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文艺思想 literary thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-12 21:09:51


文艺思想 literary thought英语短句 例句大全

文艺思想,literary thought

1)literary thought文艺思想

1.His thought,closely related to the garden theory,art and thoughts in the late Ming Dynalty and the early Qing Dynasty,is an important part of hisliterary thoughts.张岱园林美学思想与明末清初的园林理论、艺术风气和时代思潮有密切的联系,是他文艺思想的重要侧面。

2.As a literary conception and literary trend,literary thought is closely related to a particular social ideological thought and at the same time, it influences and normalizes writers creative activity.作为一个朝代的诗歌创作的领军人物,他们的文艺思想在某种程度上代表了唐朝的文艺思想的发展演绎。


1.Ba Jin s Literary and Artistic Thought and the 20th-century Chinese Ideological Thought in Literature and Art;巴金文艺思想与20世纪中国文艺思潮

2.Hu Feng s Ideology on Literature & Art and Marxist Theory of Literature & Art;胡风文艺思想与马克思主义文艺理论

3.On the Marxist Characteristics of Bakhtin s Literary and Artistic Ideology;论巴赫金文艺思想的马克思主义特色

4.On Personality Value of Culture and Art Ideology of Confucianism;试论孔儒文化及文艺思想的人格价值

5.Yuan Hao wen s Literary Thoughts And the Literary World between Jin and Yuan;元好问的文艺思想与金元之交的文坛

6.Did Shen Cong\|wen Belong to the Crescent Faction--An Inquiry Into Shen s Thoughts;沈从文是新月派吗——“沈学”文艺思想探究

7."A call for new literature and art"--Tentative comments on the literature-art ideology of Qu Qiubai;“为新文艺而呼唤”——试论瞿秋白的文艺思想


9.Subjective passions are the beginning and ending of literature and art"--The study of Guliyagawa Haguashao′s ideas of literature and art;“情绪主观是文艺的始终”——厨川白村文艺思想研究

10.A Literary Thinker with Paradoxical Complex--A Research into Yelu Chucai s Literary Thought;一个具有悖论情结的文艺思想家——厨川白村文艺思想研究

11.Returning to Lu Xun;回归鲁迅——邓小平文艺思想与鲁迅文艺思想之比较

12.On the Ideological Origins of Qu Qiubai"s Realistic Thought in Literature and Art浅议瞿秋白现实主义文艺思想的思想渊源

13."The Dream Thought" In Chinese literary Arts Thought;中国文艺思想的“梦思维”——古典文论阅读札记

14.Romanticism Aesthetics and Painting in France法国浪漫主义文艺思想及其绘画形态

15.Renaissance political thought文艺复兴时期政治思想

16.On the Harmonious Ideology in the Theory of Marxist Literary & Art Development马克思主义文艺发展论中的和谐思想

17.Humanism is the major content of the Renaissance.人文主义思想是文艺复兴的主要内容。

18.moral thoughts of humanists in Renaissance period文艺复兴时期人文主义者的伦理思想


thought of literature and art文艺思想

1.Biography of Zhuang Zi fully embodied Si Maqian′sthought of literature and art,which,to certain extent,fully reflects Si Maqian′s overallthought of literature and art,playing an important role in criticism on works and authors in Historical Records(Shiji) and shining with a great value.《庄子传》充分体现了司马迁文艺思想,它在一定程度上全面反映了司马迁的文艺思想,在《史记》作家作品批评上具有重要地位,闪烁着耀眼的价值。

2.Mao Zedong sthought of literature and art is the concrete application and development of Marxism theory of literature and art in China.毛泽东文艺思想是马克思主义文艺理论在我国的具体运用和发展,它又深深地植根于中华民族传统文化土壤之中。

3)thought on literature and art文艺思想

1.Zhou En-lai sthought on literature and art embodies some of the basic concepts and methods of dialectical materialism and historical materialism.周恩来文艺思想蕴涵着丰富的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的基本观点和方法。

2.It is a long process of sinicization of Marxismthought on literature and art.马克思主义文艺思想的中国化是一个漫长的过程,瞿秋白作为传播和实践马克思主义文艺思想的先驱者之一,对中国马克思主义文艺思想的形成产生了深远的影响,本文从服务于中国国情的翻译观、服从于中国革命的文艺理论观、立足于中国大众的文化观等三方面论述了瞿秋白马克思主义文艺思想的中国化特征。

3.This paper reviews the situation of studying the ancient Confucianthought on literature and art since the 20th century,analyses several main studying aspects in the new times,and makes academic self-examination of the situation of its research.本文从纵向上对20世纪以来的古代儒家文艺思想的研究现状作了回顾,从横向上剖析了新时期以来的几个主要研究方面,并就研究现状作了相应的学术反思。

4)literary theory文艺思想

1.They contain the author s penetrating views and profound insights,therefore serve for the main part of hisliterary theory.海涅的最后一本著作《卢苔齐娅》中的部分篇章涉及到文学艺术,这些文章饱含真知灼见,足以成为海涅文艺思想的重要组成部分。

2.According to Hu Feng, the development of literature is dependent on the co-efforts of the writers who are organized into a group by a magazine that is directed by a unified editorial thought and aliterary theory.胡风认为,文学的发展需依靠同人团体的共同努力,而同人团体的文学组织形式是同人刊物,同人刊物需要统一的办刊思想以及对同人团体的文学活动具有指导意义的文艺思想。

5)theory of literature and art文艺思想

1.Deng Xiaopingtheory of literature and art, which is the freshtheory of literature and art, germinated in the period of the war of Resistance Against Japan, and matured in the new times of our socialist modernization, is the inheritance and development of the Marxism-Leninism-Mao Tsetungtheory of literature and art in the new times.邓小平文艺思想是萌芽于抗日战争时期,成熟于改革开放的社会主义现代化建设新时期的崭新的文艺理论,是新时期的马克思主义文艺理论,具有鲜明的时代性、强烈的民族性、勇敢的创新性等本质特征,是指导建设有中国特色社会主义文艺事业的伟大纲领。

2.This paper,from two view of points of literature and art bearing relation to people and relation to politics,discusses Deng Xiaoping′stheory of literature and art,exposes Deng Xiaoping′s enriching and developing Mao Zedong′stheory of literature and art.本文从文艺与人民、文艺与政治两大角度论述了邓小平的文艺理论 ,并探讨了邓小平对毛泽东文艺思想的丰富和发

6)literary thoughts文艺思想

1.Positive,negative and random allusions were its major usage,conducting a great impact on formation and development ofliterary thoughts.这些用典实践,对其文艺思想的形成与发展产生了重要影响。


