100字范文 > 下刀 Lower knife英语短句 例句大全

下刀 Lower knife英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-16 18:19:21


下刀 Lower knife英语短句 例句大全

下刀,Lower knife

1)Lower knife下刀


1.Place down that knife before you hurt someone!放下刀,别伤了人!

2.The criminal dashed down his knife and then raised his hands.罪犯扔下刀,举起了双手。

3.Please check the up-cutter-head of knife at the notch part is whether rightly opposite to the necking of down-cutter-head or not ,and no binding phenomenon.请检查开槽部上刀盘的刀片是否与下刀盘的刀槽对正,运行时无卡滞现象.

4.Fix [Unfix] bayonets!(口令)上[下]刺刀!

5.Unfix bayonet!【军】[口令]下刺刀!

6.This split should be made by inserting the point of the knife under the hide with the lade turned up.将刀尖插入皮下,用刀锋划开牛皮。

7.Well, I suppose that we that live by the sword shall perish by the sword.依我看,操刀为生者必死在刀下。

8.She dug the knife in before cutting the cheese她把刀插下去切奶酪。

9.Or as another raying goes, "The butcher who lays down his knife at once becomes a Buddha."又云:‘放下屠刀,立地成佛。’

10.a butcher becomes a Buddha the moment he drops his cleaver.放下屠刀,立地成佛。

11.Cut out the circle with a pair of scissors.用剪刀把这个圆剪下来。

12.Put down that knife before you hurt somebody !把那刀子放下, 以免伤人!

13.The chalk is below the scissors.粉笔在剪刀的下面。

14.He fell a victim to the dagger of an assassin.他死于刺客的刀下。

15.There are5 active buttons and actoiive baffles that move left and right. Please press the active button as you need.磨刀在手动状态时,按下所要磨刀的对应按钮。如果5把刀同时要磨刀,就按整体磨刀按钮。

16.He lowered it and drew his hunting-knife from its beaded sheath at his hip.他放下枪,从屁股后面的镶珠刀鞘里拔出猎刀。

17.He made a stroke with the machete and the impact snapped it out of his hand.他一刀砍下去,砰的一声,把刀子都震飞了。

18.The policeman wrenched the knife from the attacker"s hand.警察把刀从袭击者手中扭下来。


Lower blade下刀梁

1.A project was put forward to solve the problems brought by the lower blade of the electrostatic oiler.本文针对静电涂油机应用中下刀梁存在的缺点,提出了一套解决方案,继而应用有限元软件ANSYS对静电涂油机中下刀梁所处的静电场进行了模拟,从理论上验证了该方案的可行性,并依靠有限元分析的结果,在实际应用中实现了斜喷技术,取得了良好的效果。

3)beginning router point下刀点

4)Helix"s Operation螺旋下刀

1.Study on the Application of MasterCAM onHelix"s Operation;对MasterCAM螺旋下刀方式中的参数设置做了深入的探讨,依据参数直接选择较大的刀具,不仅较好地避免了多次重复试加工的问题,还提高了单件生产效率。




