100字范文 > 乳化依托咪酯 etomidate英语短句 例句大全

乳化依托咪酯 etomidate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-04 00:40:50


乳化依托咪酯 etomidate英语短句 例句大全



parison ofetomidate and propofol compound used in the examination of gastroscopy and colonoscopy乳化依托咪酯与丙泊酚分别复合应用于胃肠镜检查中的比较


1.A Clinic Study of Etomidate-lipuro in Painless Gastroscopy;乳化依托咪酯用于无痛苦胃镜检查的临床研究

parison of etomidate and propofol compound used in the examination of gastroscopy and colonoscopy乳化依托咪酯与丙泊酚分别复合应用于胃肠镜检查中的比较

3.Etomidate-Lipuro to be used in anodynia artificial abortion依托咪酯脂肪乳剂在无痛人工流产术中的应用

4.Efficacy of Etomidate Combined with Ketamine in Children Anesthesia Maintenance Undergoing Operation乳剂依托咪酯复合氯胺酮用于小儿静脉麻醉的临床观察

5.Clinical Observation of Etomidate Fat Emulsion Injection and Fentanyl in Treatment of Artificial Abortion依托咪酯脂肪乳注射液复合芬太尼应用于人工流产术的临床观察

6.Myoclonus after injection of etomidate:the effect of pretreatment of midazolam咪达唑仑预处理减少依托咪酯所致的肌阵挛

7.Etomidate in the elderly application painless gastroscope依托咪酯在老年人无痛胃镜中的应用

8.Age-dependent Relationship on the Arterial Pressure and Heart Rate of Etomidate for Hypnosis with the Guidance of Bispectal Index年龄对脑电双频指数指导依托咪酯镇静时血压和心率变化的影响

9.Application of Etomidate and Propfol Combined with Remifentanil in Total Intravenours Anesthesia乳剂依托咪酯与丙泊酚复合瑞芬太尼用于静脉全身麻醉的临床观察

10.Effect-site concentration of remifentanil blunting tracheal intubation response during anesthesia induction with etomidate依托咪酯乳剂诱导时雷米芬太尼抑制气管插管反应的效应室靶浓度

11.Efficacy of Pretreatment of Vecuronium Combined with Dilution of Etomidate on Etomidate-induced Myoclonus预注维库溴铵联合稀释依托咪酯减轻依托咪酯全麻诱导中肌阵挛的临床研究

12.Effects of Etomidate on Human Adrenocortical Function;依托咪酯对肾上腺皮质功能影响的研究

13.The Study of the Effect of Etomidate on Kindled Models依托咪酯对点燃模型的作用及机制研究

14.The clinic effect on Etomidate-anesthesia for adrenalectomy依托咪酯在肾上腺肿瘤切除术麻醉的临床观察

15.Effect of Etomidate on Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism of Rat Livers in vitro依托咪酯对鼠肝线粒体能量代谢的影响

16.Intranasal instillation of sufentanil reduces myoclonus induced by etomidate鼻内滴入舒芬太尼减少依托咪酯所致肌阵挛

17.Inhibition of Etomidate on Amygdala Kindling in Rats依托咪酯对大鼠杏仁核点燃模型的抑制作用

18.Effects of Etomidate and Midazolum and Propofol on myocardial enzymes in patient undergoing open heart surgery依托咪酯、咪唑安定、丙泊酚对心内直视手术病人心肌酶的影响


Etomidate fat emulsion injection依托咪酯脂肪乳

1.3 mg/kgEtomidate fat emulsion injection.目的研究瑞芬太尼和芬太尼复合依托咪酯脂肪乳注射液应用于无痛胃镜的临床效果和安全性。


1.Application ofetomidate and remifentanil in total intravenous anesthesia;依托咪酯乳剂复合瑞芬太尼在全凭静脉麻醉中的应用


1.Application ofetomidate combined with remifentanil in painless enteroscopy in elderly patients;依托咪酯复合瑞芬太尼在老年患者无痛肠镜检查中的应用

2.Effects of Etomidate and Propofol on the Duration of Seizure during MECT;依托咪酯和丙泊酚对无抽搐电痉挛治疗癫痫发作持续时间的影响

3.The Effects of Propofol or Etomidate on Cerebral Oxygen Extraction under Different Bispectral Index;体外循环中不同双频指数下丙泊酚或依托咪酯对脑氧代谢的影响

5)Etomidate fat emulsion依托咪酯脂肪乳剂

1.Etomidate fat emulsion as a new form of medication is attracting more attention from researchers.新剂型依托咪酯脂肪乳剂的出现使其重新引起人们的重视。

6)Etomidate Injection依托咪酯注射液


依托咪酯注射液【通用名称】依托咪酯注射液【其他名称】依托咪酯注射液 依托咪酯注射液 拼音名:Yituomizhi Zhusheye 英文名:Etomidate Injection 书页号:2000年版二部-399 本品为依托咪酯的灭菌水溶液,含依托咪酯(C14H16N2O2)应为标示量的90.0%~110.0%。 【性状】本品为无色的澄明液体。 【鉴别】(1)取本品1ml,加碘化铋钾试液数滴,即产生砖红色沉淀。 (2)取含量测定项下的溶液,照分光光度法(附录Ⅳ A)测定,在241nm的波长处有最大吸收。 【检查】 pH值 应为5.0~6.5(附录Ⅵ H)。 有关物质 照高效液相色谱法(附录Ⅴ D)测定。 色谱条件与系统适用性试验 用十八烷基硅烷键合硅胶为填充剂;以甲醇-0.062%醋酸铵溶液 (60: 40)为流动相;检测波长为240nm。理论板数按依托咪酯峰计算应不低于2000,依托咪酯峰和降解产物 峰的 分离度应符合要求。 测定法 取本品适量,加流动相稀释制成每1ml中含依托咪酯1mg的溶液,取5μl注入液相色谱仪, 柱 温为50℃,记录色谱图;保留时间依次为丙二醇、降解产物、依托咪酯;量取降解产物和依托咪酯的 峰面积, 按归一化法计算,降解产物应不超过1.4%。 热原 取本品,依法检查(附录Ⅺ D),剂量按家兔体重每1kg注射1ml,应符合规定。 其他 应符合注射剂项下有关的各项规定(附录Ⅰ B)。 【含量测定】精密量取本品5ml,加乙醇制成每1ml中含10μg的溶液,照分光光度法(附录Ⅳ A), 在 241nm的波长处测定吸收度,按C14H16N2O2的吸收系数(E1% 1cm)为501计算,即得。 【类别】同依托眯酸。 【规格】10m1:20mg 【贮藏】遮光,密闭,在阴凉处保存。
