100字范文 > 规律 law英语短句 例句大全

规律 law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-20 04:25:54


规律 law英语短句 例句大全



1.Study on thelaw of improving the capabilities of PP-R resin with nano-meter oxid particles;纳米氧化物粒子改善PP-R树脂性能的规律

2.Thelaw of subsidence and calculation method in the case of utmost non-full extraction;极不充分采动条件下地表下沉规律及计算方法研究

3.Calculation of numerical imitation andlaws of ground subsidence of Ningdong Coal Mining Areas;宁东采煤区地表沉陷数值模拟计算与规律


1.Alternate Law [flight control law]备用规律〔飞行控制规律〕

2.Flare Law [flight control law]拉平规律〔飞行控制规律〕

3.universal and particular laws一般规律和特殊规律

4.The laws he had in mind were those of "human nature", i.e. psychology.他心目中的规律是“人性”规律,即“心性”规律。

5.early development mechanism【遗】初期发育规律

6.Direct Law [flight control law]直接控制规律〔飞行控制规律〕

7.Lacking consistency, regularity, or uniformity.无规律的缺乏连续性、规律性或一致性

8.The law of the unity of opposites is the fundamental law of the universe.对立统一规律是宇宙的基本规律。

9.Regularity ought to be observed, as regularity is very conducive to health.生活应遵守规律,因为规律对健康有益。

10.One direction S-rough decision law and decision law mining;单向S-粗决策规律与决策规律挖掘

11.The Assemble Law and Radiation Law of Higher Education in Our Country;我国高等教育的集聚规律和辐射规律

12.Educational regularity" and"About educational regularity;“教育规律”与“关于教育的规律”

13.Brief Discussion on Dialectical Relations between the Laws of Nature and Society;略论自然规律与社会规律的辩证关系

14.On the Relation of Price Rule, Supply and Demand Rule;试探价值规律与供求——价格规律的关系

15.The theory involves laws of prepa-ration, laws of p ractice, laws of effect.其学习规律理论主要包括:准备律、习律和效果律。

16.The bus service is very irregular.公共汽车非常无规律。

17.a disturbance of the normal sleep pattern.打扰了正常的睡眠规律。

18.rule of diffusion with dilution稀释作用的扩散规律



1.Study on the distributingrule of gas emission in working face;回采工作面瓦斯涌出分布规律的研究

2.Evolvementrules of the roof control and crack field in working face;顶板防治与回采工作面裂隙场演化规律

3.Gas logging variationrules and interpretation method improvement for Baolang Oilfield;宝浪油田气测变化规律及解释方法改进


1.Study on releasingregularity of solid chlorine dioxide;固体二氧化氯释放规律研究

2.Research onregularity of theoretical value and actual measured value in steam coal blending;动力配煤理论值与实际值之间的规律研究

3.Study on waterfloodingregularity of heavy oil reservoir in Henan oilfield;河南油田稠油油藏水淹规律研究


1.Treatment Rules of Large Intestinal Disease in Medical Secrets of an Official;《外台秘要方》中大肠病治疗的规律

2.The degree of information asymmetry and its changingrules;信息不对称度及其变化规律研究

3.Probe into applying principlerules to solve avtual problems of sunshine;运用原理规律解决太阳光照实际问题的探索


1.The Mineralization Pattern and Laws of Deep Groundwater in the Qaidam Basin;柴达木盆地深层地下水成矿模式及其成矿规律

2.Treating Laws ought to Follow General Laws:to discuss howlaws convert into rules according to developing rules of oral clinical medicine;治疗规则应遵循一般规律——从口腔临床医学规则的制定谈规律怎样变成规则

3.Laws of Urban Transport Strategies of Global Cities and Inspirations;世界大城市交通发展策略的规律探讨与启示


1.Water cut changing regulation and estimation method research in low permeability and narrow thin sand oil field低渗透窄薄砂体油田含水变化规律

2.We get the regulation of temperature field and the temperature stress distribution, by employed finite element simulation software simulated the temperature field and the temperature stress of concrete.本文拟通过有限元软件模拟混凝土温度应力及其发展规律,并在相同温湿度等条件下进行混凝土温度应力变化规律的研究,发现混凝土温度应力的变化发展规律,进而指导混凝土结构设计及应用,从而有效地预防由于混凝土温度应力过大导致的结构损伤与裂缝。

3.There are basic regulation from original meaning to extended meaning,such as from concrete to abstract,from part to entirety,from individual to general,from the full words to the function words.而词义的引申派生是一种有规律的运动,是按一定的方式和顺着一定的脉络实现的。


