100字范文 > 诗词创作 poetry creation英语短句 例句大全

诗词创作 poetry creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-14 08:13:25


诗词创作 poetry creation英语短句 例句大全

诗词创作,poetry creation

1)poetry creation诗词创作


1.The Inspiration to the Modern Poetry of the New literature WritorsOld-poetry Writing after "五四";“五四”新文学作家古诗词创作对新诗的启示

2.On the Creation of Old-style Poems and C-poems by the Revolutionary Poets as aGroup in the 20~(th) Century;20世纪革命家诗人群体的旧体诗词创作

3.The Literary Activities and Poems & Ci-poems Composing of the Poets Who Followed the Style of Liu Yuxi and Bai Juyi in the Late Tang Dynasty;论晚唐时期刘白诗人群的文学活动与诗词创作

4.On the Impact of Jiang Kui"s Poetics Thoughts on the Writing Style of His Poetry论姜夔诗学思想对其诗词创作风格的影响

5.A Comparative Study on Luxun and Qu Qiubai"s Poetic Outlook and Their Old Style Poetry Creation鲁迅与瞿秋白诗学观及旧体诗词创作比较论析

6.Aesthetic features of the poetry and songs by Liu Rushi;柳如是诗词创作的美学风貌及其成因

7.Analysis on Context and Phenomenon of New Literature Writers Old-poetry Writing Post-May 4~(th) Movement;“五四”后新文学作家古诗词创作语境及现象分析

8.LIU Xi-zai-A Writer with Individul Style;一位别具气质的作家——刘熙载诗词创作平论

9.However, the Ci poems written by Shudan were the most convincing witness of the special historical period.舒??的诗词创作是这一时期历史的最有力见证。

10.Discussion Chao Buzhi s Hermitage and Poetry Creation Influenced by the Hermitage;论晁补之的归隐思想及其影响下的诗词创作

11."Original-State" Writing On MAO Dun s Poetry During Institutional Revolution;“原生态”的抒写——论茅盾文革时期的旧体诗词创作

12.Ancient-styled Poems Writing of Modern Readers and Their Academic Relationship;现代学者旧体诗词创作与其学术之关系

13.On Mao Zedong s Motivation of Creating Some Poems on the Eve of “Cultural Revolution”;毛泽东“文化大革命”前夕几首诗词创作缘由考析

14.A study of the poetry of the fourth Zengs at Nanfeng宋代南丰曾氏家族第四代诗词创作考论

15.About the Influence of Chiness Poetry on Masho s Works;浅谈中国诗词对芭蕉诗文创作的影响

16.Key words: Fei Ming; poem-fame; Poems; poem-theory, writing-attitude.关键词:废名;诗名;诗作;诗学主张;创作态度.

17.Creating Ci(词) in the Style of Poem: A Way of Yin Kuo(檃括);“以诗为词”亦“檃括”创作词调歌曲

18.The Prosperity of Lyrics in the 20th Century and Its Enlightenment for Chinese Modern Poems;百年歌词创作繁荣及其对新诗创作的启示


poems and Ci creative history诗词创作史

3)old poetry writing古诗词创作

1.4,many new literature writers devoted to the creation of the new poetry,On the surface,theold poetry writing was not modern,but it is a modern thing: firstly,the theold poetry writing has its modern quality,its content has the same quality as the new poetry;secondly,theold poetry writing is a modern thing from which the new poetry writing gains enlightenment.五四新文学作家中不少人在五四落潮以后重新进行古诗词创作,表面上看没有什么现代性,甚至有复古的嫌疑,而事实上,新文学作家重新开始创作古诗词是一个现代性事件:一从现代古诗词自身来说,它们已经具有了现代新质,其内容和五四时期的新诗内容的现代新质具有共同性。

4)the poem、the word and the tune creation诗词曲创作

5)the practice of writing poetry诗词创作实践

6)ancient Chinese poems and phrases古代诗词创作


《郁达夫诗词笺注》郁达夫诗词笺注 作者:詹亚园 笺注 出版者:上海古籍出版社内容简介:在中国现代文学史的读本中,郁达夫通常是作为小说名家被介绍给读者的,然而其旧体诗词情韵跌宕,才思恣意,艺术成就并不在小说之下。郭沫若评价郁氏的文学成就说:“其旧诗词比他的新小说更好。”刘海粟评价说:“诗词第一,散文第二,小说第三,评论文章第四。”本书收郁达夫旧体诗词近500首,以写作时间先后为序,对郁氏诗词作了全面的笺注。每首诗前有题解,说明该诗的写作时地及创作背景;对诗中史实、典故、人名、地名等,校勘认真,笺注详尽;书后附郁达夫所作断句、联句、题词等,以示其诗歌创作全貌。全书资料丰富,体例清晰,不仅便于读者欣赏、理解原作,也为研究郁达夫诗作就提供了较好的版本。
