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创作 creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-06 19:37:21


创作 creation英语短句 例句大全



1.Contemporary aesthetic trends of thought and Chinese architecturecreation;当代美学思潮与中国建筑创作


1.Creative Thought of Architectural Creation & Innovation of It s Works;建筑创作的创造性思维及作品的创新

2.To create or produce(a literary or musical piece).创作创作或制作(文学或音乐作品)

3.The author of a work is the citizen who has created the work.创作作品的公民是作者。

4.To create a literary or a musical piece.创作创作文学或音乐作品

5.create a poem; Schoenberg created twelve-tone music; Picasso created Cubism; Auden made verses.创作一首诗;创作一段音乐;创作一篇小说;创作一幅画。

6.a musical work that has been created.已经被创作的音乐作品。

7.buckle to a task [writing a book]努力从事工作 [创作]

8.Poe composed mystery stories as well as love poems.爱伦·坡创作爱情诗歌也创作推理小说。

9.To invent, compose, or recite without preparation.即兴创作无准备地发明、创作或者背诵

10.Shen Congwen s "Discussion on Creation" and His Creation of Novels in the 1930s;沈从文30年代的“论创作”与小说创作

11.On New Immigration Novel Authors and Their Motivations;新移民小说创作主体及创作动机管窥

12.The Close Relationship between the Experiences in Childhood and Literary Creation of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Writers;童年创伤体验与作家创作的深层关系

13.The Cnating times and purpose of Cao pei s lun wen of Dianlun;曹丕《典论·论文》创作年代与创作目的

14.The method of literary creation and the principle of literrary creatien:concepts of different gradation;创作方法与创作原则:不同层次的概念

15.Creation Lies in Love"-- On Lu Xun s Love and Creative Writing;“创作总根于爱”——论鲁迅的情爱与创作

16.of or by or typical of an author.属于作者,或由作者创作,或作者特有。

17.Copying designs or works of art and submitting them as your original work;抄袭设计或艺术创作并作为自己的创作上交。

18.Research and Writing--A Criticism of Creation Theories of Both New and Old Scholars who specially study Dreams of Red mansions考证与创作——对新旧“红学”作家创作论的批评



1.Feeling Varies in the World and Picking Tea Drama Is Best Offered to Relatives——A Tentative Discussion on Qin Zhouese Liu Bei-you and His Writing;“世上千般万种情,最喜采茶敬亲人”——论钦州市采茶戏名家刘北尤及其创作

2.Writing,Critics and Dissemination——the Functions ofwriting on Same Topic in Jianan period;创作、批评与传播——论建安同题共作的三重功能


1.On the Composition and Performance of Chinese Art Songs in the Early 20th Century;浅谈20世纪早期中国艺术歌曲的创作与演唱


1.The times we paid more attention to poets and the fate of country created so many political lyric poetries which developed the main melody and linked individuals with times and their country.诗人注目时代的发展与国家的命运,创作出许多把小“我”和时代、国家联系在一起,高扬主旋律的政治抒情诗;乌曼尔阿孜的代表作是《闪电》和《天狼》,他的诗歌最突出的艺术特色是感情真挚充沛,形象鲜明饱满,语言生动活泼。

2.His greatest achievement was that he created the mythical world of Yoknapatawpha.本文介绍了这个神话王国的创作原委,并对“约克纳帕塔法世系”小说作了一个简要评述。

3.the lyrical novel is one kind of new styles in modern novels,The Sweet osmanthus flowering late created by Mr.抒情小说是现代小说的一种新样式,郁达夫先生创作的《迟桂花》就是抒情小说的典范。

5)Literary creation创作

1.The Influence of Shangzhou Tradition of Viewing Sons as Better than Daughters On Jia Pingwa s Literary Creation;论商州重男轻女思想对贾平凹创作的影响

2.Examination of Zhang Xiaoxiang s life experiences and literary creation;关于张孝祥生平和创作几个问题的考辩



创作1.亦作"剏作"。 2.制造,建造。 3.始创。 4.特指文艺创作或文艺作品。
