100字范文 > 硬化规律 hardening law英语短句 例句大全

硬化规律 hardening law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-14 09:00:35


硬化规律 hardening law英语短句 例句大全

硬化规律,hardening law

1)hardening law硬化规律

1.By processing the experimental data witthin the framework of elastoplasticity theory, specific expressions for the yield function andhardening law have been obtained, and the elastoplasticity coupling law and flow rule have been verified.在弹塑性理论的框架内对实验数据和资料进行了整理,得到了屈服函数和硬化规律的具体表达式,验证了弹塑性理沦的模型能足够精确地反映大理岩材料的力学性质。


1.Study on the Face Hardening Discipline on High-speed Grinding Parts based on Fixed Abrasive固着磨料高速研磨工件表面硬化规律的研究

2.Research on Work Hardening Ability and Mechanism of High Manganese Steel by Simulating Actual Working Condition;模拟实际工况条件下高锰钢加工硬化规律及机制的研究

3.Concerning with legal means "hardening" the morals norm;关于以法律手段“硬化”道德规范的思考

4.The changing tendency of the volume ratio of the left and right lobe to the whole posthepatitic cirrhosis patients" liver慢性肝炎肝硬化病肝左右肝叶体积变化规律

5.Change of Plasma Hsp70 Level and Its Mechanism during the Formation of Atherosclerosis;血浆Hsp70在动脉粥样硬化形成中的变化规律及其产生机制

6.The Ion Concentrations in Water Extraction Solution of High C_3S Cement Paste高C_3S水泥硬化浆体水浸取液中离子浓度的变化规律

7.The Study of Distribution of Extracoronary Atherosclerosis and Relationship between Extracoronary Atherosclerosis and Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis by Ultrasound;外周动脉粥样硬化分布规律的超声评价及其与冠状动脉粥样硬化相关性的研究

8.AIM: To analyze the features of aorta atherosclerosis and cardiac functional damage, and seek the regularity.目的:分析吸烟者大动脉粥样硬化和心功能损害特征,寻找其规律性。

9.The Research on Quantitative Diagnosis of Frequent TCM Syndrome of Hepatocirrhosis and the Principle of Herbs Used by TCM Treatment;肝硬化常见中医证候的计量诊断及用药规律研究

10.The Optimize of ECU for Coal Bed Methane Gas Engine and the Study of Control Rules;煤层气发动机电控单元硬件优化及控制规律研究

11.Research on Influence of Superabsorbent Polymer on Shrinkage Performance of Hardening Concrete;超强吸水聚合物对硬化期混凝土收缩性能的影响规律研究

12.Research on the Significance of Changes of Inflammatory Cells in Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndromes of Arteriosclerosis Obliterans动脉硬化闭塞症炎症细胞因子的变化规律与中医证型的相关性研究

13.Basis on experiment results,the paper discused the regularity of effect of alloy clement on microhardenness of carbicly in theory.本文根据实验结果,从理论上讨论了合金元素对碳化物显微硬度影响的规律性。

14.Effects of Rare Earth Addition on Microstructure and Properties of Cemented Carbides;稀土对硬质合金结构和性能影响规律的研究

15.The Research of Goaf Gas Emission Law about Hard Roof Comprehensive Mechanized Coal Mining Face;坚硬顶板综放工作面采空区瓦斯涌出规律研究

16.Research on the Deformation Rule of Surface Movement Caused by Mining under the Conditions of Thick Alluvium and Hard Solid Rock;厚松散层厚硬岩层开采地表移动变形规律研究

17.Research of Distortion Rule and Crumb Micro-character of Hardened Mould Steel in High Speed Milling淬硬模具钢高速铣削切屑显微特征与变形规律

18.Rock pressure of high angle thick coal seam by numerical calculation大倾角坚硬顶板厚煤层矿压规律数值计算


strain harding law应变硬化规律

3)hardening behavior硬化律

1.The theory of single crystalline constitutive model which is able to describe cyclichardening behavior was established.综合 Weng和 Bassani硬化律 ,通过对它们的改造 ,建立了一个适合于描述单晶循环硬化的单晶硬化律 ,并提出了适用于非比例循环加载条件下开动滑移系的预测方案 ,在此基础上 ,采用林同骅多晶塑性模型建立了适用于非比例循环加载条件下数值模拟迭代格式 。

4)Hardening Law of Crystal单晶硬化律

5)change law变化规律

1.Study onchange laws of biomass and productivity of Masson Pine forest plantationⅢ Biomass and productivity of different site;马尾松人工林生物量及生产力的变化规律Ⅲ不同立地生物量及生产力变化

2.Research onchange law of loessial physical property;黄土物理性质变化规律研究

3.Distribution characteristics andchange law of the key elements in the coastal water of Sanya Bay,Hainan;海南三亚近岸海域水化学要素的分布特征和变化规律

6)Aging rule老化规律

bined with the mechanical data,the aging rule and aging mechanisms for PMMA in tap water were clarified qualitatively.研究是在自来水(50℃温度)条件下对有机玻璃做了70 d(天)左右的人工加速老化试验,然后对不同老化时间的有机玻璃试样进行了宏观力学性能测试,并进一步利用凝胶渗透色谱法(GPC)、示差扫描量热法(DSC)等手段,分析了老化前后有机玻璃试样的结构和组成差异,结合老化前后有机玻璃力学性能的变化,揭示了有机玻璃在自来水条件下的老化规律和老化机理。


矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)矛盾规律(见对立统一规律)law of contradictionmQOCun gu】j口、矛盾规律(lawof eon‘radietion)统一规律。见叶主
