100字范文 > 电刀 Electric knife英语短句 例句大全

电刀 Electric knife英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-25 04:10:46


电刀 Electric knife英语短句 例句大全

电刀,Electric knife

1)Electric knife电刀

1.Research about safe application of the high electric knife in the plastic and cosmetic surgical;高频电刀在整形美容手术中安全使用的探讨

2.Safe operation of the high-frequency electric knife;高频电刀安全使用技术探讨

3.ConclusionElectric knife with .目的探讨电刀切除阑尾而残端不予荷包包埋处理的临床疗效。


1.The mechanisms properties and technique progresses of high-frequency electrotome and Argon knife are discussed in this paper.本文重点介绍了临床上应用最多的高频电刀、氩气刀的作用原理、特点及技术进展 ,介绍了当前发展的许多新型设备性手术器械的大致原理及应用。


1.Objective:Electrome and Ultracision harmonic scalpel (UHS) are very important instruments used in dissecting tissue and sealing vessel in laparoscopic operation.目的:电刀超声刀是腹腔镜手术中重要的切割止血工具,本文探讨恶性肿瘤腹腔镜手术中电刀和超声刀电凝切割是否会释放活的肿瘤细胞于烟雾中,探讨腹腔镜手术器械操作引起的肿瘤细胞脱落与扩散情况,从而揭示穿刺孔转移瘤(PSM)发生的可能机制。

4)Electrical Knife电工刀(刀片)

5)electric cutter电子剪刀


1.Snowflake: This ia an activity the whole family can enjoy together%26#33; Children create beautiful cutout snowflake designs on the computer.剪纸花:丰富的纸花样式与电子剪刀赋予传统的剪纸艺术新生命!

2.Cut with scissors, cut with scissors.用剪刀剪,用剪刀剪。

3.A scissors was lying on the table.一把剪刀放在桌子上。

4.It’s a penknife, scissors, corkscrew all rolled into one.这集小折刀、剪刀和螺丝起子于一身。

5.cutter ,hoof (excl. scissors) ,of base metal蹄子切刀(不包括剪子),贱金属制

6.A man came to grind the knives and scissors.有一个人来磨刀子和剪子。

7.a pair of trousers scissors, tongs ]一条裤子一把剪刀, 一把钳子]

8.a pair of trousers [ scissors, tongs ]一条裤子[一把剪刀, 一把钳子]

9.With a few quick snips of the shears he pruned the bush.他用大剪刀几下子就把灌木给修剪好了.

10.With a few quick snip of the shear he prune the bush.他用大剪刀几下子就把灌木给修剪好了。

11.Never poke a finger or scissors into an electric socket.千万不要把手指或剪刀插进电源插座。

12.Please pass me the scissors to cut this string.请递给我剪刀割断这根绳子。

13.You" ll blunt the scissors if you use them to cut cards.用剪刀剪硬纸板,你会把剪刀弄钝的。

14.The occupation of a cutler.刀具业刀剪匠或刀剪商的职业

15.cut with or as if with scissors.用……剪或者好像用剪刀。

16.cut with shears, as of hedges.用大剪刀修剪障碍物。

17.Cut out the circle with a pair of scissors.用剪刀把这个圆剪下来。

18.having the hair or wool cut or clipped off as if with shears or clippers.用剪刀剪头发或羊毛。



1.The mechanisms properties and technique progresses of high-frequency electrotome and Argon knife are discussed in this paper.本文重点介绍了临床上应用最多的高频电刀、氩气刀的作用原理、特点及技术进展 ,介绍了当前发展的许多新型设备性手术器械的大致原理及应用。


1.Objective:Electrome and Ultracision harmonic scalpel (UHS) are very important instruments used in dissecting tissue and sealing vessel in laparoscopic operation.目的:电刀超声刀是腹腔镜手术中重要的切割止血工具,本文探讨恶性肿瘤腹腔镜手术中电刀和超声刀电凝切割是否会释放活的肿瘤细胞于烟雾中,探讨腹腔镜手术器械操作引起的肿瘤细胞脱落与扩散情况,从而揭示穿刺孔转移瘤(PSM)发生的可能机制。

4)Electrical Knife电工刀(刀片)

5)electric cutter电子剪刀


1.Application and analysis ofelectrotome in fixed prosthesis of anterior teeths;高频电刀在前牙美学修复中的应用及分析

2.Effect of high-frequencyelectrotome gingivectomy in prosthodontic treatment;高频电刀在老年人牙龈切除术中的应用

3.Application of DDS technology toelectrotome based on CPLD;基于CPLD实现的DDS技术在高频电刀上的应用


