章从潮州筝曲的记谱、调式、变奏、板式、音律、演奏技法等方面对潮州筝曲的特征,以及潮州筝派代表人物之一的许守诚先生个性特点予以概述。

2.From the point of guzhengperformance technique, the paper recorded and narrated the general situation of guzheng playing skill in ancient time and its transform during the progress of developing.文章以古筝的演奏技法为切入点,以其发展过程中的流变为脉络,记述古筝在初创时期(战国时期)和繁荣时期(唐代)的演奏技法概况,辨析近代形成的古筝各流派演奏技法的文化内涵和技术特点,阐述当前古筝演奏技术训练中存在的不同观念以及个人的见解。


1.My Experiences with the Performance of Chinese Traditional Folk Music Repertoire: "Borrow the Performing Techniques of Chinese Traditional Folk Instruments, Grasp the Traditional Musical Perforrming Styles"借鉴民族乐器演奏技法,把握民族音乐演奏风格

2.On Composing Features and Performing Techniques of Mozart s Sonata in bB Major;莫扎特《~bB大调奏鸣曲》创作特征及其演奏技法

3.On Cèsar Franck Variations Symphoniques and Its Performance Technique Research II;弗朗克《交响变奏曲》及其演奏技法研究之二

4.A Discussion on the Performing Techniques of Pipa in Bai Juyi s "Song of Pipa";白居易《琵琶行》中的琵琶演奏技法探微

5.The Development of the Playing Techniques of Dulcimer and Composition of Works Since the Foundation of People′s Republic of China;建国以来扬琴演奏技法及创作的发展

6.A Research on Mongolian Piano Solo Musical Collection Offer Sacrifices to Mountain Its Mongolian Ethnic Minority Cultural Background and Its Playing Techniques;蒙古族钢琴独奏曲集《山祭》民族文化背景及演奏技法研究

7.Research on Musical Style and Performance of Piano Concerto No.2 by Saint-Saens;圣桑《第二钢琴协奏曲》的音乐创作风格与演奏技法研究

8.Artistic Style and Skills in Musical Performance of Suite Bergamasque of Claude Debussy德彪西《贝尔加玛组曲》的创作风格及演奏技法

9.The Guzheng Performance Technique Handed Down with Transform and Its Teaching Issue Nowadays;古筝演奏技法的流变及其当今教学中的问题

10.Primary Analysis about the Difference of Yangqin Performance between Guangdong and Dongbei;简析广东音乐扬琴与东北扬琴演奏技法的差异

11.The Comparison of Special Techniques between the Classical Guitar and Pipa古典吉他与琵琶特殊演奏技法的比较研究

12.Pipa Playing Skills and Arts Use Develop Since the Twenties of 20th Century;20世纪代以来琵琶艺术发展与演奏技法的演变运用

13.The Playing Techniques and Teaching Application of Rachmaninoff s Works<Etudes Tableaux>OP.33;拉赫玛尼诺夫《音画练习曲》作品33的演奏技法与教学应用

14.Fingering of playing the piano has thus become one important part that should not be ignored in playing the piano.因此,钢琴演奏指法是钢琴演奏中不可忽视的一项重要技术内容。

15.Skill in performing eg music表演技巧(如音乐演奏)

16.On Training of Sight-Instrument Play and Non-Sight-Instrument Play;论乐器演奏中视奏与背奏的技巧训练

17.Technical Analysis on Playing Fingering and Bowing of Violin Solo "The Shining Tashikuergan"小提琴独奏曲《阳光照耀着塔什库尔干》演奏指法与弓法技术探析

18.an artful performance on the violin技巧娴熟的小提琴演奏


Accompaniment method伴奏方法

3)performance technique演奏技法

1.The paper summarized some features of Chaozhou zheng music with notation,modes,variation,banshi(tempo in Chinese folk music),temperament,andperformance technique,as well as the representative player Xu Shoucheng and his individual characteristic.文章从潮州筝曲的记谱、调式、变奏、板式、音律、演奏技法等方面对潮州筝曲的特征,以及潮州筝派代表人物之一的许守诚先生个性特点予以概述。

2.From the point of guzhengperformance technique, the paper recorded and narrated the general situation of guzheng playing skill in ancient time and its transform during the progress of developing.文章以古筝的演奏技法为切入点,以其发展过程中的流变为脉络,记述古筝在初创时期(战国时期)和繁荣时期(唐代)的演奏技法概况,辨析近代形成的古筝各流派演奏技法的文化内涵和技术特点,阐述当前古筝演奏技术训练中存在的不同观念以及个人的见解。

4)playing techniques演奏技法

1.This paper will review the three stages of the development of theplaying techniques of dulcimer and the composition of works, probe into the patterns of the development of techniques and the composition of works at each stage respectively, demonstrating the achievement and accomplishments of this art since 1949.建国以来扬琴艺术得到高度发展,从三个时期对建国以来扬琴演奏技法及创作的发展进行历史梳理,探讨扬琴在各个时期演奏技法及创作方面的规律性的东西,从而看出建国以来扬琴发展所取得的成就。

2.In the following sections, his piano works are further explored by analyzing the works of "Second Piano Sonata" and comparing theplaying techniques.本文共分为四大部分,首先介绍了肖斯塔科维奇的成长,学习、生活以及他创作思想背景的形成、风格特征、音乐特征,接下来又探讨了他的钢琴创作,从而通过他的《第二钢琴奏鸣曲》的作品分析和演奏技法上的比较,透彻地熟悉他的钢琴作品。

5)performing skill演奏技法

1.This paper starts the point from two aspects, that is, music language andperforming skills.本文主要对德彪西《钢琴练习曲》第一集的音乐语言及演奏技法这两个方面进行了研究。

6)playing skills演奏技法

1.Proceed from national musicology, this article will analyse the Pipa artdevelopment and the influence from society, explain the relationship amongcomposing Pipa melody, Pipaplaying skills and the social environment.本文将从民族音乐学的角度出发,分析20世纪代以来琵琶艺术的发展以及社会环境对其发展的影响,阐述琵琶音乐创作、琵琶演奏技法、社会环境三者间的联系。


